Hello Ladies.
It's me, Tiffany {aka one of the Original SITS Girls and The R Family freak.}
{Hijack here from Angie: AND one of my all time favorite bloggers}.
I am here hijacking Angie's place.
Can I just say for the record that I LOVE her hair.
Just wanted to get that off my chest.
Now, on to today's topic....
"Tag Lines. Everybody needs one."
Entering the bloggy world, you never know what kind of opportunities will arise.
Afterall, you may get an email one day from a publisher wanting to share your clever posts with the world and whisk you away on a fabulous book tour. Right? Right.
Oprah needs to know how to introduce your blog. Right? Right.
With twitter allowing only 140 characters, you need to be concise, people. Right? Right.
Can I just say for the record that I LOVE her hair.
Just wanted to get that off my chest.
Now, on to today's topic....
"Tag Lines. Everybody needs one."
Entering the bloggy world, you never know what kind of opportunities will arise.
Afterall, you may get an email one day from a publisher wanting to share your clever posts with the world and whisk you away on a fabulous book tour. Right? Right.
Oprah needs to know how to introduce your blog. Right? Right.
With twitter allowing only 140 characters, you need to be concise, people. Right? Right.
You, my dolls, need a tag line.
SITS has "The Secret to Success is Support." See? Concise, says a lot in a few words, looks good on a t-shirt, etc.
A few of my bloggy friends and I were recently working on a top secret project and needed to come up with one... I thought they came out great:
Lula is a semi-rebellious southern belle who believes monogrammed handkerchiefs and tattoos will never be out of style.
Kathy is a sarcastic mother of three who's busy home daycare clashes with her desire to do nothing all day.
Heather is a stay at home mom who swears by traditional values, black nail polish and anything Hello Kitty.
Are those great or what?
So, now it's you turn. Come up with a tag line.
SITS has "The Secret to Success is Support." See? Concise, says a lot in a few words, looks good on a t-shirt, etc.
A few of my bloggy friends and I were recently working on a top secret project and needed to come up with one... I thought they came out great:
Lula is a semi-rebellious southern belle who believes monogrammed handkerchiefs and tattoos will never be out of style.
Kathy is a sarcastic mother of three who's busy home daycare clashes with her desire to do nothing all day.
Heather is a stay at home mom who swears by traditional values, black nail polish and anything Hello Kitty.
Are those great or what?
So, now it's you turn. Come up with a tag line.
You'll thank me from Oprah's couch. Promise.
Of course, it's me, so there is a contest.
Leave your tag line in the comments and I'll pick a winner on Monday.
$20 to Amazon.com... {you know you can buy just about anything over there.}
Of course, it's me, so there is a contest.
Leave your tag line in the comments and I'll pick a winner on Monday.
$20 to Amazon.com... {you know you can buy just about anything over there.}
Oh, wait. You need to know mine, right? Right.
Tiffany is a merlot-loving momma and entreprenuer who thrives to dwell in possibility and designer handbags.
I know. Fabulous, right? Right.
Oh, even if you can't come up with a tag line, leave a comment so Angie will ask me back.
Tiffany is a merlot-loving momma and entreprenuer who thrives to dwell in possibility and designer handbags.
I know. Fabulous, right? Right.
Oh, even if you can't come up with a tag line, leave a comment so Angie will ask me back.
Help a sister out.
Ha! Those were great. I'm going to have to think and that HURTS on a Friday!
Andrea is a writer living life in a foreign country while negotiating children, speeding tickets and confusing take-out menus.
"Yaya is a hopeful mommy-wannabe who enjoys all things orange and animal cracker belly buttons."
Wow...it's really early to make my brain work so hard! Here's goes...
"April is a proud Southern stay-at-home mom and domestic engineer who could easily survive on Chick Fil-A sweet tea for the rest of her life!"
Just Jingle. Random. Creative. Fun. Randomly Creatively Fun.
hmmm...that may need some work...we'll see! LOL!
Off to work, so I can't think on a great tagline right now, but I still wanted to leave a comment.
Tiffany, you are fabulous! :)
I'm just going to rip off my tagline from my profile.
