Friday, January 02, 2009

Resolutions, anyone?

I used to hate resolutions. Never made them, certainly never kept any that I loosely thought about.

Last year for the first time, I decided to really commit to following through with A resolution. Yep, A resolution. Only one. I thought it would be best to start slow.

I actually DID follow through with my resolution and felt great about it the whole year. Still do.

So, this year, I have THREE very serious resolutions, and a few that won't take much effort. I'm pretty sure I have it in me to keep them, but wish me luck.

WISHING you a year of growth, health and strength!

And to my eldest peanut, who just happened to turn 9 today, I love you with all my heart!


Clark Captions said...

What???? You are going to leave us in suspense and not tell us what they are???? O.k. then, good luck this year with your 3 serious, and 3 not so serious. We will just look forward to what they are at the end of the year! (hopefully they will be revealed!) I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Mrs Anne said...

happpppiest new year mama!

happiest birthday to your oldest peanut!

great job on the resolutions!

may 2009 bring you much joy and peace!

Jenni said...

Happy New Year, Angie! Good luck with your resolutions!!!!!
And happy 9th birthday to your oldest! My oldest will be turning 9 in a couple weeks, too! (Wah!)

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

So, yeah, I'm a little curious too....but either way...good luck with your 3 resolutions!!

Happy Birthday to your oldest...

And of course Happy New Year, may 2009 bring you much joy and happiness!!

Ronda's Rants said...

I did really easy ones this year...with the expectation that I will keep them!
I hope you have a wonderful blessed New Year!

Jaysi said...

Good luck to you. I have some ideas for resolutions too, but I need to sit down and really think on them.

Heather said...

I am totally needing to make my resolution what you made yours for 2008. Seriously, honey, it's bad. Something tells me I'm not going to have the same results that you did. Because you already starting out looking amazing. And that was an unfair advantage. Why can't you still live up the hill from me so I could hire you to be my coach?

Mark and Kiss said...

Happy Birthday!!!! I hope she has a great day celebrating! It is always fun for the whole family when someone has a birthday.

Wishing you luck with your resolutions....I will need a little more than that to keep mine! Ha ha ha.

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Happy Happy New year to you and Happy B-day to your elder peanut! I always love visiting your blog. I'm not doing resolutions this year...I always break em.

Ed & Jeanne said...

I only have one forever. So far so good...

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

Happy New Year to you!
I normally don't do resolutions either, but I decided to work on being an even better friend this year.

Happy birthday to your little Capricorn kid! Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

To paraphrase a certain someone... Yes You Can!
Best of luck with your resolutions and happy new year!

Stephanie said...

Good luck and Happy New Year!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

i usually spend so long trying to choose my new year's resolutions that by the time i figure out what i want to chance it feels too late. so a few years ago i made the decision that a new year's resolution can be made at any point during the year when i feel i need change and that's what i do now! good luck with yours and happy new year!

and happy birthday to your oldest!

Amy B said...

Happy Birthday to your oldest...
You can do three things..and I will try to do my

Jen said...

I hope you can keep them.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

u'll have to check out my reality resolutions...pj pants and eating breakfast a few days a week. bad. love it!

Jay @halftime lessons said...

I do have one that I have not said out loud yet, so this is as good a chance as any...

Especially when it comes to my kids, I am really going to try to remember that...whatever it is, it is not about me.

Thanks my resolution for the year.

Wish me luck.

AutoSysGene said...

My resolutions are on my blog, you can check them out there...but the keyword this year seems to be MORE!

Happy New Year!

April said...

happy birthday peanut - and best of luck with your resolutions!!!

Kristin said...

Happy new year. Can you slip and just reveal one of the resolutions? Maybe a not so serious one? Please!

Unknown said...

I think three resolutions are manageable. That's how many I posted today! ; )

Happy Birthday to your sweet peanut!

Cristin said...

What? We don't get to her what the resolutions are? You're no fun..well, good luck!!

Happy New Year!

scrappysue said...

well done on the resolution/s! i resolved not to make any resolutions lol. happy birthday peanut!

Adelaine said...

Well congrats on resolution A! I have no resolutions this year :)

Happy #9! We too will have a 9 year old this year - time flies!

Kacey said...

Good luck with your 3 resolutions this year. From A resolution to 3 is quite a leap (at least it would be for me - LOL). I made A resolution this year, and I wasn;t going to make any. So, I'm wishing you luck on your 3 and I hope I make it with my humble one. ;>) Happy New Year!

Kelsey said...

Good luck with your 3! I'm going to make my one pretty soon (yes, I realize that you're supposed to make them before the New Year lol).

Happy Birthday to your oldest Peanut. Nine is a fun age!

Casey's trio said...

Happy New Year and Happy Birthday to Grace!

Cajoh said...

I also do not tell people my resolution until after the year has started and I know I am being successful with it.

Good luck with your new three. Perhaps you can let us know what your one resolution from last year was.

Jennifer P. said...

I resolved to not resolve this year, but that in itself is a bit of a resolution, isn't it ;)?!

So good to see your page pop up again. I have so missed blogging!!! Darn computer!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your resolutions and Happy Birthday at your house! 9 is so fun.

Anonymous said...

Wait a second, you're not going to share them? So completely unfair.

Patois42 said...

Happy birthday to you and yours! And happy new year, too, of course!

Shannon said...

