Monster slugs. You know how when you move to a different place you find new and interesting things surrounding you? Here's a perfect example. The slugs we have up here are enormous.....and plentiful, and just downright nasty.

This one is about 4.5 inches long.
Gross...I cringe to think where it could possibly end up if one of the twinnies got a hold of it.
Are you sure that is a slug, not a snail without a shell? That is soooo sick. What do you do about slugs? Salt anyone? Yuck!
Oh gross!!! I bet your boys LOVE them!!
You are so right about plentiful. Even I have limits on what bugs Lilly can play with. And slugs are not on any playable list!
Ooooo! Luke is soooo jealous!
ewwww blelk! :P
I think its cute! Its better than some big crunchy bug. We have crunchy bugs in Illinois, so I'll take a cute little slimy one any day.
That is disgusting and did you see that slime trail that it left?!
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