Joy, a book lover & thrift store stalker with a Pavlovian reaction to the shiny and the sparkly.
Rhea is a Texas cowgirl who ropes words and rides reality on the ranch in her head.
Best I could do short notice and first thing in the morning.
**think think think**
Maybe the shower will help, it sure helps my singing!
I will be back!
Love ya Tiffany!
Um...Rhea is quick on the draw! Love hers!
I also love Angie. And her hair.
And Tiffany...with her fabulous tag line.
Tori is an emotional college girl who would spend every minute with her awesome family, friends, and boyfriend--if it weren't for class.
A bit long...but I don't have time to make it better, lol.
Great post, Tiffany!
I am An ex Colorado-an by way of Arizona...and now New Jersy....who was born in Oklahoma. I guess that makes me a super tan, skiing, cowgirl with an attitude.
Renee: From Diaper Cakes to Walmart Mom in 8 months or less.
those are great!
don't forget it is FREE GIVEAWAY FRIDAY! at my blog, and this week's giveaway is beautiful!
Erin: A straight talkin, loud laughing, often lazy mama and wife getting thru life one recipe & glass of wine at at time.
Heather is a hopeful handmaiden to her patients and her kiddos who secretly desires a haven where SHE can be cared for.
Wow, you can tell I have had one of THOSE weeks, can't you?
Great post, Tif. Are we gonna put our tag lines on the back of our SITS shirts someday?
a tagline...a tagline...i anm awful at this.
rachael is a couture loving, target wearing mama who photographs everything that crosses her path.
LOL! Love these! :)
Kelly is a first-time mom set on conquering the world and corporate America.
Hmmm...guess my subtitle
Louis carrying, True Religion wearing country girl living the simple life
Love my 5 kids and family..busy raising the next generation.
Megan is a deal addicted, fashion lover, on a budget close to $0, mommy to a crawler/destroyer, blogging crazy, O.C.D lady.
Small town discursively happy girl that loves a good deal!
Hollie is a girl who can't function without coffee, loves makeup and is on her search for happiness.
Forgot to include my e-mail.
Megan is a deal addicted, fashion lover, on a budget close to $0, mommy to a crawler/destroyer, blogging crazy, O.C.D lady.
justformeandyou2 at gmail dot com
Shelley is a vinyl making, bite size snicker indulging multiples mom, of three, who almost always needs a girls night out, once a week, or she'll drown in the overwhelming stress and responsibility of her super-hero, potty training, stay at home mom, own her own business...FABULOUS status!
Alex is a mom needing a sabbatical from her ongoing sabbatical.
I can't NOT enter my tag line here.
Angie is a word loving, book devouring, designer jean obsessed mama to 5. With red hair.
I would've never thought to make a tag line without you, my love. Thank goodness I did, because I just KNOW it will come in handy some day soon.
Simply Anonymom is an average mom trying to make the ordinary extraordinary.
This is too fun!
Jennsue Wild~ is one hot momma who looks fabulous while doing laundry in her diamonds and furs.
Sam is a Super Woman complex having, Girl Scout Leading, Mental Health giving, wedding from Hell planning, Dog Momma who desperately wants to be laying on a beach in North Carolina.
Look at the linky love! How can anyone NOT love Tiffany...or Angie's hair?? Physically impossible.
Reading these taglines is fun...my vote so far is for Rhea and Angie...quick on the draw for reals.
Hi Angie!!!
Here's mine:
I had a mind once. Now I have children.
Mimi, proving that motherhood & a case of the crazies can have a positive outcome and that Pepsi & Xanax do not cancel each other out.
Those are some great tag lines!
I have my standard...
"Art is an experience that transcends all culture boundairs... it makes us feel"
BUT... I need something FUN for moi... hmmmm
"Fifi is a champagne drinking mom/artist trying to escape to Paris daily"
LOL... I think I like that one!
I'll have to come back with mine too. I haven't even brushed my teeth yet. Ugh. I'm carefully breathing through my nose so I don't pass out!! Oi.