Not sharing?? I would love to know your resolutions. I didn't do any this year. I just came up with the word for 2009. Seemed to work for me last year:) Happy new year my friend and Happy, happy birthday to Miss Grace. Only a few more years till we have start planning a wedding!

Jennifer said...

Congratulations on keeping your resolution and for making 3 this year. I made a resolution this year, my first one ever.

Happy Birthday to your eldest. :)

Rhonda said...

So you're leaving us with that, are you??? lol!

Good luck on your resolutions, and all the best to you in 2009!!! You deserve it!

Amy said...

Angie, I didn't know that about your mom. That's terrible. You know in your gut when something is wrong...

And I'm sorry that YOU were chased. People do really strange things.

I hope you are already having a great year. I love reading your blog. Thank you.


Aubrey said...

Happy Birthday to your oldest peanut!

Boo on your for teasing us with your resolutions! LOL Just kidding!

Jessica said...

Happy 2009..You are so ambitious!! Happy 9th Birthday to Grace!!

WheresMyAngels said...

Happy Late Birthday to your son!

My resolution is to finish the email I started to you 4 days ago (or mabye it was more.

Happy New Year!

Allison said...

Happy New Year, Angie! I haven't really thought about my resolution other than to be an even more involved mother and be sure to get quality one on one time with both my kids on a daily basis!

Anonymous said...

I hate resolutions, and I have one, it's to get everything done that I didn't finish in 2008.

Aunt Julie said...

First off, Happy Birthday to the Eldest Peanut! As far as resolutions go, I make them, I break them, I follow a few, I forget many. Ah, well, that's what the New Year is for, correctamundo? BTW, I've got a Giveaway goin' on at my place...please drop by and put some POP! in your New Year!

Mandy said...

The best of luck with your resolutions! Mine mostly consist of books I want to finish! A long list of books to read...which means less blogging I suppose! :-)

Jamie said...

I'm a little torn on the whole resolution thing. When I don't follow through I end up feeling defeated. But...there are a few areas in my life that I really want to see some change, so I'm thinking I'll committ to working on at least one area. Best wishes to you in this New Year and in keeping your resolutions.

Happy belated birthday to your oldest. I hope it was a very happy day!

Melissa said...

Good luck. I hope that you meet your goals.
What did you do for the birthay party?

Nicole said...

Good luck to you and Happy Birthday to your oldest! I don't make resolutions!

Tina said...

There's an award for you on my blog.

Wendelyn DeMoss said...

Three is a challenge..hope to hear more about them in the year. Hope your family is well, enjoying the birthday and back to a fun routine!

Live.Love.Eat said...

While I am not huge on resolutions there is always one or two things I like to change just in time for the new year. Good luck on yours!!!!!!!

Elizabeth said...

My only resolution this year is to wear more lipstick...better go put some on.

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

What??? You didn't even share one of them??? You are evil. heh.

Ash said...

You're such a tease!!

But I trust you to do well with all three, even if you don't have us to keep you accountable ;-)

Happy Birthday to the Oldest!!

Ash said...

You're such a tease!!

But I trust you to do well with all three, even if you don't have us to keep you accountable ;-)

Happy Birthday to the Oldest!!

Jaime said...

Happy Birthday to Grace! My oldest will be 8 this year and I can't believe it!
Good luck with your resolutions, I have a few goals for myself this year, as well.

Emily said...

I have a few in my mind.. but didnt write them down this year... stay healthy and eat healthy.... continue to workout at least 3 times a week and bring my hubby along with me....:_
What are yours?

Anonymous said...

"Eldest peanut" - that's a great phrase.

My resolution for this year is to drink more, do less and get fatter.

I'm a realist.

Honey Mommy said...

I chose just three goals this year too. I am hoping it works out for me!

Someone commented on my blog saying she likes to call them New Year's Dreams... and I've decided that I like that!

Good luck with your dreams this year!

Kally said...

Good luck with your resolutions. You'll do great!

Happy Birthday to the oldest peanut! (a little late) I hope she had a fun-filled day.

More Than Words said...

Wow..that is awesome! I think you are the only person who I know kept their resolution! I'm excited to hear about what your 3 are for this new year!

Heather said...

I haven't made any resolutions this year. Too busy... I should resolve to blog less and clean more. I just can't bring myself to do it, though.

jenn said...

Happy new year! Good luck with your resolutions.

Scary Mommy said...

Happy New Year, Angie! And happy belated b-day to your gorgeous girl!

debi9kids said...

Well done keeping your resolution last year and the best of luck this year!!!!

Michelle said...

Great resolution! :) The happiest of happy birthdays to your eldest peanut.

Deb said...

i like the idea of fewer resolutions and greater commitment. i started late last year (october!), but am doing a FAIRLY good job of sticking with one of my resolutions... surrendering control. it's a biggie, and i may need to just stick with it as kind of a carry-over from last year. is that allowed?

tiarastantrums said...

great!! best wishes in 2009

girlytwins said...

Good luck with your resolutions. I normally don't have any although I really should. There are some things I would like to change :)

Happy 2009 and an even happier birthday to Grace!!

ChefDruck said...

Happy new year. I agree, fewer is better.

Laura said...

Happy Birthday to your darling Grace! Late I know.

I think you are a wonderful determined woman... care to share your goals with me via email. I need some of your kind of motivation.

Connie said...

Happy happy birthday Grace!! I hope she had a wonderful day! Alexa turned 9 on the 3rd....we should compare notes sometime!! All the best with your resolutions!!