Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Wordful Wednesday-Peter Pan

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button on the left to link back to me, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!

I'm pretty sure that it's a common knowledge that when one spots characters at Disneyland they (the character):
1. are surrounded by a large crowd of people
2. have everyone lined up awaiting their turn for a photo op with the character who rarely speaks
3. are quickly walking away from the people lest they actually have to interact with them.
The 3rd scenario drives me bonkers. I've seen on too many occasions a character make their appearance, wait until people notice them and then.......walk away. What?
So, I was thrilled to make Peter Pan's acquaintance. He talked to all of the kids, and made this momma super happy with the attention he paid her "lost boys". And the best part? Very few "guests" noticed him, and if they did, they stood back and watched rather than butting their way in.
Thank you, Peter Pan. You made our day!



Unknown said...

What a great moment for the kids and for him as an employee of the Happiest Place on Earth! ; )

Cute pics too!

tiarastantrums said...

Where's Wendy? We saw and joked around with Peter Pan in 2007 - he was fantastic , but Wendy was with him.Great photos!

Cheryl Lage said...

Can hardly wait to do Disney with our kids...and so nice to see the character interaction!

Kacey said...

Aaah! That is awesome! I am so glad no one butted in, that drives me BANANAS! Looks like the kiddos were having fun.

jenn said...

That's so cool. Who doesn't want to meet Peter Pan? And I love that he took time to talk to your kids. Priceless moment.

Casey's trio said...

You must have season passes to Disneyland huh? What a fun place to visit whenever you feel like it:)

Laura said...

What I get a kick out of (tell me if you have seen this) is waiting in line with tons of Asians (no offense) who are waiting with anticipation and often rudeness to see these characters. They have them sign books, hug, take pictures and they often butt in front of kids. It's really weird.

How fun to see Peter Pan and get all his attention. I can't wait to make it back to Disney.

Jennifer said...

Awesome visit and photos. You children must have been thrilled.

Rhonda said...

Hey, that's awesome!! I love it when a person loves their job!

Any chance, if there is time before May, that you could take Flat Stanley to Disneyland for a couple of pictures? Maybe one with Mickey? (Or Peter Pan!)

I'm just waiting for him to get to Paraguay, and then Ronda has him in Florida. I probably wouldn't be until March. Let me know, okay?

Are You Serious! said...

♥ Great pictures! I've been to DL once and can't wait to take the kids some day. :)

Stephanie said...

Way to go Peter Pan! How fun that you can go visit anytime! I haven't been to Disney since I was a kid...so much has changed!

Straight to Your Hart said...

That is so stinkin cute!! He deserves a tip. Look how cute he is with "Wendy"..Magical!

I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

He makes a great Peter Pan!!

ChefDruck said...

That Peter Pan looks like he has quite a personality. So glad you got to have a special moment with him! Great pics.

Melissa said...

I know what you mean about the characters running away.... it stinks for the kids...especially the ones who have been waiting all day to see their "favorite" character!! Geez, it's their job; they are paid to make the kids happy!!!

Laurie said...

I was hoping we would see some photos from Disney. Glad Peter Pan was so good to you. I hope we have that luck next month!!

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

What a great experience for your kiddos!
Thanks again for hosting this! :)

debi9kids said...

Oh! How great! The one and only time we took the kids to Disney (when i suffered a horrible miscarriage. UGH) we saw ONE character. So sad. And, it was one of those characters that we had no clue who or even what it was :(
So glad your kids got to spend real time with Peter Pan! How cool!

Anonymous said...

How awesome that he spent time with your children. I love the last photo. She looks so happy.

Live.Love.Eat said...

That is very cool. We have had some tearful moments when the characters have done that. They must realize that it can make or break a child's day when all they want to do is see Mickey or Peter.....

Leanna said...

What fun!

More Than Words said...

Aww..how fun!

Nicole O'Dell said...

Great pictures and what a great time!

Anonymous said...

Very fun! I am sure the kids were all about it :)

Susie said...

Now that looks like the kind of day I would give teeth for! How cool you live so close to the best playground in the world!

Good for Peter Pan too. He seems to know the secret to make-believe: act like it's real;)
He sure looks real to me.

Robin said...

How fun :). My kids would love to meet Peter Pan, they're big fans.

Halftime Lessons said...

Ok, that Peter Pan kid is freakin me out a little.