And no. That's not my tagline!! lol
hehe... never thought of a real tag line... usually I just use:
"I am a woman, no more and no less."
But lets try:
"Suzi is a single mom trying to find her soul mate, the perfect lift-kit for her Jeep, and her car keys..."
Okay, you guys are HYSTERICAL! These are fantastic.
This is so insanely funny. Haha. I think I will need more time to come up with my tag line LOL...but I will be back!!
Abby and Mandy proudly let the world know we are bargain shoppers extraordinaire. Marked down, Clearance, Free shipping we know we are not the only ones singing this to these are a few of my FAVORITE things. . .
These are great!
Kim - A wacky redhead whose desire to be famous clashes with her agoraphobia.
Ok, I had to leave, go clean the kitchen and come back with mine. I wish I could say it's worth the wait.
Stephanie is a woman with a wok, enjoying daily adventures in the kitchen & sharing it with friends & family.
This actually will be incorporated into something I am "cooking" up. I hope to divulge early next week!
My bio reads -
A mother to two wild Indians and aspiring trophy wife who serves as a chef, procurement agent, chauffeur, research assistant, warden, photographer, estate manager, sports agent, and ranch hand, who has a propensity for wasting time and spending money in a desperate pursuit of all things wild and wonderful.
Oh, I've toyed with the tag line for so long. ...
Still haven't come up with one.
But, you've got me thinking! Have a great weekend!
- Julia at Midwest Moms
Love your post and I love Angie. If I were to come up with a tagline it would be something like this...
Maridith a mommy of two, a hard-working business woman with creative aspirations bigger then time and money will allow!!
this is good stuff. i have to say, i'm not a fan of oprah, but i still think i should get a line. i mean, i'm gonna be {NOT} famous.
danyele is a caffeine loving, hoody wearing, doesn't say no, sarcastic and smiling wife 2R and momma 2 4 girlie pies.
Kandace is a coffee addicted mother of two whose strong moral values clash with the stripper pole in her living room. She gives lessons on Sundays.
Oh man, I'm terrible at things like that!! But some of these are great!
Michelle - a Starbucks addicted mom to two who dreams of what every woman wants; a clean kitchen and a spa that's magically invisible to anyone under 12.
AHHH LAWD - here goes!
Donnetta is a Diet Coke addict with a salt fetish whose deepest desire is for just one day to do nothing but sit on my butt and blog!
Alecia is the whore-able red headed step child who always gets left out.
stu is the self proclaimed ruler of the world and is trying to rally his troops to inforce his demands for peace and harmony.
Oh, what fun! Some great taglines here! OK, I finally came up with one:
Stacy enjoys being a Sassy Mama to a Princess Nagger and writing Random Thoughts so you don’t have to think straight.
Tagline?? I totally need one, but don't have a clue where to start. Since I can be a procrastinator and can't think of fun and witty things right away, how about "I'm a momma, and I have no clue."
Ok, probably not a winner, but give me a week or so, and it will be golden!
Okay, here goes ~
T Rex Mom: Renaissance wife and mother/T Rex wrangler (mother of a precocious toddler)
I have two tag lines:
Swirl Girl is all about the thinking, not the drinking.
Swirl Girl may not always be really pretty, but she's always pretty real.
i thought i had to come up with a tagline for the THLK ladies!
ok - sue is a kiwi mum of 4 who has difficulty coming up with her own tagline
hehe - i heart merlot too (and cheap handbags)
Okay...after almost no thought at all because I don't have to to think...
Ronda, not really a ranter more of a huffer and a puffer while trying to remember where she placed her sunglasses and coffee!
Awesome idea! Love it!
Robin is... making it all up as she goes along.
Here is my tag line:
Just a mom trying to come up from her buried with children pile.
nice huh?
HONK!! HONK!! The meter's running!!
I am a woman, not so quietly struggling with keeping my world simple and the world's hands off my children...probably too serious huh?
How about April is a NOT so trendy or politically correct mom that spends more money on books than clothes...probably too nerdy Huh?
Oh well guess I'm not gonna get that call from Oprah!!
