Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Can you believe Christmas is upon us? I hope that you all have a wonderful week.

Wordful Wednesday will be up as usual, but I'm not sure I'll be able to make the rounds like I normally do. I'm taking a bloggy break to spend time with my family, but I'll be back commenting like normal in the New Year. Can't wait to catch up with all of you!

I found the link to my article in the Ensign:,7779,592-6-1,00.html#

My story is on page 71.


Anonymous said...

You have a fantastic week and a very Merry Christmas yourself.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

wow! you have a fab week...enjoy fam. i'm off after a few days here, but will be posting with pre-set posts! i love that to read ur article!!! i love that i know a published author!!!!

Ash said...

Wow - published. How totally, incredibly wonderful is that!? Off to check it out.

Have a wonder Holiday week. See you in 2009!


Allison said...

May you have a blessed CHRISTmas as well! I, too, am taking a holiday blogging hiatus but look forward to catching up once I return in the new year! I am truly thankful for meeting you and all my other blogging buddies this year! It sure has made this year end with lots of fun, friendship and support!

Anonymous said...

have a very merry christmas! enjoy this time with your family

Rhonda said...

Merry Christmas, my friend. I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family, and look forward to hearing all about it, with pictures of course, in the New Year.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

have a very happy holiday break!

can't wait to read the article!

Nicole said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Jaysi said...

That is very exciting...congrats.

Have a Merry Christmas!

Jen said...

I am going to check out that link. I hope that you have a wonderful week and a very Merry Christmas.

Live.Love.Eat said...

It was an amazing article Angie. I had read about what you went through before but it was different reading it as part of a magazing article. I had also forgotten you were in the hospital for 2 months. Wow!!!! Thanks for sharing this. Have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy your time with family!!!

Cheffie-Mom said...

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Tamara said...

Hope you all have a very merry Christmas. Love your Christmas card.

We miss you all!

Cajoh said...

I think we all need a break to be with family. Have a very Merry Christmas

Stephanie said...

I've been on a bloggy break and will continue! Enjoy yours! Heading to read your article now!!

Lula! said...

I will be taking a bloggy break in a day or two, as well. I think we all need to take bloggy breaks. Don't you?????

You are a superstar and I love you BUSHELS. That's a whole heck of a lot, you know.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you and your gorgeous fam! See you again soon!

Stephanie said...

Angie, I just read it, and now I can't stop crying. Our stories are slightly were informed/I was not until I was hospitalized. By the Grace of God we both delivered strong baby boys.

Beautiful article.

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

Spending time with the family is important. Enjoy the holidays! :)

Jocasta said...

Great article Angie. Merry Christmas!

scrappysue said...

we're heading off tomorrow too! merry christmas to your family and i'll see you on the other bloggy side (of christmas, that is!)

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Merry CHristmas to you!

Colleen said...

Way to go Angie!! Remember me when you are famous :). Really, though, that is cool.

Mozi Esme said...

Here's to a blessed Christmas for you, too! Congrats on the article - a great testimony for sure...

Jenni said...

Merry Christmas, Angie!!!!

Susie said...

Have a Merry Christmas:-)

Patois42 said...

Congratulations to you!

Heather said...

Have a wonderful Christmas, Angie! Congratulations on your article!

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and I hope you and your family continue to be blessed with everything you need. I am going to the link!!!!

WheresMyAngels said...

That is so wonderful, it is always good to get the word out and educate people!

Happy Holidays to you!

Melissa said...

I'm trying to get to the article.
Merry Christmas.

Krazy Armstrong K's! said...

Happy Holidays!

Jessica said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful story! Beautiful testimony and beautifully written.

Jamie said...

Merry Christmas! I'll check out your article sometime during my Christmas break.

Jamie said...

Merry Christmas! I'll check out your article sometime during my Christmas break.

Aunt Julie said...

You are quite the accomplished authoress! I really enjoyed reading your piece...hope you and the fams have a Fabulous Holiday!!

Michelle said...

Wow, published. I'll have to go check it out! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Heather said...

Miss you guys like crazy!

Carrie and Jim said...

Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ I still haven't gotten my Ensign! I'm glad you posted the link! Great Article!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

There's a "present" for you on my blog!!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!