Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Wordful Wednesday-Snow

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button on the left to link back to me, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!

I absolutely LOVE the snow...when I don't have to live in it. I LOVE the snow when I'm not getting pelted in the face with icy snow balls. I love the snow when I can get all bundled up and sled down a long road all the while hoping I don't crash. I love a carefree afternoon of play when the sun is shining and reflecting off the vast whiteness. I always have.

This holiday season (while on vacation) I found something out. My children and husband do too.



Live.Love.Eat said...

So cool! I love the pics. It reminds me that while I don't miss the ice cold and snowy days in NY, I do hope that Tristan can experience the snow one day. The kids look adorable!!!!

Casey's trio said...

Looks like lots of fun! Where did you guys vacation?

Honey Mommy said...

If you love snow so much, you can have some of mine! We've received over 12 inches in the last 24 hours and it's still coming down!!


A Gilmore Girls Fan said...

I participate at WW weekly, but never did really know if we were or weren't "allowed" to not be wordless. I don't say much, just in case.

Adorable photo. They looks so happy. I wish we had that kind of snow. Happy WW!

Rhonda said...

I had heard in the news that California got some snow in December. At first I thought this was your yard! lol

Ronda's Rants said...

Sometimes I miss a white Christmas...that deos look like fun!

Mom said...

Oh what fun, I want to play in snow!!

Michelle said...

Cute pictures. Would you believe that I didn't see snow falling until I was 18?

I only enjoy snow when it is under a pair of skis! :)

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

i am sure i would love it too as long as i didn't have to live in it!

Jay @halftime lessons said...

Darn bath and bedtime...Im a SHAMEFUL #12 this week...SIGH

So tired of being responsible for other people's kids...oh wait...they're mine...

going to GNO tonight, then putting my WW post up...how did you do that collage of pictures you cutesy lil trickster?

Mandy said...

I miss snow. Do you know it has been 75 degrees here???

Jen said...

I am too deep in snow, ice and cold to love it. But those are some cute pictures.

AutoSysGene said...

It's always nice to visit but you sure don't want to live there, huh?

Where did you travel?

Are You Serious! said...

♥ I'm the same way. As long as I'm not in it I love it! Especially watching it slowly fall...

Kacey said...

Looks like so much fun! I love the snow too - when I don't have to live or drive in it! I love seeing those rosey little cheeks and little tobogans.

Unknown said...

I agree with you. Snow is great when you don't have to shovel, walk around in dingy, dirty, peed on snow.

Great photos.

carrhop said...

Sweet pics of those kiddos!

Lisa said...

Here you are posting about snow and I'm posting about 79* weather....oh, I'm so gonna hear about this LOL

Great shots! It does look like fun =)

smarmoofus said...

Cute kids! I miss "real winter". I live in the south, but I spent three years in Ohio for grad school, and another year or so living with the Megamoo in Michigan. Now that I'm back in Arkansas, the best I can hope for is an ice storm or two each year (which is not at all like a good blanket of snow... you can't drive on ice!).

Happy WW!

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

I love a fun snowy day!!

jori-o said...

A sad truth about living in the snow is this: it makes you ugly. It gets your hair wet, makes your nose run and your face turn red, blech! That being said, I DO like to play in the snow. I love snow best when I'm looking at it from the other side of a window, and I have a snuggly blanket wrapped around me and a mug of hazlenut cocoa keeping me warm. That's the good stuff!

Kristin said...

I miss the snow during this time of the year. Not the cold, or the driving, or the salt, just the snow on a Sunday morning while I sit in front of a fire sipping coffee.

Heather said...

I love snow too but only for about a week. Then I can do without it. Shoveling it and the 20 minutes it takes to clean off my car in the morning are what I don't miss. I lived in New Hampshire for years and visiting always makes me appreciate my snowless Georgia!

Angela said...

I love the look of freshly fallen snow ~ crisp, white, clean and not yet stepped in BUT that's about it!! I hate cold weather so that about does it for me! It's been a couple of years since we had a really good snow but we get our more than fair share of ice!

Cheryl Lage said...

Awww Angie, what fun all seem to be having! I love me some snow too...if it's going to be cold, I want the white stuff!

Happy Wordful Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

I wish it would snow enough for my little guy to go sledding. We've not really had any to speak of this year. Just ice and a few freezing cold days. Looks like you all had so much fun.

