Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Merry SITSmas-From My Family to Yours

Be sure to head over to SITS today for giveaways all day long and the chance to visit other SITS followers.
AND you must stop in with Casey at Quilao Triplets, Tiffany at R Family Diaries, and Heather at Mindless Junque for a little SITSmas cheer. When you are done with that, take a gander at my blogroll in my sidebar and see all the wonderful women I've "met" through SITS. Then go give them a little love.

*Family Photo taken by Tammie with Halcomb Photography



tam said...

Happy Merry SITSmas!
~Tam :D

Sandy said...

Merry SITSmas! What a great family picture!

flickrlovr said...

Yay! I'm #3!

Beautiful family...Merry SITSmas!

Scary Mommy said...

Could your family BE any more beautiful?! It's kinda crazy!

Anonymous said...

beautiful family photo.

Merry SITSmas ~

Anonymous said...

That picture is BEAUTIFUL! How you got all kids to look so great is beyond me!
Your son (not the twins) looks like Dad, huh? You look awesome in the photo... see? California agrees with you!

Thanks for sharing!

Deb said...

okay, now you've gone too far... i knew your kids were adorable, sweet, beautiful, and smart, but i had no idea your husband was a total babe! i should have known...

merry sitsmas. i am not sure what that is, but i am thinking i probably shouldn't get involved with another group of smart, fun women so close to the holidays. i have to be way too productive.

Jen said...

Great photo! And Merry SITSmas to you.

Robin said...

What a beautiful photo. Besides being beautiful, you all look so HAPPY in it. California was definitely a great move.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

aren't you all so cute??? what a great pic! california sun is def doing you all good! merry sistmas!

Mandy said...

That is a great picture of you guys! Merry SITSmas to you!

Mamarazzi said...

Merry SITSmas!

Since today is ALL about the giveaways I have one going too! Come on over and enter. It's a couple posts down from my SITSmas post!!

Casey's trio said...

Now that is the perfect family picture!! Merry SITSmas:) Here's to hoping we win something.

Aunt Julie said...

And a Merry SITSmas to you, too! Hey, I'm Sharing Some Linky Love with you over at my place...please come Check. It. Out!

United Studies said...

I haven't a clue what this Sitsa thing is...but you have a beautiful family. :-)

Susie said...

Ah the SITS! Merry SITSmas to you too! (even though I haven't even roll-called in months;(

Your family is stunning! That is a beautiful picture!

Rhonda said...

Merry SITSmas to you, my friend! You have a beautiful family!

Heather said...

That's a fantastic picture! Merry SITSmas, happy holidays and all the best for 2009! Cheers!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

merry sitsmas!

S Club Mama said...

great picture merry sitsmas

Unknown said...

Merry SITSmas! I love the photo and of course I love SITS.

Megan said...

Wishing you a wonderful holiday season!

Merry SITSmas!

Allison said...

Merry SITSmas, Angie! You have a super cute family!

Jenners said...

Merry SITSmas! Your family is so beautiful...you really should all be featured in a catalog or TV show or something! I know you have the great personality to go along with your great looks! Thanks for your blogging support...it means so much to me!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous family photo. (And how cute is your husband!!!) You all look so happy! Have a wonderful holiday!

Kristin said...

Merry SITSmas to you. Love the family pic.

jori-o said...

What a GORJ family picture! That one should be going on a wall somewhere! Merry SITSmas! =)

Shala said...

You have a beautiful family. I love the red hair! Merry SITSmas.

Jaysi said...

Great family photo. Did you hear about the boys gig yet??? I can't wait to hear how it all goes down. Ryan and I have been talking about getting Finn into something. I think he could make some serious dough with that fuzzy head!! I don't even know where to start with that though.

April said...

AHHHH, i know i've said this before, but your family is GORGEOUS!

Laura said...

I love that photo of your family.

Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL family picture!!

koopermom said...

That's a great family picture!

Kacey said...

What a great picture! Merry SITSmas! I'm going to be doing a little blog surfing today. Woohoo!

Aubrey said...

