*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it. If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button on the left to link back to me, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!

This is one of my favorite pictures from the "photo shoot". I love the image of my children and I walking into the distance.
Now, I've been asked by someone who happens to think this pose is LAME (I asked for it specifically, and is not a reflection on the photographer) what the point is. There isn't one really. I just like it. And I hope you do too!

This pose has become really popular and it happens to be one of my favorites now too! There's just something about it. It just seems so spontaneous. We're always so focused on the pose and the smile. It's not a bad thing to show some tush sometime. Well, kidding on that last part.
Ok, as an aside, I am not purposely trying to be 1st all the time now. But it's bedtime for us so it's either now or in the morning and 80 people later :)
Beautiful picture Angie!
I love those pictures. I have one of my dad and my youngest when he was just learning to walk and it's one of my favorites.
This is not lame. I love pictures of people holding hands and walking, viewed from behind. It's a great picture.
I love it. I think the "just happens" shots are always the best ones.
I think this is a great picture!!
Walking away shots are my favorite right now. There is just something about them! It's a beautiful picture!
I like it. I think it is a cool photo:-)
I like that photo!
It's a fun way to show everyone's relative size.
I love that pic!!
I love♥love these kinds of pictures! She really does do a great job!
I think it is a great photo and pose. I would love to have a photo of me and my kids like that. But I think that I will have to wait until they are a little older.
I love this pic!! I don't think its lame...
I like it too!
You are like the top of a mountain with the little ones!
I love that picture! :) It deserves a title like, "Look what I made!" hehe! Gorgeous baby making... that's as crafty as you can get!
I love that picture! :) It deserves a title like, "Look what I made!" hehe! Gorgeous baby making... that's as crafty as you can get!
Ha! There isn't one, indeed. Tell em to bite it. WAs it your hubby since he's not in it?? In that case not to bite it... just enjoy the small things you know!
As a photographer, I can tell you that this is the most requested "pose". I do wish you guys were on a clearer path, but that could just be me, totally jealous over all the GREEN when all we have is white, ice, cold and red, runny noses!! lol
I love this picture!!! Things like this are priceless, since usually it's one of the parents in the picture!!!
I love this picture!!! Things like this are priceless, since usually it's one of the parents in the picture!!!
Ohhhh, I think it's precious. You almost make me want two more. :)
Beautiful photo!! Walking hand in hand with your children with you is so tender...Love it!
What? Someone said it was lame? Wow. Clearly they do not know the meaning of lame!
I love that shot... it's sweet and poignant and all sorts of wonderfully emotional things. My husband and I took a similar shot on our wedding day, us hand in hand, walking into the distance. Come to think of it, I do think there is a point to it... it kind of represents us heading towards the future --together. Which is what I think of when I look at this shot.
It's lovely, so glad you posted it!
Whoever thinks this is lame, is lame!
There is something so lovely about walking behind...it's always been one of my favorites! Am playing along, and LOVE your picture!
I love your family pictures. Each one I have seen have been absolutely beautiful!
Honey Babe... who are these people who say that your jacket isn't cute and this picture is lame? You are so ULTRA creative... as evidenced by your incredible following and amazing visitor record. This photo is VERY creative and I, personally, love it. If it was your husband that said this is lame... I'm driving over and having a chat! Remember, I live in the O.C.! Hee Hee. J.K., but you get what I mean. The pic is beautiful!
I love this picture. Even without seeing their faces it still looks beautiful.
I actually think this is a very cute idea. I like that you have all your kids around you hand in hand. Very sweet.
Are you kidding me? It's fantastic, Angie. I love it!
I like it...It shows you are "together" as a family!
Lame???? I don't think so at all! This is fabulous! A treasure for sure :)
I love it Angie, it shows togetherness and a sense of walking the same path!! A great record of your family togetherness!
Oh that is so cute!
That's a beautiful picture. It would be at the top of my list as well.
I LOVE this photo! I don't think it is lame at all! I love the triangle shape that you all form while walking. And it calls to mind the walking off into the sunset and a happy ending. I think it is gorgeous!
