Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Wordful Wednesday-My Gentle One

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it. If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button on the left to link back to me, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!

You know how some kids are just easy? Truly a delight to be around almost all the time? The kind that make you say that if all kids were this way, you'd have 100?

Well, this kid is one of those. From the moment he made his debut in the world, until now, he's been an amazingly wonderful, gentle, kind hearted, fun-to-be-around child.

I love his smile. I love his gentle disposition. I love his confidence to do what he desires without fanfare. I love that he prays for his sisters to have good days at school and really thinks about the welfare of others. I love that he really, really loves his daddy, and has a special bond with him. I love that even though he doesn't love to cuddle with me, he'll consent to it on occasion. I love his smile.

Oh, who am I kidding? I love everything about this child, and I feel very blessed that he's mine.

And, how do you all feel about Wordful Wednesday on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve? Break, or no break?



Rhonda said...

Oh, what a sweet post, Angie! He even looks like a good kid! And I have to agree about that smile!

Jocasta said...

Where can I get one of those!

Yay I'm second!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, so sweet! What a wonderful post!

Jay @halftime lessons said...

He's gonna be a heartbreaker Angie...


Allison said...

That is just soooo sweet. He does have a very gentle disposition about him!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

oh my, what a (for lack of a better word at the moment) delight this little guy sounds like! what an amazing little man you are raising!

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

Very sweet! There does look like there might be a little stinker twinkle in there - that always makes it even more fun (at least with my children)!

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

What a doll...sounds like he is a wonderful sweet little boy!!

tiarastantrums said...

aww so sweet - my baby girl is like that!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Oh too sweet Angie. He looks precious!!!! Tristan is like that most of the time except for right now as he's hitting me in the face with his shirt and telling me the dog is biting his butt :)

Night night.

Live.Love.Eat said...

P.S. Love your new profile picture but I will miss seeing that avatar of the person looking up from the floor.

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! I love them at that age, it's just the older then get that I want to strangle them LOL

Susie said...

What a wonderful tribute to your son:-) That is so sweet!

Michelle said...

What a handsome boy! He sounds so sweet and a lot like my little Bee.

AutoSysGene said...

He looks so much like Jeff in this picture...am I just losing my mind, or do you see it, too.

Jen said...

What a sweet boy and wonderful photo.

And just once can we try something new? Actually waiting until Wednesday to have this go up? It is just a thought. ;)

Honey Mommy said...

He looks like a sweetheart!

I have to disagree with Jen... I like that you post this Tuesday evening. Mornings are too busy for me!

Scary Mommy said...

Oh, so sweet! That's totally how I feel about my middle. :)
He's so handsome, and I love your new profile pic too. You guys are all sickeningly gorgeous!

Wendelyn DeMoss said...

Looks like this boy had the face to go with the personality you described. You will surely have to share him with some young women some day! He has a killer smile!
I like your new picture too!

Jenni said...

He is soooo handsome!

Heather said...

Your post makes me want to hug him! So sweet!

mommytoalot said...

awww how sweet. what a lovely post.

Erin said...

Beautifully said.

Momma-of-5 said...

Great shot of him! You can really "see" him and his personality in that one picture. The eyes say it all! =)

Jennifer said...

He is a very handsome boy! Great photo.

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

I think you have a beautiful family and I think he is the cherry on top of your cake. I love to read your wordfull wed. So, my vote is yes.

hippos toes said...

What a precious little man. Those eyes...... a beautiful boy!! :)

Anonymous said...

He is precious. I'm up for blogging on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve.

My name is Tammie said...

He prays for his sisters to have a good day at school?! I love that! So sweet! What a great kid.

Dana said...

Angie, I'm a first time Wordful Wednesday-er. LOVE the photo of your boy. He sounds like my little one. Such a joy to be around. I'm going to try my best to do WW every week. It's a great idea!

Cheryl Lage said...

What a sweet face...with just the right sprinkling of possible mischief under the surface! ;)

I would likely do Christmas Eve...unsure about New Year's...would have to see! :)

Mandy said...

Cute! Such a sweet picture. :)

S Club Mama said...

Ang, thanks so much for your encouragement. I do have to ask, though...how do you KNOW they're ready to potty train? I just am so clueless about it all; did I miss the health class where they explain all this?

Danyele Easterhaus said...

they get so old soooo fast, don't they? he's adorable though!

Jenners said...

What a lovely tribute to your son! The photo captures such a loveliness about him that supports your words! I just loved it!

By the way, I'm having a giveaway over at my blog. The prize is a $20 gift card. Stop by if you are interested!

Unknown said...

He sounds and looks like an extra special boy! What a blessing!

I'll post the Weds. before the holidays. Let's do it! : )

Unknown said...

This is a great post. I love the photo and your words are beautiful as usual. If you post next week I will *try* to do a vlog/blog of my famous sweet potato pie. How is that for incentive?

scrappysue said...

hey you changed your profile photo!

he is just adorable! i love that little knowing and slightly cheeky smile.