Oh Angie! That is such a sweet family photo! I too am amazed (& jealous) that you captured such a great shot as a whole fam! LOL Tell me it wasn't as easy as it looks!

Merry SITSmas!

Erin said...

I LOVE this pic! Your fam is beautiful!

Lorie said...

What a cute family! And happy SITSmas!

Jessica said...

What a great picture! Is that your Christmas card? Merry Sistmas bloggy friend!

My name is Tammie said...

So glad everyone likes your family picture!!!! You guys are so easy to photograph! It WAS that easy!

Michelle said...

Wow, what a great family photo Angie! I love how you and your hubby both have one of the twins. Creates a perfect balance.

Merry SITsmas!

BloggessJ said...

Love the family photo! Merry SITSmas!

Melissa said...

That's a really good pic.

Live.Love.Eat said...

Oh Angie, that picture couldn't be any more beautiful or awesome or sweet! I just love it. California is agreeing with you all!!!! Merry SITSmas and Merry Christmas my friend!

Emily said...

adorable christmas picture:)
what a darling family!

Honey Mommy said...

What a great family photo!

Have a fun day!

bichonpawz said...

BEAUTIFUL family photograph!!! Merry SITSmas!

AutoSysGene said...

I'm hoping that is going on your Christmas card!!

Beautiful shot!

Anonymous said...

That family picture is GORGEOUS!

Swirl Girl said...

What a beatiful family picture.
I am just wild about all the red hair!!

Merry Day!

Melissa said...

What a great, great picture!!! You are lucky to get a picture with every.single.one. of you looking and smiling....I wonder how long that took?? :)

Connie said...

Angie, What a beautiful family....I love how all of your kids looks so different yet related, except the twins of course!!

Connie said...

They actually look related...sorry, hope that made sense!!

Amanda said...

Beautiful family picture!

Stu Pidasso said...

That is a mighty fine loking family you have there. Happy Holidays to you and yours!!

sassy stephanie said...

What a beautiful family! Such a great pic.

Heather said...

Your photo is fabulous.

tiarastantrums said...

GORGEOUS family!!

Amy said...

I love the pic!
Merry SITSmas :D

debi9kids said...

Merry SITSmas! I'm so late jumping in on this one. UGH!

feather k said...

Merry SITSmas!

Jenni said...

What a beautiful family! Merry SITSmas!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ Very cute family picture! :)

WheresMyAngels said...

Great card! Beautiful family shot. We can't get that around here, someone always has to make the UGLY face!! lol

Heather said...

What a gorgeous family! Merry SITSmas!

Kelsey said...

What a lovely picture!
Merry SITSmas to you.

Colleen said...

What a darling family!! Oh how I wish we had the red hair in ours.

Anonymous said...

Merry SITSmas Angie :)
Lovely portrait ; she really does a wonderful job!

Cristin said...

What a good looking bunch.... you guys could be in a catalog!

Mammatalk said...

What a gorgeous family! I'd love to participate in your Wordful Wednsday, but I don't ever include pix of my family. Maybe I can think of something creative for next week! :-)

carrhop said...

Love, love, love the pic!


Lorina said...

Merry SITSmas!

Jamie said...

What a beautiful family you have! Love the picture!

KatBouska said...

Oh my gosh could your family BE better looking!?! Love you!

Kathleen W. said...

Angie, honestly, you have the best lookin' family! You all look so perfect, yet natural too (unlike some family photos). Happy SITSmas to you!

Kim said...

What a great picture. You're family is so gorgeous!!!

Shan G said...

Merry SITSmas!!

What a beautiful family you have!

Bonnie the Boss said...

Your family is adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

That is such a wonderful family photo, Angie! You all are adorable.
Merry SITSmas!

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

Your family is so beautiful!!

Hope you had a merry SITSmas!!

Unknown said...

What a gorgeous family! I'm a little behind in visiting fellow SITSas. I also have 5 kids--it's so fun to meet other moms with big families! :)

Clark Captions said...

This is a great family photo! Wish I were in CA!!! It is soo cold here!

Anonymous said...

You have the most gorgeous shade of red hair!