Jenners said...

Yeah! Snow is great if you don't have to have it all the time! Looks like a good time was had by all!

Kelsey said...

Looks like a great time! I've seen snow once and it was amazing. I can't ski though - I learned that the hard way!

Jenni said...

Snow is SUPER fun as long as you don't have to drive in it or shovel it!

Cute pictures! Looks like FUN!

Anonymous said...

Love the combo of that picture :)

Anonymous said...

We rarely get snow, mostly ice and sleet. Oh to have that light fluffy stuff for sledding and snowman making!! Looks like a blast!

Rachel Berry said...

I'm just gonna say it! I hate the snow... I'll take if for a day (aka Christmas) then it can melt and go away. We are drowning in snow over here. I'm so sick of seeing white I could literally puke..

Gee this comment makes it sound like I'm in a really bad mood.... Maybe it's being a single mom for since Sunday that's starting to get to me... :) Time to pull out the junk food and comfort myself. :)

ps. cute pics

Melissa said...

Cute pic's. I'm glad they had fun.

tiarastantrums said...

cute - I DON'T love the snow!!

Debra said...

It is fun to play in the snow. I need to get my pictures up of the sledding we've done this year.

Your kids are getting so big!

So Angie... tell me the secrets of potty training twin boys. Nicholas has decided he wants to start going "potty". he keeps taking off his diaper (and it is FREEZING here!) and just sits on the potty. He has not peed yet. But it is ALL.THE.TIME. They are going to be 2 1/2 in Feb so I do not know whether to encourage him or not. He has no concept of when he is going. Except after when he is wet he will take the diaper off and say Go POTTY. And then he wants to sit on the potty. Thomas... could care less. They have to be PT by Sept 1st for preschool.

Unknown said...

How fun! Someday we'll have to take the kids somewhere where there is actually snow in the winter!

Great pictures. Have a great Wednesday Angie!

ChefDruck said...

I'm posting mine tomorrow - but I'm wondering how you do these gorgeous collages?

Stephanie said...

I miss the snow....some days! other days I just enjoy the seventy degree weather :)

cute pictures!

Threeundertwo said...

I love the snow - because I don't live where I ever have to shovel it.

Great pictures.

Simply AnonyMom said...

Looks like you had fun inthe snow. I know I like the snow but only when I go to it and not when it comes to me!

Anonymous said...

You all look like you're having a great time!

My WW is about the handmade gift that my 4 years old son gave me for Christmas this year...

Julie said...

I love snow as long as I'm looking at it from inside my house! :)

Allison said...

The snow looks like so much fun!

My post is a sad one, but considering the circumstances...I really wanted to share about this special lady, my grandmother.

scrappysue said...

i'd love snow if i didn't have to live in it either! cool pics. not playing along this week (getting ready for camping holiday) but wanted to pop in and say hi!

girlytwins said...

I love the snow in the same conditions! As long as it's for a short time. You got some great pictures. I'm glad you had such a great tie on your vacation.

Straight to Your Hart said...

Would that be in Utah by chance?? Snow is great...time for it to stay in the mountains tho...However, on a sunny day there is nothing more beautiful than the bright blue sky, and sunshine dancing on the snow as it sparkles like diamonds..as I slip and fall on my butt!!

Mrs Anne said...

yay for snow!!!

we got alot in Oregon this year!



Supercool Hotmama said...

So true! There is nothing better than VISITING snow!

Jaime said...

My kids have been loving all the snow we're getting. Lucky for me my next door neighbors have a very sloped yard, so I can just send them out to go sledding!

Elyse said...

LOVE the snow too :) LOVE the picts!

Mark and Kiss said...

How fun!!! Where did you get to go? Levi keeps begging me to go somewhere where there is snow. Cute pictures!

Robin said...

I'm with you - I used to love skiing, and I think I'd love playing with my kids in the snow - if I could just jet in for a day or two here and there. Since that's not an option I'll stick to my warmer climes thanks :).

Laura said...

I, like you, love to visit snow. Unfortunately I live in it and find it less enjoyable every time it snows.

The pictures are adorable! Glad you had a good time.

Nicole O'Dell said...

Boy, you guys get off to an early start! lol

Great pictures!

Hootin Anni said...

