This lesson has served me well since then and honestly, I don't know where I would be if I didn't realize then that having a positive attitude; an optimistic outlook on life really DOES make a difference.
If I hadn't hoped and prayed for the best and tried to do everything in my power to work towards that end, I'm pretty sure I would have sunk into a very deep depression. That knowledge has helped me in every life situation since then.
For example:
(I've recycled part of this post from a previous posting.)
I've walked a path this past year full of changes......but the good kind of change. The kind that came about because of optimism. You know, as opposed to the pick-your-world-up, shake-it-around and then-drop-it-on-it's-side kind of change. Oh, how I love this change where I haven't had to pick up the pieces and figure out a way to move on. The kind that I walk away from smiling.
I think the thing I love most about the changes of 2008 is that they were all with my consent. I CHOSE the changes and was lucky enough to not have them "happen" to me, as has happened in the past. I'm sure you can all imagine that being able to chose makes the manager in me very, very happy.
I headed down my path in 2008 with a New Year's Resolution. I resolved not to resolve....out loud... rather in my heart and mind. And I did. I was sick and tired of carrying around the baby weight I had been unhappily lugging with me since two weeks after the twins were born. That's right. I weighed the same weight 2 years post child birth as I did 2 weeks. That slayed me. Really slayed me.
So, I started the year with a plan. I was optimistic. The plan was to lose that weight once and for all, and keep it off. And, I have.
The second major path I followed in 2008 led us 1000 miles south on a prayer. Jeff and I finally felt good about our decision to walk away from our house (that had been on the market for 6 months and that we'd spend the previous 2 years remodelling), pull our children out of a school they loved, take them away from their friends, change jobs, and leave family and friends, and move. So we did. And those prayers paid off because a day after we left Oregon we received an offer on our house, and although the girls had a bit of an adjustment at school, we weathered the flurry and are all settled in our home of perpetual sunshine. Literally and figuratively.
I expect 2009 to be just as "sunny" as 2008. I'm counting on optimism to help us sail through.
*For more information on optimism, visit Tiffany R, who is sponsoring a contest on optimism in conjunction with her role on the Fishful Thinking Campaign by Pepperidge Farms, or the Fishful Thinking Webpage. Cecily R is also a good resource as well.
*This just IN: please head over to The R Family Diaries and vote for my optimism story. Pretty please?
LASTLY, see that fish over there on the left? Be sure to click it.
That's exciting! I too have learned its far better to focus on the positives in life. And I have so many blessings! I just have to stop and remember that..and when I start thinking in negative or complainey ways..to get back on track right away. Give me energy, and reminds me of my great creator.
Love this, Angie! I agree with you completely and I really needed this dose of optimism!! Thanks for the reminder!:)
I completely agree with you. Having a positive outlook on life makes all the difference in the world! Great post!
I agree! I know that having a positive oulook {with much prayer} can make a very difficult situation better. It's not easy, but easier to endure. Thank you for a beautiful post!
Great post! Very inspiring :)
What a great story! It's amazing what a little optimism can add to your life! Happy Friday!
Great post Ang! We should all live this way, it would make the world a entirely better place to live. going there now.
Will have you that email sometime later this evening if thats ok. I have a few things in mind, today is just a busy day for us.
Love and Prayers,
I love your views on Optimism. Such a big word with so many meanings. I did this post also. I will vote for you later on today. The dogs wants out and I smell a yucky mess waiting for me.
Inspiring post! Happy Friday. :)
You are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo inspiring. And you have red hair. You know how I feel about inspiring red heads!
There is always sunshine, somewhere!
my hubs is the king of optimism...i'm telling you, that is a gift from god!
I agree! Negativity doesn't have any place in my life anymore.
I needed to read this today--every word of it. Thanks Angie.
That picture is awesome too!
It really CAN change your life...what a great message. Angie, you're awesome!
I love the concept of resolving to not resolve. I always have a huge list of resolutions and inevitable there are some not accomplished by the end of the year - then I tend to focus on the ones I didn't accomplish not the the ones I actually did accomplish. Thanks for sharing.
lovely post angie
I'm votin' for ya!
Inspiring. I'm gonna give the optimism thing a try with regards to my current endeavor to get slim. Figure if I pair that with not stuffing my face and getting in some movement I can't go wrong. Really, I think that was my problem in the past, I just didn't believe. So, thanks for the inspiration:)
Fabulous. Man, I love your posts, I always feel like we are chatting.
Thanks so much for participating.
I clicked the fish!
I couldn't agree with you more. Your perspective on life changes everything and makes all the difference.
I'm heading on over now to vote for you :)
Birds of a feather flock together sister! One of the reasons why you are my oldest bloggy friend:)
Thanks for this fab post! It is oh.so.true.
And BTW your little disclaimer about recycling part of the post is too cute. LOL
After the post I wrote today-I NEEDED to read this, thank you.
After the post I wrote today-I NEEDED to read this, thank you.
I sure needed to be reminded of this...as I am one of the most pessimistic people I know!
I love that everything has worked out so well for you guys!!
A positive attitude and outlook can really work magic, eh? :o)
Oooo, I remember this. It was around the time I met you. Great look at optimism! I'll vote for ya now. :)
That is one of the main reasons I love your blog Angie, it's FULL of optimism!! And I'm sure if I met you someday I would see it shining right through you as well! : )
WOW! What an amazing post. I chose..I think I will use this as my Mantra starting right now. I choose...I need to drop that baby weight that has been weighing me down too...I have many new paths that I would like to take on and I choose is a great way to start. Thank you.
You have a lovely way of looking at things. I so want to be you when I grow up! =)
Love, love, love this post. What a fabulaous reminder for me on my own attitude:) It does make a big difference to all things. My class is sociology. My last class for my bachelors. I made sure to complete all of my nursing classes with the clinical hours before I had Ava. This class is cake...I just need to get it done:)
What a fabulous reminder for me. I have been trying to keep humor in my life as well ( thus ATWT ). Thanks for the awesome post. I needed this today.
This post is totally everything I love about you! :)
I think you and eye would see eye to eye on many things.
I thought your words were beautiful, and I could not agree more with your title: Optimism makes life better.
Well done.
This was a beautifully written post. You are so refreshing! :)
That picture is awesome. Ilove shots like that. You and all the younguns in tow just walking hand in hand. No drama, no pouters, no "stop touching me"! Heaven.
Optimism makes life SO much better! I couldn't go on without it : ). Thank you for this wonderful reminder!
It's refreshing to hear stories about big changes..like your move. I'm glad it's all working out. Your family photos are so cute!
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