Lindsay said...

Oh, I feel the same way about my daughter - sounds like they would be great buddies! It just shows you that although you can cultivate empathy in children, they really are just born with most of it - right? I think so. Great post - and he's a doll, to boot.

Kimberly said...

Its so nice to have some sweet ones mixed in there! I don't know that from a mom's perspective, but with 25 little rugrats in my care all day long, its definitely nice to have some sweet kids! He looks like a charmer! So cute!

Belinda said...

He sounds like a sweetheart indeed:)

Krazy Armstrong K's! said...

and hes a cutie too! ahhh easy kids... whats that? lol

Kacey said...

He is just precious. I would want to give him a snuggle too. I soak up every snuggle I can get because I know one day soon they will be less and less. But they will just bring new joy in new ways. Thanks for sharing your sentiments about your sweet boy. :o)

As far as breaks....hmmmm. I'm down with a break for Christmas Eve but ON for New Years. I mean, the party starts late on that day! :o)

Straight to Your Hart said...

What a sweetheart. I need to rub some of that on my 5 year old...giggle!

Elyse said...

Cute pict! Glad this is up a day early :)

Lorie said...

What a sweet boy...you're a blessed mom!
I posted a pic...it's my favorite Christmas card!

Melanie Gillispie said...

That's such a sweet love letter to your son!

Casey's trio said...

What a great picture of Garrett! He sounds like he would make a great son-in-law. I have first dibs:)
Work is kicking my butt this week and leaving me no time for blogging so I'll hopefully be back to play along next week if you decide to still host Wordful Wednesday!

Kristin said...

Good photo of him. I have ONE of those keepers. 1 out of 4 isn't bad, is it? I may kill Ella before she turns 3, so Tess is my salvation.

Are You Serious! said...

♥ He is so cute! :)

carrhop said...

He's such a doll!

And I'm a good judge of cute! ;o)

Bonnie the Boss said...

He is sweet and what a blessing to you.
Christmas is not a break to me it is stressful. I wish that wasn't the case.

Susan said...

What a sweet face to go along with that sweet boy!
You are one lucky mommy.

Darla said...

Darling little guy! I too love your new profile pic but will also miss your old one! And I think for the Wofdful Wednesday, if you're up to it, just post it and whoever is around and wanting to, they can participate and whoever can't doesn't. Hmmm, now I've been out of the loop for a bit on the WW, I will have to see what I've got to share over at my blog. :)

Hootin Anni said...

I would never go as far as saying I would have 100 kids. But I do love mine. It's the teenaged years and the rebellious years that tamed me into my way of thinking I'm glad I stopped at two. roflmao.

LOVE his smile. He's an angel.

My Wordful is also 'photoful' too this week.

Happy Wednesday. I'm sure glad I found this group. And thanks for hosting.

Robin said...

What a sweetheart, and a very handsome one at that :).

Unknown said...


I'm tagging along for the ride again today, thank you!

Maggie said...

What a little cutie! I'd love to get a picture that good. LOL

This is my 2nd week of doing this and I just wanted to let you know I think it's a great idea and tons of fun! :)

Anonymous said...

He just looks like such a sweetheart!

Ronda's Rants said...

What a handsome young man...and he is good...well look at his mother!!!

Julie said...

Cute pic & adorable family. This is my first time here. Thought I'd try playing along.

Kathleen W. said...

Has he seen this post? I'm sure he'd be delighted to know how you feel about him, but I'm sure he knows already. He's such a handsome boy, just like your other two!

Jeanne Estridge said...

Just found your site via Rhonda's Rants -- and a whole new list of places to visit. What an adorable boy. Figuring Mom's opinion of him has helped to build his sweet nature....

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

He looks like a total sweetheart! What a great WW for today! he is just a doll and what a wonderful thing for him to pray his sisters have a good day at school! What a tender heart!

Ash said...

Awww - you know how I love a sweet little boy.

Congratulations on being one of the lucky few with an easy one from birth. I've heard rumor, but I thought it was just an urban legend.

Mine might not have been easy from the get-go, but they got there pretty fast - thank goodness!!


Nicole O'Dell said...

Sweet tribute to your boy!

This is the first time I've played along. Thanks for hosting!!

Natalie said...

what a cute boy!

stop by my place for a little Vanilla Ice! :-)

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

That is completely sweet! And he is such a cutie pie. I know I thank my lucky stars every day that Delia seems to be an easy child so far. ha! :)

Happy Wordful Wednesday!

Stephanie Wetzel said...

Oh, he looks SO sweet. My 9yo was like that until she entered tweenhood. Now, not so much.

I'm joining the Wordful party. I was never any good at Wordless anyway. ;)

Leslee P said...

what a cutie...

Joy said...

Wyatt was such am easy going baby I was afraid to have another child because I thought I would get it for having it so easy the first time. and man did I a girl is way too much drama she's lucky on most days she so dang cute.