I USED to like the snow. But after 40+ years of shoveling it, and getting stuck in our driveway, and the crazy, erratic drivers who don't know to enough to slow down on icy roads....nope, I don't like it one iota any more. Well, maybe when I see your kids having loads of fun in it...ya, I like THAT!!!

My Wordful is an update on my Ladybug stool I made for our cat...you'll see.

Happy Wednesday. And again, let me tell you, I really ♥ the idea of WORDFUL Wednesdays.

Sheri said...

I LOVE the snow! I love even more that I only get a few days of it every year!!!

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

Awww-what adorable pictures!
I MISS the snow-its rare when we get it here but when we do, I love the snow too!

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

Snow is lovely for a day! A magical WW to you!

Amy said...

I love your wintry photos. We can only dream about stuff like that around here. Enjoying playing along on your wordful wednesday :)

Cathy said...

this is my first time for ww--great idea!! I hear you--snow is fun to play in, but not fun to get around in. We havent' had too much snow this year so far.

storyteller said...

What fun!!! With Santa Ana winds kicking up in Southern California today and predicted to blow through the weekend, methinks I'd enjoy a snow day (or two) as an alternative. Of course watching the news about the weight of snow causing roofs to collapse, methinks I'll be happy with the weather we have here.

This is my first 'official' post created with Wordful Wednesday in mind. I didn't realize it's supposed to contain a photo, but I can add one and will go do that now ... just because. I look forward to visiting others over the next few days as time permits.
Hugs and blessings,

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

That looks like SO much fun! I miss being a kid and playing in the snow! So did you actually go sledding too? I hope so! :)

Anonymous said...

Argh! My comment Just. Won't. Post!!!


I've been trying to say that, yes, snow is fun! Whee! But only when it's not absolutely FREEZING out... But then - freezing is a relative term.


Now that I've lost my cool in type this will probably publish - it just wanted a small sacrifice of dignity from me, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Ha! See?

hippos toes said...

I couldn't agree more! I love the snow too, as long as I don't have to live in it!! I lived in Nebraska for 30 yrs and in upsstate NY for about 3 yrs. When my husband and I get nostalgic for snow I remind him that it can last for 6 months, we quickly change our minds. Happy WW!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

snow is fun to play in. i'll give you that...and we are getting it right now! but, driving in it..and being cold...i hate! happy wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot of fun. I wish we'd get just a little snow.

Kathleen W. said...

I love snow too, but unfortunately have to live in it. I'm actually hoping we get some more here, rather than rain. What fun your kids are having!

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

Such cute pictures! I hope we see snow this year!

Kim said...

I do love snow too, but only if I don't have to drive in it. I am looking forward to some so the girls can go sledding! Great pictures!!

Unknown said...

I love snow pictures, but I don't love the snow all that much. I bundle up just to catch the pictures of my kids. As far as my Wordful pic for the day, the one I posted was taken in December 2007....in Honduras. No snow there!

Anonymous said...

Oh happy day! I wish we could get a little of that snow around here. Rarely happens, but we're hoping for one good snow this winter. One, then I'm ready for spring ;)

Shannon said...

I am sure snow is pure magic...when you don't have to deal with the mess all winter. Great photos!

United Studies said...

I love the snow, too, and have snow envy right now. All the states that are getting lots of snow.

Melissa said...

oh how fun.... I really don't know much about the snow...I've only really seen it once (last year).
Great pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Snow will be even more magical to you now that you'll see so much less of it! Cute pictures, Angie!

jenn said...

That looks like so much fun. I wish we would get some snow!

Stu Pidasso said...

Great pictures and memories too!! Some time in the future, your kids will look back and remember this and will want to take their kids out for a play day in the snow.

Thanks for dropping in and leaving me a note.

April said...

you always have such great shots!

Unknown said...

I think all kids love snow! Wonderful pics! Thanks for sharing (and for hosting!).

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't even fathom that much snow!

I've got you on my blog roll, girlie!

Anonymous said...

great pictures! i agree with you...its snowing today, and i LOVE it from the warmth and comfort of my office. but i'm dreading walking/driving home in it for lunch. ugh.

Patois42 said...

Great shots. As long as I can drive to the snow -- as opposed to live in the snow -- I love it, too!

mommytoalot said...

Wow, looks like they are having a blast. What a lot of snow. Ours has all melted.
You sure have a lot of people playing along..

Cristin said...

Our snow is being rained on right now... just a big mess! I've always lived in snowy places... and to be honest.. I'm sick of it and am jealous of those who don't have to deal with it!