I don't think it's lame, I find it to be quite sweet.
I really like this photo. It is so cute. And I remain amazed that you keep it all together with a houseful of children!
I love it! It's not lame at all!
I like the picture, I do not think it is lame. I think that it is great!
A magical WW to you!
Where's your hubby. He'd look great int he pose too.
Did you get one with him in it?
I love your picture! I posted.
I love your picture! I just have to pipe in with our walking family picture story. My sister, our photographer, told us to walk towards her holding hands. My husband grumbled like you wouldn't believe. He called it lame. He made all the kids grumble. BUT I told them to just pretend they were happy, which got us laughing. Check out the resulting picture (the header for my blog)--our favorite of the day.
I'll be stealing/borrowing this shot I think - LOVE it! though I don't think my backside will look as good. lol
I think it is quite LOVELY! Great picture!
I love it! I have the same pose with my family!
I don't understand how anyone could think that pose is lame! I absolutely adore it!
I love this picture! Man, you guys really did capture some great ones. I don't think it is lame at all. One of my fave pictures of my BFF's wedding is her & her honey walking away by themselves. I just love the thought of it.
Alright, off to get my WW post together. And so don't believe Steph - what an over achiever - #1 again! Ha! Ha!
i think it is precious...i love it! wow, you get these up fast now :)
great picture... i love it! i am impressed that you got enough cooperation from all of your kids to get such a good shot.
I love it. One of my favorite pictures of me and my family is one of us walking away. So simple but pretty...
I really like this pose too. Even though it's really popular, I think it speaks to a lot of people--like "wherever we are going, we're in it together."
Not lame at all...I love pictures from the back. PRECIOUS!
I really need to get some new photos of our family.. this one is great!
What a beautiful picture of your family.
I love the picture of you and the kids walking away holding hands. Have a happy wednesday!
I don't think it's lame at all! In fact - I LOVE it. It's just a perfect reflection of how we (moms) lead our kids by example (holding hands) and away we go in the distance....boy is that a terrible analogy, but whatever. I dig it.
♥ I think it's a great pictures! :)
It's perfect!
Those kinds of shots are my favorites (see the top of my blog!)
Not sure why I like it either, but those are some of the best kinds of pictures.
Just beautiful!
That is a truely lovely picture. You are very lucky to have a great friend/photographer
I love it!:)
love this...such a great shot of something so beautiful!
This pose is becoming very popular! I just took one of my husband with his kids and their kids....in black and white...came out great! I love this shot of your family!!
I think this pose is wonderful. I love how it shows the different "generations" of sort... merely by height... but also captures the "idea" of togetherness and being a team.
You have a beautiful family.
I think it's sweet. Some of my very favorite photos were taken from behind. I have one of my dad with my son that I just love.
Yes, yes, yes!!!! I love it too! Y'know they say a photo is like a 1000 words...this says so much. To me, it's 'comfort with children and guidance of mom'.
My Wordful photo this week is a CATghan.
It's a darling picture!
I completely understand why you love this picture.
So sweet.
That picture speaks volumes to me! Love it.
LOVE the picture and Tammie's work :) Have a wonderful Wednesday!!!
i LOVE that picture. love it.
I'm a newbie to you blog... love it!!! can't wait to get to know ya better!
Angie, once again I am so glad you like your pictures. While this picture wasn't my first "walking away" picture I think it is one of my favorites. My all time favorite being the one where you are looking over your shoulder. Love that one. But its all because you and your family are so stunning. This works because you are all so beautiful.
I think it's a fantastic photo.
I adore that picture!! It is super sweet!! :)
I called myself being prepared and ready with my WW post! Had is DONE last night! I get up this mornin to link up and DANNNGIT...I'm number 66. What does it take to be Number ONE??? lol!
LOVE the photo! I have one that is very similiar...We are all walking away holding hands and quickly turn just our heads back around to the camera for the shot!
I love it--I have several shots of various members of our crew like this--
i love pics of backs...i k now, it's weird. i actually have a friend who has an album of her friends with them walking away...who knows! anyway, cute pic. i love it!
