Friday, December 19, 2008

I can hardly contain my glee........

I've been published.

I haven't actually seen the January edition of the magazine yet, but that doesn't matter. What does matter is that the article I wrote on a whim over two years ago has finally been put in print.

It's in a church publication (The Ensign), and the article is about my twins......distribution is to over a million people!

I can't think of anything more humbling this holiday season than this reminder of how abundantly I've been blessed.



Anonymous said...

Hey, that's awesome! So how can we read it?

Scary Mommy said...

That's amazing! I'm so excited for you- that's what I dream about! :)

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...


Diane said...

Wow! Congrats! That's a super huge accomplishment!

Jen said...

Angie, that is awesome. Good for you! I can't wait to read what you wrote.

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

How incredible! What a great way to start the new year and wrap up the holidays! Congrats!!

Autumn said...

that is awesome! congrats girl

Kelsey said...

Congrats Angie!!
You should frame it and put it near your computer so it will inspire you to write more :)

S Club Mama said...

Oh goodness, Ang! Where can we find a copy of this magazine?? You know I love you and can't get enough so I'd love to read this!

And love the new profile beautiful.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

yeah for being in real print! woot woot! super fun!

angi_b72 said...

very awesome!! Merry Christmas!!

Heather said...

Hooray!! I remember so long ago when you told me you had submitted it! I'm so excited. I feel like I/m friends with a celebrity!

Anonymous said...

How fun!!! Im so excited I cant wait to read it! Is it in next months or this months?? (can you tell i havent read this months yet?) oops!

Anonymous said...

Ok i just read that its january! sorry!

Allison said...

Congratulations! What a wonderful surprise Christmas gift for you!

Merry CHRISTmas <><

Anonymous said...

Congrats, you're a WRITER!! So happy for you.

Amy said...

Very cool, congrats :)

Rachel Berry said...

I JUST READ IT AND YOU DID A GREAT JOB!! How fitting that my January Ensign came today! Congrats Angie!!

Unknown said...

Congrats!! I can't wait to read it once my new mag. comes in the mail.

Anonymous said...



(((and I'm LOVIN the new profile photo!!)))

My name is Tammie said...

Oh my gosh thats wonderful!! Congrats Angie!!! That is so cool! Yes, please post it for all to read. I bet its awesome.

Jenners said...

Merry Early Christmas to you!

Aubrey said...

Yay Angie! That is awesome! What a wonderful event!

Brossettelewis said...

If I could figure out the stinkin wireless scanner I'd scan it. It's not online at yet. Congratulations.

<---the TTTS one that stalked & emailed you. If you really are interested in my boys story it's on my blog, first link on the left.

jori-o said...

I got it in the mail today and thought of you, Sure enough! You did a wonderful job! Congratulations! You should link it from your blog so everyone can read it!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Angie!! I'm so happy for you!

Julie@My5monkeys said...

congrats and can't wait to read it next month and I'll actually know someone who wrote something. Yeah for you.

Jessica said...

Congrats!!! You deserve it!

AutoSysGene said...

Congratulations...I can hear the pride in your voice...WTG!

Rhonda said...

I'm so thrilled for you! Way to go!

Rhonda said...

Oh, and I got the tea set today! It's beautiful! Thanks Angie! I'll post about it on Monday!

bichonpawz said...

How exciting!! Way to go, girl! I am thrilled for you!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ I haven't got mine yet with all the address changes but I can't wait to read it! :)

Becky said...

That's fantastic! My Ensign is sitting right beside me. I will have to open it up right now and read about them. : )

Elizabeth said...

Congrats! That's great news.

Erin said...


The Shillingburg's said...

That is so great! I'm excited for you!!

Julie said...

Congratulations! How exciting!

April said...

yay! congratulations!!!

Cajoh said...

Congratulations on your publication.

Ronda's Rants said...

Congrats! How exciting! I will look for it!

Laurie said...

I got my Ensign last week and had to tear it open when I read this. Very nicely written, It was so exciting to see a name in there I knew. Although the artist did not do you justice:) Congratulations on your first published work.
Have a merry Christmas!

Casey's trio said...

WOW! How cool Angie. Maybe you can scan the article for us when it publishes:)

Laura said...

