Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Wordful Wednesday-Christmas Eve already?

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it. If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button on the left to link back to me, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!

Bet you thought that you were actually going to get some Christmas photos, right? That's the thing though.........I've been so busy preparing for Christmas that I can't be bothered actually downloading and selecting a picture for this week. I will next week though.....next week.....:)

Now, some of you are probably scratching your head if you are here on Tuesday the 23rd. Many have figured out that I publish my Wordful Wednesday posts on Tuesdays at 5pm Pacific time. It has worked out well for many who want to link up before they go to bed and live on the East Coast. I will continue to publish on Tuesdays, except for one week in January when I've promised a great bloggy pal to wait until Wednesday. Any preferences on which Wednesday in January this should be?

This weeks Wordful Wednesday is yet another installment of Halcomb Photography shots. What can I say? I love 'em and since I can't show you all 300, I've just been picking some of my favorites. Like these:



hippos toes said...
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hippos toes said...

Just beautiful pictures Angie! You have the lovliest family. If only I would have started having children when I was younger, I would love a whole houseful :). If only I knew then what I know now....... Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!

AutoSysGene said...

These are awesome...all of them. How nice that you have so many good ones to chose from.

Merry Christmas!!

Scary Mommy said...

I could happily look at all 300-- they are sooooo gorgeous. I love your family. Merry Christmas to all of you! :)

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

beautiful family, beautiful photos!

merry christmas!

The Shillingburg's said...

My husband was able to get our pictures off onto an external hard drive so I'm happy. He just "wiped" it and is starting over. Whatever that means!

I love the picture with the twins looking in their pockets. SO CUTE. Your family is gorgeous!

Ronda's Rants said...

You have a beautiful family...
Merry... Merry Christmas!

tiarastantrums said...

GORGEOUS photos - Happy Holidays!

Jen said...

you should be sharing those photos. They are beautiful! I absolutely love the one with the twins both looking in their pockets too cute! And it is so nice to see the whole circus. :)

Heather said...

Those are all so beautiful! I love the one of your daughter with the flower in her hair! Gorgeous!

angi_b72 said...

beautiful red hair!!!

Tamara said...

Beautiful photos.

Merry Christmas to you all.

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

Those are beautiful pictures!! I love all your little red heads!!

sassy stephanie said...

Another installment? Well why the heck not...they are fabulous!

Anonymous said...

OMG! Your children are Beautiful! Gorgeous family! Hard choices!

Erin said...

Look at all that RED hair! Gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

One is more beautiful than the next!
Merry Christmas!

Adventure girl said...

Wow! What a lovely family! So many blessings')

2 Green Eyed Girls said...

ya'll are so cute you should be fined - thank you for sharing the great pics of your beautiful family!

Dana said...

gorgeous photos! Man, I sure would love to have me some natural red hair! You've got some beautiful children there. You are truly blessed. Now if I can manage to get some of my newer pics downloaded, I'll put mine up! Have a wonderful Christmas!

Josh n Betsie said...

you have such a beautiful family.

Brandy said...

Your pictures are beautiful!

Michelle said...

You have such a beautiful family! :)

Jocasta said...

I'm glad you put it up early because it's Wednesday afternoon here!

Rhonda said...

Beautiful photos!!!

Jenni said...

Your family is SO gorgeous!

Lacey in the Sky said...

Seriously ... you have the best looking family. Those are some good genes!

Merry Christmas Angie! :)

Julie said...

What fabulous pics & beautiful family! Hope ya'll have a very Merry Christmas!

Heather said...

I LOVE my little twin friends in their picture. Too awesome! Is everybody down there for Christmas? Or are they stuck up here in Winter Wonderland like me?

Diane said...

I know I appreciate you putting it up early!

The one with the twins looking in their pockets is amazing. But they are all beautiful!

Unknown said...

The photos are great and I really love the one of the twins.Like you I have been busy with family this week and will be missing my first WW. I will be back next week.

Enjoy the holidays!

Live.Love.Eat said...

All I can say is wow. The twins are the most beautiful bookends ever. I love the way they are posing in that 1st picture. And the photos are just so crisp. I am with Scary Mommy - I could look at all 300 happily.

Merry Christmas!!!!!! I am up way past my bedtime prepping!

Mrs Anne said...

You have such a gorgeous family!

So well done and so original!

:) beautiful kids!



My Two Army Brats said...

Beautiful pictures!

It's my first time joining in on our WW.

Off to visit the others now! Merry Christmas!

Natalie said...

great pictures!!!! i mean wow! you should keep sharing. they really are fabulous!

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

You have some very fun photo's and I am sure you hear this all the time, but you are going to have to get a gun for those girls of yours. So pretty!

Lorie said...

Beautiful pictures!!!
As for the Wednesday in January, I have no preference.

Rhea said...

Those photos are gorgeous and beautiful and wonderful. You have a beautiful family!

Straight to Your Hart said...

Angie...you have a beautiful family. Love the pictures. Have a wonderful Christmas!!

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

Early posting works for me!!!

My....I didn't realize you had such a big family!!! Great looking bunch :)

Nutty Mom said...

beautiful pictures!

Kelsey said...

What beautiful pictures!! Your redheads are adorable!!

Anonymous said...

The pictures are SO beautiful!!

debi9kids said...

