Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Evil twisty and boba

This is John's new trick. He makes this smile and then twists his head back and forth with this expression on his face all the while. When he performs this treat for us we call him evil twisty. His side kick is boba. Don't even ask how this originated. Gotta love it. The boys are 22 months old! Time flies when you're having fun.


Anonymous said...

Oh Angie, the twins are so adorable! Everytime I see pictures of your kids I can't help but smile :)

Shannon said...

They are to die for!!! That red hair is FABULOUS! I just wish I could see them in person and play with them. They always look like lots of troublesome fun!

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

How cute! They are Jack's age...time does fly.Although, in some ways- not fast enough. LOL! But its all good. Being a mom is a blast and at the end of the day we are silly enough to look back with sentimental regret that the time has passed. A strange dichotomy...to miss the thing that drives us to exhaustion and lunacy.But, they are soooo cute !

Casey's trio said...

Holy cow...only 2 more months and they're 2! Wow:)

My name is Tammie said...

OMG That second picture is so great! I love it! The boys are so so handsome! 22 months. What next, driving?

Heather said...

WHAT? Almost 2? Dang. They are too funny. And I loved all of your "I knew I was inpatient." It's really incredible to think about what miracle you really helped to perform! I always tell me patients when I'm settling them in for a long hospitalization that the first few days may be miserable (after all, bedrest is NOT easy) and then after that they will settle into a routine. Sounds like I might actually be a little right!

Debra said...

They are such adorable boys!!!! It is hard to believe they will be 2 soon.

Sarah said...

Love those boys! I can't believe how big our babies are getting. Time flys when your having fun! Last week in nursery one of the boys said to Henry....."Your mine" as he was pointing at him! It was hilarious!

Kristin said...

I don't know HOW you tell them apart!

Doug & Stacy Fournier said...

your boys are the cutest ever!!! i can't beleive they are almost 2!!! WOW!