Sheri said...

Great photo! I had to "cheat" today and use a cell phone pic - I can't wait to get my computer back!

Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

You are such a lucky mom!! What a cutie! I hope my boy grows up to be the same way.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a little sweetie!!

jori-o said...

He does look adorable...and I like your new profile pic! =)

Patois42 said...

Beautiful picture and beautiful reasons to love.

Meg B....that's me! said...

I just found your blog and I just participated in your carnival...how fun! I am thinking that I just may be a regular now! I have to agree with others..your little boy just looks like such a good kid.

Deb said...

oh he's a sweetie. i have one of those, too (yes, i said ONE). i sure hope that loving, gentle boys grow up to be loving gentlemen. i bet they do...

i'll be around for WW next week. i wouldn't leave you, angie... not even for christmas eve.

jenn said...

Aww. So sweet!

Mark and Kiss said...

He is so precious Angie! I love the photo.

Diane said...

Sweet pictures!

Anonymous said...

Such an adorable grin!

Melissa said...

You're very lucky Angie.
Lap him up.

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

Adorable, simply adorable!

Shannon said...

What a sweet, precious boy. I think God gifts us with at least one that is a little bit easier than the others. The key is to appreciate that in them and it seem that you surely do. You are one blessed mama!

Lula! said...

He has a female counterpart--her name is Libbey. She's almost 7...and theirs would be a perfect union were her marriage not already arranged with The Boy. (Tiffany's son.)

As far as Christmas Eve...I'm taking OFF, baby. Most of next week, in fact. But you know I won't let too much time pass without stopping by to see you. Because THE book arrives tomorrow and I'll have to tell you all about it.

Munchkins and Music said...

Hey angie! Your guy is cute! Isn't it amazing how you can love each child so much! I've been gone for a little bit, but now I'm back! I saw you did a twisted silver give-away again! I love that stuff--you introduced it to me! So thanks! I need to get me some!

Julie said...

He is pretty cute! My little boy is all boy, but he sure is alot sweetness too.

Aubrey said...

Oh, what a beautiful boy. I am blessed enough to have one of those too! He is now 15 and has the heart of gold! And he still cuddles with me to this day. I sure hope his future wife doesn't have issues with this. LOL

I'm Jamie said...

Oh Angie,

A post about the blessings of a son on the day I find out I'm having a boy... I am in tears!
Now I can only hope mine will be so wonderful :)

P.S. I love the new profile pic!

Rachel said...

may i please borrow your child instruction book? mine seems broken.

Salty Incisor said...

like you new profile pic
I think if you want to I will try to find the time to do a post. But either way. In a way it would be cool cuz we might get some good holiday stuff.
Either way...
Merry Christmas
I have a sweet kid too, my baby is 2.5 and still angelic

Shauna said...

Just wanted to stop by and wish you a blessed and very Merry Christmas! ♥ Hugs :) Shauna

Mandy said...

He has such a sweet smile too.

Jessica said...

Ah sweet boy! Everyone needs at least one easy going child! Sweet post!

debi9kids said...

I have two of those! My favorite kind of kid!!!!
He is just beautiful:)

Not sure what i am going to do about next Wednesday... I might pre-post and try to make some rounds, but not sure... (I'm not much help. LOL!)

Happy WW!

A Family Completed... said...

What a doll. You have such beautiful children! I was just awwing through your slideshow they're all so cute.
thanks for stopping by my blog :)

sassy stephanie said...

Oh I love that sweet smile.

Nicole said...

How handsome is he?!!!!! What a cutie.

Sera said...

That is such a sweet picture of him, and such a sweet post. He sounds like a great kid.

ChefDruck said...

What a nice post. I feel the same about my little guy (funny that I also have the boy with 2 girls).

I vote for Wordful Wednesday on Christmas and New Year's - so many great pics to share.

Kim Heinecke said...

I love these pictures of your kids. I have a "gentle" one, balanced by a sparky one, undoubtedly so I don't get the feeling I might be doing this parenting thing correctly! ha/ha.

Anonymous said...

And he does *look* like a gentle soul. My boys are complete opposites but with a connection that is stronger than the differences.
It's always amazing to me how children can be raised the same, born to the same and yet be so different.
Right from the beginning.

Anonymous said...

how precious!

Jamie said...

How sweet! What a cute little guy!

Cheffie-Mom said...

He is adorable! (: What a smile!

Jennifer P. said...

such a handsome boy! And I heart your new avatar too!!!

No breaks! There will certainly be lots of good holiday pictures to check out!

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

So sweet and heartwarming...he's precious

girlytwins said...

His sweet face seems to match his personality. You are a very lucky mommy.

stefanie said...

What a smile!

Kally said...

Don't you just feel so blessed?!!!

Miss B is like that - so super easy that it scares me to think of what any other children I might have would be like. I feel like I have used up all my good luck in the good kid department and any others would be terrors.

Lottie_Ellie said...

What a beautiful tribute