I am so excited to see it :) You know how much I think you deserve it. I have seen your original copy (long ago). I am interested to see how it was edited.

Jennifer said...


Now, how ca those of us who do not get the magazine read your article?

I am very happy for you. Again Congratulations on being a published authour!!!!

Kristin said...

Can't wait to read it! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

That is so incredibly exciting! I'm tickled pink for you. If you can somehow post it on your blog or link up to it, I would LOVE to read it. Yay for you, Angie!
And, I left you a Great Buddy award on my blog:

sassy stephanie said...

Yay Angie! What great news! Congrats!

Lorina said...

Hey now that's pretty darn neat! Can't wait to read it!

Mrs Anne said...


you ARE amazing!

i could have told you that tho!

blessed indeed!


Kimberly said...

How exciting! I will look for your article when I get the Jan. Ensign! Cool! Congratulations!

Laura said...

I already read the article, it is so good! I cry every time I hear your story. You gotta love two babies. It is still snowing here. So beautiful, but life-stopping since they don't salt the roads. I miss you.

CC said...

So cool!!!!! Congrats!!!

Kacey said...

WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I am SO excited for you! That is just FABULOUS news! Congrats to you girlfriend. So, does this officially mean you're famous? ;o)

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

This is just wonderful! Yippee for you! It has been a magical year!

Susie said...

ANGIE!!!!! OMG!!!! I'm so excited for you! THis is AWESOME! You are living one of my exact dreams come true and I am truly, truly, thrilled for you.

Um, can I read it though? I'm too far away from your church to get it;)

Oh, congrats again. Whoohoo for you!

Elyse said...

CONGRATS Angie :) How can I read it?

Tiffany said...

Congrats girl!!!!

Melissa said...

Wow....congrats for you!!! Is there a way for us to see it???

Rhea said...

Distribution to over a million people?! That's amazing. Congrats, Angie! I'm so happy for you.

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

Oh my goodness...Merry Christmas to YOU!!
Im so happy for you!

Neil said...

How exciting! You're a wonderful writer - I'm so glad you'll get to share your gift with The Ensign's readers.

Jenni said...

That is TERRIFIC! Congratulations!

Jocasta said...

Wow! Do we get to read it?

scrappysue said...

that is such great news angie! what a great christmas gift to yourself. make sure you put in a link to the article when it comes out!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Angie...what a way to start off 2009. I know that's very special to you to be recognized for your writing. Cheers!

Aunt Julie said...

Congrats, and be sure to let us know how we can get a copy! Any chance they have a Web site, too?

Jess B said...

That's so awesome! Congratulations!!

Sharon said...

That's so cool, Angie! I immediately got my Ensign out (it came yesterday) and found your article. :-) Latter-Day Saint Voices is always what I read first anyway. Way to go!!

Sam_I_am said...


Mandy said...

Congrats! I will look forward to reading it.

Honey Mommy said...

Hey! I think I have the January edition on my kitchen table! I will have to go look for your article!

p.s. Who knew it took that long to get an article published?!

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

How incredible! Congrats to you. :)

girlytwins said...

I just read the online format of the magazine. Your story brought tears to my eyes. It was so heartfelt. Congrats again on a well deserved publication. It was beautiful.

Lula! said...

I've always known you were destined for fame. I've said it all along.

Now I'm going to start saying, "I totally knew her when..."

ChefDruck said...

Congratulations! I'm sure this will be the first of many articles. You're such a great writer!

Live.Love.Eat said...

SO awesome. Can't wait to read it!!!!!!! Congrats. You'll be one of those famous people who stays nice!

Anonymous said...

congratulations!! way to go!!

Stephanie said...

Great news! I can't wait to read it. This Christmas marks two years since I began my momo diagnosis journey....time flies.

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

How exciting!! COngrats to you

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

Holy Ned Angie!!!!! That is so awesome! I am going to be looking for it. I am so proud of you. way to go!

latree said...


Unknown said...

Wow Angie! That is wonderful! Congratulations! : )

Clark Captions said...

Hey Angie! I read your article and thought it was great. Although, I know that you went through a lot more than it portrayed. I am so happy for you! Congrats!

Tonya Staab said...

Aahhhhh, that's fantastic. Congrats. You better scan and post a copy of the article once you see it in print.