Saturday, June 13, 2009

Boo Hoo.....

I hope you'll all humor me as a do a little boo hooing. Even if you don't feel sorry for me at all.

See, we are a week into summer break and the weather has been terrible.

Not my normal Southern California goodness at all.

For over a week now it's been chilly, overcast and dreary.....

There. I'm done.

I decided to play the glad game (I'm a big fan of Pollyanna) instead.

I'm glad I don't have a mullet.

I'm pretty sure that if I had Kristen Stewarts new do I'd be boo hooing from now until next month at which point I'd be all cried out.

I'm thinking she's shed some serious tears over her new cut. What do you think? Could she possible like it? Even if she IS getting paid a bunch of money for a movie?



Kimberly said...

EEeekk. I'm thinking not. I'm thinking mullets should stay in history where they belong. Pollyanna, I am also grateful that I don't have this haircut!

{krista} said...

If I were Kristen Stewart and had to do this for a movie, I would have said "get me a wig".

I, therefore, am also glad I don't have a mullet.

Anonymous said...

(I'm sneaking over from Mama's Losin It)

I don't feel sorry for you with your weather troubles...we have had the same kind of crappy summer weather...but YOU have better weather 90% more than we this is me sticking my tongue out at you...

As for the hair...she's young, she "thinks" she's being rebellious...oh, they never learn.

T Rex Mom said...

You are so right, glad I don't have that hair do! She is such a lovely girl, why do that to oneself?

I hope the weather improves soon!

Shannon said...

I am glad we are not the only ones with cold and gloomy weather. You know that is pretty much a way of life for us but NOT for you. Hopefully the sun will come out for all of us very soon!

I kind of like her mullet. I know I am probably the only one. Maybe its because my sister in law has had a cut very similar to that one and it suited her:)

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Oh my I would have been crying over that hair do. Sorry the weather is crummy.

Jen said...

the weather here has been terrible too. It is summer, I am suppose to be able to send my kids outside to play. They don't like being inside. I don't like them being inside. Yuck.

But you are right, at least I don't have her hair.

Claudya Martinez said...

Oh come one now! Mullets are so versatile. All business in the front and party in the back.

Michelle said...

I hope whatever movie she got her hair cut for is paying her a huge amount of money! No one that cute should ever have a mullet.

I'll boo hoo with you on the weather. Even though I wouldn't mind if it stayed yucky for when we go to the Fair next week. I hate spending the entire day sweating. :)

Laura said...

I think your sending it all my way. We have had HUGE rain (and even flooding) for our first week of summer break. It's also VERY cold. Like sweatshirts and coats again. I miss summer!

McClure Family said...

i will add to the glad category! i am SO glad i dont have that mullet! wow...

Swirl Girl said...

I know all about this June gloom - but it's supposed to burn off by like 10 am right? I wanna go to the beach and the pool wwwwhhhaaaaaa!

Jocasta said...

Hahahahaha! I like everyone to be as cold as I am!!

Because I'm still young and hip I don't mind the do!

Unknown said...

Sorry about your bad weather! That stinks!

& Ew, I know! Her hair is awful. I think she did it for a movie in which she is playing a young Joan Jett. I know that sounds like a genius comparison joke I just came up with(haha), but seriously, that's what I read. :)

Melissa said...

Sorry man no sympathy here.
It's been raining all week here in Utah.
CA sounds pretty good to me.

sassy stephanie said...

Umm, better than 97 degree humidity!

I know it's for a role, but she looks like a drug addict.

scrappysue said...

i don't know who kristen stewart is, but that's one bad haircut. thankfully it'll grow! hope the weather improves - no sympathy from me - it's a week until our shortest day!

Amy said...

Now that is something to cry about! I am crying for her. I hope your weather gets better - i have heard that is has not been so great.

Amy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tim said...

I didnt get her new look either.

As for your weather, Im sure it will change soon. Cali weather in the Summer is so much better than our Texas HOT humid weather.

Love and Prayers,


Cristin said...

KStew can do no wrong in my book.... she'll be a fab Joan Jett.

Unknown said...

Yuck! Crummy rain! And boy-oh-boy! That's a horrible hair cut!!

Jenners said...

It looks like a bad hairpiece! She probably has it to get rid of that pesky Robert Pattison who supposedly likes her.

tiarastantrums said...

she only cut her hair like that b/c she is doing a role where she is Joan Jett!

Erin said...

If I was paid what she was I would sport a mullet.

Susie said...

Yeah...for her kind of money, I would wear a mullet...but when it was over, I was promptly chop it off!!

KatBouska said...

Mullets are coming back...just you wait.

And boo hoo is right about the weather. You live in CALIFORNIA...the sunshine state! Enjoy the cool reprieve while it lasts homie!

Salty Incisor said...

my tomatos are afraid to cry because they are already drowining boo hoo, but I love how rain greens things up. The hills must be pretty! At least that happens in No cal where I am from.

Kelly said...

Me too. I'd die. The mullet is good for no one.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I hope she's gettin' paid the big bucks for that. EEK!

Hope some sunshine comes on in soon!!

ChefDruck said...

Not to mention that she is in every tabloid about whether or not Pattinson is with her. Makes her seem like a desperate girl just waiting for him, and when Twilight came out, she was a bigger star!

If it's any consolation, it's been raining for 2 weeks in NJ.

Molly said...

I am in Northern Cal and the weather has been really wierd here too! Chilly, cloudy and just ick. This weeks forcast looks a little better at least. Hope you get some outside time!

Casey's trio said...

Yeah, I'd be crying with that haircut!

Justine said...

Oh, please send some of that dreary weather this way. It's so hot that I'm melting where I sit!

Justine :o )

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

You would totally rock a mullet!

ESPecially if you were getting paid.. :)

Jennifer P. said...

I think you should start a new Facebook group called "I'm Glad I'm Not Being Paid to have a Mullet". I'd join :)!!!

Jennifer P. said...

I think you should start a new Facebook group called "I'm Glad I'm Not Being Paid to have a Mullet". I'd join :)!!!

Lula! said...

OK, you're gonna die...

but I LOVE KStew's new 'do. It's SO Joan Jett, circa 1976. Oh my head, she's so method.

I really love it.

But she better get some weave up in there before Eclipse starts shooting in August/September. My Bella does not have an inky mullet. No ma'am.

Unknown said...

Our weather has been non stop rain! I love it though because when it isn't raining the sky is so pretty. I just love pretty skies : ).

Bonnie the Boss said...

I have a new haircut and I am not a big fan at the momnet! But I am super glad I don't have her haircut!