(posting my wordful post soon)

debi9kids said...

We have yet to see snow this year:(
I love the snow too!

great pics of such happy kiddies!

Dana said...

The boys love the snow too! We have yet to get to Tahoe this year. I can't say that I LOVE the snow. I mean, I think it's beautiful and all, just too dang cold! I despise being so cold. That being said, I will take the kids to the snow and endure the frostbitten toes just to see them smile.

Becky said...

I'm so jealous! I also LOVE snow and we haven't had any here. Alas, I am going to Utah in a few days and hear they have plenty of snow!!!

Deb said...

holy smokes, gal pal... will you remember all of us little folks when you hit the big time (although it appears you already have).

no photo from me today! maybe if i can get my act together i can throw something together.

good news... i am thinking about breaking up with my favorite redhead so we can be together forever. please don't tell me it's too much, too soon!

happy ww. love the snow. you know i do! have you gotten any of the gang up on skis yet? can you believe i am letting my 15 yo go to canada for a school ski trip?? am i insane? he skis WAY better than the rest of us, so it'll be fun for him to have others to ski with.

KatieZ said...

Love the pics and the arrangement of the pics. Gotta love the snow. Like I said yesterday, I am looking out to my front yard at 6 feet of snow. SO anytime you want, you can have it all!

Jennifer said...

I love snow. It is finally snowing here. It will not last as it is only a dusting, but i take what I can get.

Courtney and the Boys said...

Hi there! I'm a friend of Jaysi's (In Bird's Nest) from high school...I've seen her Wordful Wednesdays for quite some time and they just look fun, so I thought I'd join in! Thanks for hosting!

Courtney and the Boys

Unknown said...

They are so cute all bundled up in their snow gear!!

Tiffany said...

Tiffany here for the first time via Courtney/Jaysi and about a dozen other cool peeps from my blogging world! Thanks for hosting! Love your collage and great blog.

Tiff from The Boren Life

Anonymous said...

Hey Angie!
So I left the wordless to join your world of wordful... SO much better.
And look at you! All these comments and more than a 100 peeps on Mr. Linky. You've started a revolution. Glad to be aboard!
:) Robin

Nicole said...

personally I hate the snow and I am getting sick of it!!! Cute pictures.

Jennie said...

great pics... I love the snow too, so do my children.....

ChefDruck said...

We were supposed to get 3 inches today but instead all we got was ice. Would much have preferred snow! Thanks for the Picasa 3 tip - love the collage feature!

WheresMyAngels said...

I love snow, when I don't have to go anywhere in it!

Joyce said...

Woohoo, Angie! I'm leaving comment #100! You have lots of well-wishers! Glad you had fun in the snow. We've enjoyed it, too. :)

hi my name is mommy said...

Angie! It's so great to catch up on your blog and your beautiful family! It is snowing outside here as we speak & I love it!

There are so many new blogging traditions since I have been gone, gonna try and catch up and join in the fun!

lots of love to you and the family!

Stephanie said...

Cute pics! You love the beach better, right!

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

Looks like you had some fun. I would love it better if I only had to visit it as well. I much prefer the sun and warmth!

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

Looks like you had some fun. I would love it better if I only had to visit it as well. I much prefer the sun and warmth!

Laurie said...

I knew it! I knew it ! So I can plan your moving party for next fall? Get the leaves in and then wait in anticipation for the fun.??
I should say we are in the middle of a 2-day snow storm and getting our next 4-6 inches. As soon as Brian is home safely I will sit back and apreciate it more. Where did you find snow to play in?

Jaysi said...

I am so with you. I really don't miss living with snow at all. I do miss snow on Christmas day, and one good day of playing in it.

Laura said...

Looks like so much fun! We sure missed playing with you all during the snowstorm and power outage. I would have LOVED to have your kids over so I could stop playing Uno & Sorry.

Shala said...

Great pictures. I too love the snow and hardly ever see it. I would love to go somewhere and play in it for a couple of days!

Tonya Staab said...

I like to watch snow. Preferably from the comfort of the other side of a window, while sitting by a fireplace with a jacuzzi nearby and a glass of red wine in hand.

Kids love the fluffy white stuff though. go figure.

latree said...

and I'm waiting for a day I can touch REAL SNOW...

Connie said...

Looks like fun!! A great photo!!