Oh dear, I'll have to think on this one!
Amy, just an ordinary girl trying to live an extraordinary life, 25 hours a day!
Sparkette is a energetic single military mom with lots of crafty ideas and baking skills.
Sounds good I think :)
Scary Mommy is working on her potty mouth, never without a Diet Coke and despite losing brain cells by the day thinks this parenting gig is the best thing around.
I wrote that last week for my blog and agonized over it. And I still don't love it. So hard!
Kim is an overprotective, neurotic, but fun-loving free-thinker who longs for brilliance and adventure.
Can I change this later? :0)
Shannon, a Coca Cola-addicted and TV-obsessed SAHM, trying to find the bliss within the daily chaos...
Wow, I love a challenge! Hope I win.
Adrian is a Mom of 3 boys who can teach you how to rock your computer, declutter your house, and stamp your Christmas cards, all at the same time! That's how I roll.
How fun were those tag lines??!! Tiffany, you know I love you, girl. You hit the spot. If you have any bright ideas for a tag line for me, I'm all ears.
This is like asking to come up with a headline for a newspaper. I was never good at that when I wrote for my college paper. hmmm
These are great! All I can come up with is:
She's sneaky. Very, very sneaky!
Okay, here's mine:
Here lies Rhonda .... Oh no, wait. That's my headstone.
I'll try again:
Rhonda is wife to a cranky frenchman (insert sympathy here), mother to three whacked french girls, not to EVER be called french herself, who works hard, plays harder and regularly laughs till her head explodes.
That about sums it up.
John Deere Mom is a sassy farm wife, mom to two, and teacher to many who is trying to get through each day with as little manure as possible.
Eat Your Veggies! Short and simple. Sweet, too...
Here goes....
Dana is an overworked, underpaid mom to 5 rowdy boys....trying to keep the stench to a minimum and the fun to a maximum.
I wish to be creative! These tags are awesome!
Let's see-
Days like these where everyday that ends in Y is the same.
Boring? I know. Boring. HaHa.
Juliet writes observational humor-with-an-edge that is at once a critique of - and a love letter to - suburbia. Oh, and there's Costco, Target, school plays, vegetarian organic locally-grown food, Swiffer mops, fake hair scrunchies, and cat hairballs too.
A tag line, huh? Hmmm...
Sharon is a busy trying to juggle 4 rapidly growing children and a diagnosis of MS. She may go insane at any time...just wait and see.
Susie's Homemade makes Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls...there is nothing wrong with that sentence.
I think my vote is for Dana but here goes mine:
Oysterblogger succinctly sizes up of the sweetness of stayathomemommyhood, as she shares her pearls of wisdom, wit and self-effacing self realizations. She also shoots and edits sensational photos of her silly sons and sassy daughter and anything else that happens in front of her viewfinder.
Jen is a food smeared woman low crawling through motherhood.
Oooh...much harder than it sounds!
Estela is a Mom, Marine, and Marine wife. Yes, she really CAN do it all. (....maybe)
Amanda is a SAHM to a murder of boys who specializes in nothing, but is an official expert on everything. And, in case you were wondering, she is always right.
"All I get when I put my foot down around here is Cheerios between my toes."
(good thing I like Cheerios. And toes.) This is a fun game.
Aunt Rene is Mommy to none, Auntie to tons, Loving life and having fun.
Lisa is a perfectionist party planner who dreams parties instead of sleeping.
You are making me think too hard for a Sunday morning...
Chatham spends her time surveying the battle field of life, searching for F-Bombs and all things random. Her secret code name is Jaded Snark...
PetalsYoga is a mindfulness-based yoga teacher, Blogtalkradio host, wife and mom with a predilection for potato chips and all things chocolate.
I do have a tagline!!
My blog is called Country Mouse, City Mouse. My tagline is
'I may be a mouse, but I'm not mousey'
Come see!
Man woman, you are making me work here :)
Elyse is a supporter of all and a commentor to many; facing many challenges and always seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!