I don't find it lame at all. I love the feel of it.
I love it! I think that it is dreamy and sweet! Your family is so beautiful! Thanks for hosting Wordful Wednesday!
People have actually asked you what the point is?!
I love it - especially since after 5 kiddos, your booty still looks great in jeans - I'd take a shot like that too!!
I think it's a great picture and not lame at all. One of these days, I'll get back on board with WW...I'm missing it, but oh so behind in everything.
Who would say this is lame? I love it! This is a great shot of all of you!
That is an AWESOME picture!! I love that pose and can't imagine that anyone would think that is silly!! It's fun to imagine what kind of looks are on all of your faces...and what you are all thinking!! :)
i love this one. you look FABULOUS. the kids are darling. and i love the holding hands.
our family did this last year.i too asked my photographer for it. and it was SO NOT CUTE! with my large butt. i was dying. i loved seeing the family together walking toward a common goal. except my kids are freaks and were making tooting sounds and not walking nicely. and i didn't love myself in it and couldn't see past that. i discovered that the pants i had on WERE NOT FLATTERING!
but i still liked it. but it didn't look fabulous LIKE YOURS and your perfect skinny body. some things photograph better when you are thin.
i have mine at the very bottom of my blog "the end"
I love pictures that are taken from different prospectives. I remember seeing one of these shots highlighted on the photographers website and told you I loved it!
Good choice......totally not lame!
Great picture. Thanks for the link up!
I think that is a WONDERFUL picture!!
we have an engagement picture of Ryan and I that is similar to this one. We are walking away on railroad tracks! I LOVE IT:) Such an adorable picture
It's a good pose, because it seems so unposed. It's capturing your family in a real moment.
this is a GREAT picture...i'm going to dig the one out of my kids walking to the bus stop when pumpkin_seed started kindergarten...it's of them walking away from me...so cute...i'll put it up next week if i remember!! take care!
I love it! Walking away is always a good shot (in my opinion). I love the twins on the ends and the girls in the middle. Beautiful.
Nope it's not lame and on the plus side you can all be making goofy faces and no one would ever know :)
Lame? Whatever! That's a great picture!
I haven't seen this pose before, but I love it!
I liek the pose a lot! Adorable!
I like it! It's just natural looking! That's what we do with our kids.
This picture is so adorable...some of my favorite pictures of my kids have been taken from the back!
I really like that picture. I like "real" pictures. Very sweet.
I love your picture!!!!!!
I love your picture!!!!!!
I LOVE this shot, it's so real, not all pose-y. PS. 100 comments? How do you even keep up with your mail?
I love this! I agree there is just something to love in it. Besides the green grass gives me that content summer evening feeling. We are in the rain/brown wish the snow would come to brighten things up and make it more holidayish faze. Atleast I am:)
Personally I like the pose!
I love it! So cute!
I do not think the photo is lame, rather, I happen to love it!
just stopped in to say hi! i havent been blogging much, been crazy times.
you have gotten to be too popular for me to keep up with! so i am sorry if this has already been said... the point of the picture is to show that you are all a family, even away from the camera. it's easy to be all smiley and close when you are saying cheese and the camera is dead on... but walking away, holding hands, it shows that you stick together for real--not just when people are looking. how's that for a point?
Great picture and the photographer has a great business. Very colorful, I love them!
LOVE this Wordful stuff :) Tagged you on my blog for an award. Check it out when you have a chance :)
The pictures great with you are your children, but what I want to know is how do you have any time to blog?
Here's my WW.
I think it's a fabulous shot. I love walking away photos, I always try to get them too.
Why does it have to have a point??? I think it is lovely and you know I am partial to the walking away shots. I have a TON of them of all of my family members and they are some of my faves. You really got some great shots!
I love the picture! It is so NOT lame..it should have the caption, "And So we walk, not away from what is, but towards what can be"
It's a lovely shot...and why do people have to share their opinion all the time????
I love it! I just do! I took pix of my kids walking away and had Shantel take a few us and they are my favorites too. It's the way I see my kidswalkingaway - growing up and moving on with out me...
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