These pictures are all so gorgeous!!!! I hope you are going to do a big ol' display of them somewhere in your house! (do you have any spare wall space? LOL)
Truly! I have no clue how you will choose!
Just beautiful!
Have the merriest of Christmases!
ps My Christmas Card pic won't be on my blog until tomorrow :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, those are really beautiful! I like the ring around the parents... That one is fun!

Merry Christmas Eve!! I am so excited!

Anonymous said...

They are gorgeous pictures. They did a phenomenal job with them. :)

Elyse said...

LOVE the pictures...Tammie did a beautiful job :) As for the date in Jan...how about Jan 14th...just came to me! Merry Christmas!!!

More Than Words said...

Love it! Everyone looks so nice & fresh!!! Beautiful!

Darla said...

Whew! Breathtakingly beautiful!!! You've got a gorgeous family!

Hootin Anni said...

I really like the top photo and the close up photos!!!

Merry Christmas!

My Wordful is Winston our cat, trying to be part of what's under the tree.....or something.

Brenda said...

You have a beautiful family. I hope we get to see the Christmas pictures AFTER Christmas :)

Merry Christmas!

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

Beautiful pictures - I hear you on the no holiday pictures!!! A magical WW to you!

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

I love the pictures!!!!!

Hope you & your gorgeous family have a very Merry Christmas!!!

mommytoalot said...

Oh those are lovely pictures!
All of them turned out so wonderful

A Gilmore Girls Fan said...

You have a beautiful family. Those truly are beautiful family photos. Happy WW and Merry Christmas!

Nicole O'Dell said...

Beautiful pictures of a beautiful family!

K said...

What terrific photos! No wonder you are pleased. That's a good reminder that we need a good family portrait made pretty soon...
Merry Christmas and many blessings to you and yours!

S Club Mama said...

My goodness you have a beautiful family! I adore the ring around the rosie picture...too sweet. Merry Christmas, sweetheart!

CC said...

Statistically speaking, how can any family have that many gorgeous kids. I mean, really?! I've studied genetics and statistics; this isn't supposed to happen. ;)

Mandy said...

Such a beautiful family. :)

Merry Christmas!

Kelly said...

Fantastic photos!! Merry Christmas!

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

Wow! I would love to see all 300 photos. Your family is beautiful. :)

Thanks for doing a Wordful Wednesday on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas to all of you!

Patois42 said...

I can see why you love the photos. They are divine.

Merry Christmas.

Steph at Problem Solvin' Mom said...

This is my first time doing wordful wednesdays, a much better fit for my personality than wordless!

What wonderful photos, I can understand why you might want to publish them all!

Merry Christmas!

United Studies said...

Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!

Amy said...

Your kids are sooo beautiful! As is your whole family.

I played along for the first time. Fun fun!

Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Merry CHristmas! THose are gorgeous photos of your beautiful family!

Ed & Jeanne said...

Well Angie...you missed the 14 days of snow in Portland. Yep...14 days! And now a white Christmas too. Hope you and your family have a great Christmas! See you from time to time for more fantastical nonsense!

Laurie said...

Beautiful pictures! I love the 2nd one with the kids circled around you and your husband. Merry Christmas!!

Susie said...

Great pictures!! Have a very Merry Christmas!!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ Those are all great pictures! :)

Jenners said...

Merry Christmas! I'm sure it was pretty insane in your home!!!

I would share all the photos too ... they are just gorgeous!!! And I have to ask you ... I read in a magazine that Marcia Cross is going to be a commercial for Motts applesauce. Was that the commercial your boys went for? Inquiring minds are wondering!

Thanks for having such a great blog ... and for Wordful Wednesdays. I hope to continue to participate in the coming year and I look forward to reading more of your blog!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Such a beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful family photos! Love them!

Cheffie-Mom said...

You have such a beautiful family! Happy Holidays and Blessings!

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Your family is gorgeous...my fave shot is the one with the twins both looking at their shirts...but all the pics were stunning

Nicole said...

I love them all but I have to agree with the comment above me. The one with the twins looking in their pockets is really cute!!!!

Threeundertwo said...

Oh my gosh! The twins in the matching pose is just so cute!

300 pictures! Your family gets some sort of prize for being good sports through the whole thing.

Hootin Anni said...

I do hope you see this and just not check the comment messages on Wednesdays...

Wanted to let you know that your W W meme has an award for Wednesday Meme 2008 on my Sunday blog.

Happy New Year.

Aunt Julie said...

Christmas Blessings to you and yours!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely family and fabulous photographs.

Jennifer said...


The photos are fantastic! You and your family are lovely. :)

AdriansCrazyLife said...

You have a beautiful family and those pictures are wonderful! I especially like the one of the twins looking in their pockets. They look particularly carbon copy-ish in that one!

My Trendy Tykes said...

Beautiful photos!


Stephanie said...

These are so beautiful...and how do you ever select from the ones you've showcased, let alone 300! My house would be a shrine of family photos!

Clark Captions said...

These pictures are all great! Beautiful family Angie!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! I don't think they could get any better :D

Tulsi said...

Way cute family photo's!!!

Dennis and Leslie said...

Beautiful pictures, beautiful family!

Salty Incisor said...

cute photos

Lottie_Ellie said...

What beautiful photos!

ParentingPink said...

Love these photos! Wish there was a photographer that lived near me who could take shots like that! Happy WW!

Abby said...

THose are great pictures! That is a good looking family you have there!