What is it?
Well, we'll tell you what it is NOT... It's Not About YOU. It's about SOMEONE ELSE. It's our chance, each of us, to shine our light on someone else.
Huh? Whaddya mean?
We each spend a lot of time talking about ourselves and our lives, but we are also fairly GIVING people too...Tuesday's Tribute is a chance to talk about OTHER people, OTHER blogs, OTHER lives.
Now's your chance to shine your light on someone else.
It's all about YOU today.
Yes, You.
My readers. My peeps. My commenters. My loyal friends.
I appreciate you all so much.
Even though I've disappeared into the remodeling abyss, you've stood by me.
I appreciate it so much.
Thank you.
I'll be around for a visit soon.
You are just so sweet. I just love coming here, cause you are just too awesome. ;)
No that's a tribute that I can be a part of:-) Hee, hee, hee.
This particular peep can't wait to meet you in person. I honestly thought we'd meet up in Disneyland first, but hey, I'll take Vegas!!!
Well, I hope when you get back to blogging more you'll have lots of pictures of your projects!
Justine :o )
You are so sweet! Of course, we will keep coming back (and back and back...). Love ya!
i really am liking the new look here!
nice post! hopefully you'll give us a peak at what's been going on behind the scenes there soon...?
There aren't many blogs that I'd rather visit! Especially when the author is the hottie redhead like you!
This will be my first time participating in Tuesdays Tribute. I just started the Wordful Wednesdays last week and enjoyed meeting new bloggers and reading all the great comments. This is one of my fav sites. Thanks for all that you do to bring everyone together. Take care.
Ahh, thanks. We appreciate you!
Can't wait to see more of all the remodeling that is happening over at your place!!
you're welcome!
i stumble upon your site many times but this is my first time to join such activity. This is a nice one, i been looking for such activity as an outlet to thank and recognize other inspiring bloggers like you. today, is my first time to join. heheh!
take care!
aw...it's nice to be appreciated.thanks.
What a very nice post.
Looks like we had the same idea. LOL
It's just because you're so wonderful! Hope the remodeling is going well...
I just found your blog through Zook Nook. What a great theme!
what a great idea! i love this and hopefully be able to join you here too...
Your are the reason I blog. So Thank You!
aw, shucks :-)
you're pretty great too!
Awww, too sweet!! Glad to be one of your peeps!!
LOVE the new look! L-O-V-E
We appreciate YOU too!
I'm so glad Lula sent you my way! I have seen your blog name all over the place, and you're going to speak at BlogHer, correct? I will take a look around here!
I think everyone understands that even bloggers have busy "real" lives to deal with from time to time.
In fact I like when my favorite bloggers take breaks because then I don't feel guilty for not being able to visit all the time. See, it is all about me. :)
Remodeling chaos huh?
We miss ya :)
and.. guess what? You'll never guess?
Okay.. I need a favor.. :)
Man I'm evil lately...
the new look is wonderful!
Blessings to you and yours!!
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