Stacey is a Canadian Mama Warrior of 6yo twins with autism & an 8yo who thinks he's 15; bashing down obstacles, designing possibilities where there were none, while trying not to drown in quicksand with a book in one hand and a hard apple cider in the other!
Hi there. The closest thing I have to a tagline is, "My name is Melanie and I am the Reluctant Housewife."
If Oprah was introducing me she could say, "Her name is Melanie and she is the Reluctant Housewife."
It's not terrible descriptive, but it's accurate :)
ha ha, these were fun to read.
Mine is:
Her name is Melanie and she is a sahm to 2 kids that loves to play with clay.
Tee is a perfectly flawed, simply complex, peacefully chaotic, lovingly mad wife, mom and professional...an EXTRAORDINARILY ORDINARY woman; LOVE ME;-)
I have been thinking about this, off and on, all weekend......and still nothing. :-/
How about the one at the bottom of my header:
Come spend time in my little blue nest.
Robin's Blue Nest; a place of rest.
Hope everyon has had a beautiful weekend.
Sharon is a little sassy blonde who never lacks for something to do and longs for nothing to do!
I totally meant to do this on Friday, but then I ended up being on the NEWS instead!! So here's my tag line....
Lolli is a camera-toting, kid-hauling, daily-blogging mama who needs to stop saying yes to everything.
Ha, yours are great.
Brittany is a mother of two insanely trying to conceive again while mostly failing to keep her house and children clean.
don't have one- was thinking I should have something better the blog anyway, guess I'll have to work on this.
Hmmm...think, think, think...
Trina is a true-blue country girl who loves life, her family, and her friends. Oh, and a good cup of coffee too.
My hubby came up with this one:
Trina is a girl who likes to drink beer, wants to live at the lake, and can't wait to retire. LOL
Kay Bratt...finally found her passion in the mysterious world of China during what was supposed to be a break from the the chaos of life.
Lisa: The only girl you know who drinks her Diet Dr Pepper from a black licorice straw.
Little A... A princess who adores shopping, cupcakes, and Beauty and the Beast.
Little A thinks she's a Disney Princess.
Little A: a cupcake addict who belongs in a Disney movie.
Little A loves the following: cupcakes. shopping. Edward Cullen.
Ok here goes...
Barb: A bubbly, babbling bank teller and mom of 4 who loves blogging,drinking vodka,talking, and taking pictures of Spotlis and anything and everything else she can.
so much fun!
Natalie is using blogging to define "Normal".
This was a great post, I will think about it more and try to come up with one. Thanks!
I can't think of one at the moment... so I'm off to get my creative juices going.
Not that creative I guess Tried to think of one, but here's a comment!
Nope, sorry - I can't get past:
"Ali - mother of 4 and tired...". I guess I should just go to bed and try a different contest tomorrow... ;-).
A Nomadic American living in Norway. From partying on the "Poop Deck" (working on cruise ships..) to Paradise... (um.. er, I mean Norway)
Mine is..."just your average super mom, saving the world, one temper tantrum at a time."
I think I missed the contest, but I still had a good laugh - excellent, per usual!!
And you have to get Angie's hair off your chest? I think they have a cream for that. Em
I think mine would be: Self described neurotic, blog addicted mom of 6 spending more time on figuring out how to make the kids do chores than it would take to do them herself.
Yea, I know, I suck at that, but enter me anyway!
Michelle is a child loving homeschooling mommy trying to find time to scrapbook.
I'm not very good at this.
T & T: A little bit girlie, a little bit naughty and completely divine. Living the splendid life!
Lauren is a bubbly blonde with a great sense of style that can easily escape into the world of fashion magazines, photography, and clementine-flavored Izze..
From the Jungle mine is " Around here, you never know what's lurking around the ......."
Lisa is a mom of twin boys who kept her 'day job' as an accountant too after the babies came - her only hope long-term is to stumble upon that rip in the time/space continuum...oh crap, gotta go - the babies are awake...
Add me in! Creative tag line??
Ok, no rock throwing:)
"Carla is trying to appreciate BIG living in her LITTLE world"
Mine is..."Scrapbooking over coffee, I'm just never in the pictures!
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