I can't sleep as it is, kid...can ya beat it?

Ronda's Rants said...

not only is he good at his job...he looks good at his job too!

Deb said...

cute! he looks as sweet in real life as he does in his biography!

Anonymous said...

While I love when they interact with my kids and my hubby, I run if they so much as look at me! ;)

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

Awww-that is so super sweet!
I love the pictures, they came out so adorable.

Doublebanker said...

Good looking photos of peter pan...wonder where tinkerbell is?

My WondWed post

Jenni said...

How cool is that??? Cute pictures, Angie!

Hootin Anni said...

I ♥ Disneyland!! And believe it or not, the first time I went I was in my 40s!!!! I was still a kid at heart.

Great photos.

My Wordful I'm taking y'all on a tour of the Texas State Aquarium...come on over, go inside with me and see all there is to see. Well, a LOT of what to see anyway.

Happy Wednesday.

Mandy said...

I've been to Disneyworld many times, but I have never been to Disneyland. A girl can dream.....

Maggie said...

Looks like your kids had tons of fun. Great pictures!

mommytoalot said...

Fantastic. I love Peter Pan, we missed him when we went to Disney.

Margaret said...

Aw that is so sweet. That is something they will probably remember forever.

Julie said...

Looks like ya'll had a great time! Still jealous...

Danyele Easterhaus said...

maybe the lost boy thought he finally found a home! so cute!

Allison said...

How cool is that! I love Peter Pan. I am glad you got a memorable experience with him.

Nina said...

We always end up with the crowds around the charectors. So the time is short and not always very fun for the kids.

Looks like Peter Pan was doing a good job that day. :)

Christie said...

My first entry, love the pictures~

sassy stephanie said...

I love the smiles on their faces. YOu can tell they are just tickled pink.

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

Very cool! A magical WW to you!

Cathy said...

that last photo is so funny!

Heather said...

I love finding fun characters like this Peter Pan. Plus it looks like he acts like Peter Pan, not just some guy getting paid to wear green tights around. :) I love Disneyworld/land!!

Abby said...

Cute pictures! Looks like fun!

Leigh and Anthony said...

I love your son's hat. Great picture.

Unknown said...

What great photos. They really look like they are having a good time.

carrhop said...

Looks like there are several Peter Pan candidates in your group!


hippos toes said...

What a nice guy Peter Pan is! It looks like the kiddles had so much fun :)

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

Wow! What a fabulous Peter Pan! I'm so glad he made your day. :)

lmt1073 said...

I love Peter Pan... wish I could go to never, neverland right now!

Jewels said...

I wish when we had visited Disney last that we could have seen Peter Pan, he's one of our favorites.

Such sweet photos. Happy WW.

jo@blog-diggidy said...

you met peter pan?? i am so jealous, he's one of my favorites!!! ;) happy wednesday!!

Unknown said...

My son loves Peter Pan SO much! He is his favorite of all super heroes : ).

Kathleen W. said...

What fun! Who wouldn't like to meet Peter Pan (adults and kids!)

Tammy said...

Very neat - I've never seen Peter Pan come out in all our times at Disney - that would be 7 of them!

Erin said...

Sweet! Gotta love Disney!

Unknown said...

What a fun Peter Pan! Cute pics!

Anonymous said...

What a cute Peter Pan, too. I wonder how old he was, like 12?

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

That's cute! I can't wait to go myself!!!!!

Angela said...

I love that first picture! They look like they are going to bust at the seams b/c they are so happy!

Leslie said...

Disneyland is one of my favorite places. Well, besides Hawaii. Cute pics of the kids with Peter!

Michelle said...

I was scared to death of the characters when I was a kid. I was happy to watch them from a far.

My girls however love them and I have discovered that the best way to see a lot of them is to look for them early in the day.

Your Peter Pan meeting is rare! :)

AutoSysGene said...

Holy cow, Peter must be freezing, huh? Cute pics...and I love G's hat!

Ash said...

Oh such wonderful fun and memories for all.

But the cap - how I adore the cap!!!!

Honey Mommy said...

That is so awesome that Peter was "down to earth" with you. :o)

Dana said...

That's awesome! He made a great Peter Pan too! Looks like you guys had a great time! I'm so jealous....I love Disneyland!

Susie said...

What a fun photo shoot!!

Jaysi said...

How fun! We have been talking about taking Luke to Disneyland. I don't really want to take Finn just yet. That whole stroller thing would be a drag! Any good tips??? Maybe we can meet up there!! Looks like your crew had a blast!

Belinda said...

'Peter Pan' must be a neat guy, I bet he made their day:)

Jen said...

How cool, now that was a great actor. Gave the kids what they really wanted.

Mozi Esme said...

Looks like your lost boys fit right in with him!

Pamela said...

What fun! Your chilren look very happy. :)

Thanks for hosting Wordful Wednesday. Today will be my first WW post.

Meg B....that's me! said...

Awesome Disney pictures!

ParentingPink said...

Great pic! I'm hoping to take our girls to Disney when they get a little older!

Sandra said...

Oh... Peter is the best...

Red hair and all!

A Family Completed... said...

That is a rare moment! He looks like he was a awesome. Love the elbow on the head, lol.

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Hey well over 100 I see.. WhooHoo!

I've never seen Peter Pan even AT Disney... so that's cool right there, and all the interaction with your kids is cool too. And the fact that I'm jealous of where you live and that your house sold and..whoops this is about you not me right???

Aubrey said...

What a great looking Peter Pan! He is a character that I didn't expect to be there! So cool.
You can tell he is enjoying his job and look at the smiles he put on your kiddos faces!

Jan said...

Garret looks like a little man...so freakin cute!

The Shillingburg's said...

What kind of camera do you use?

Mandy said...

Yeah I don't quite get why they run off either. I mean it is their job...makes no sense to me either.

BTW- my fam is going to San Diego next month for a week (hubby has a conference and we couldn't pass up a nearly paid for vacation!) any suggestions on what to do or see?

Rachel said...

ok, so i have a strange question. is peter pan wearing green boxers too?

Stacy Uncorked said...

How cool is that? :) Thanks for sharing! :)

Kristin said...

Where were you? That was a good PP.

Lindsay said...

That is so awesome! I guess that's what you get for living there and are able to go on "off" days. Are there such a thing when it comes to Disney??

Unknown said...

Great pics! Love it when the characters actually do what they are supposed to do!

TuTu's Bliss said...

Where have you been all my life? I odn't know how I went this long without joing in. I can't wait for next week!

TuTu's Bliss said...

Thanks! I did. Leave it to me to find such a blog treasure at the last minute..next week I will narrow it done and be ready ;) Thanks again!!

jori-o said...

Your 1-2-3 scenarios were right on. What luck to have a perfect character experience! (PS I'm still a little jealous you got to go to Disneyland---it's been over two years for us and I am MISSING it!!)

Lottie_Ellie said...

I have never been to disney world or disneyland. That is why I had to have kids! LOL

Jaime said...

Great pics!! How fun for the kiddos!! We were able to get pics with Pluto and Minnie when we were there.

Tracy said...

what great memories & fun - and pics. my girls always loved the characters too.

Coachdad said...

Great pictures... I, myself, have been on the end of the 3rd scenario. Glad the enjoyed the experience.

Becky said...

I've never been to Disneyland. We are waiting for all the kids to be old enough to remember it.

Its my first Wordful Wednesday. I am excited to see what others have done.

Marie Reed said...

hmm.. not sure if I can tell this story. When I went to Disneyland with my little brother Max we saw Friar Tuck.. the only thing is that Max pronounced all of his T's like F's. Our whole family DIED when he screamed it at the top of his lungs over and over again Friar #uck! LOL!

Patois42 said...

I didn't realize any of the Disney characters were permitted by the House of Mouse to speak. Wow!

Jennifer P. said...

I realize I've been single for a while and all now, but is it just me---or is Peter kind of cute ;)?

CC said...

That's so cool!

But I banned that movie from my home. After watching it a few times with the kid, I remembered how sexist and racist it was and just couldn't handle it. At all.

Connie said...

Great photos!! How fun to find a nice Peter Pan!!

Tabitha said...

My daughters would have loved meeting him. We just got back from Disney World two days ago. We ran into a lot of princesses, but my favorite character we met was Mary Poppins. The girls were stunned to see her in person - she was perfect!

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

That is awesome. I love it when the characters are like that. We had Cinderella come right up to cora when she was 4 and just ohh and ahh over her. It made our whole vacation!

photo album software said...
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