This first one just might be my favorite. You'll have to look closely, but this is a sample of my poetry and art skills. I think it was pretty apparent from an early age that I sorely lacked artisitic ability. I'm going to type my poem for you so that you can see just what inspired me back then:
My Pencil
I had a pretty pencil.
It was very red.
But when I started writing,
I had a broken led.
I wondered what I could do.
I was really feeling blue.
I asked Sandra, "do you have a pencil I can borrow?"
She said, "No, not today, maybe tomorrow."
And here's my nonsense rhyme:
The dog tried to talk.
Pretty amazing, right? Here's the doozie......these poems were written in the 4th grade. Yep 4th grade. I shudder to think that that was the best I could come up with!
Actually, I think its a darn good poem! Very creative!! But then again, I really like pencils.
♥ I remember dreading poem time in school. Something I really stink at! BIG TIME! So I admire anyone that can bring a poem toghether! :)
I thought that the poem was pretty good. I couldn't even do that well right now, let alone back in 4th grade!
At least you tried....
I love them! You don't even want to see what I came up with in the fourth grade. I was supposed to write a book, It was around christmas, the only thing I could come up with was to illustrate the song C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S. you have more creativity in your pinky than I do in my whole right arm. Yes, I am right handed, it is so sad. My kids will definitely have to go to Daddy for help in that dept.:)
I'm sure you aced math class...:-)
I like the pencil one. Espesally the broken lead. Cute :)
you are kidding me! that is fabulous! i only hope my kids could come up with something half as good. and in 4th grade. fabulous! i hated writing poetry or any creative writing.
I thought it was good for a nine year old!!!
I think the poem is adorable. It was a great job for a nine year old.
I am amazed you have things to find. I don't think I do and I would certainly conside these things a treasure. I think these poems are sweet and real.
you were born to write.
it's simple but very good, you were 4th grade...
I don't use rhymes when I write poems, I like something a little mess up.
I am not sure that I could write a poem that good at 32!
That is too funny! I am so glad that I don't have any of that stuff in my posession. I think mine would be worse!
; ), that was so sweet! I too thought it was quite great!!
Ummmm yah...I remember having to write a bunch of different types of poems for a creative writing class in high school and since I am not creative at all, they probably sounded much like "Bippity, dippity dalk!"
So funny. I only used yellow pencils back in the day so mine surely would have been much duller :)
oh so much better than I could do TODAY! Poetry is not my thing. These I can comprehend!!! My understanding of poetry sticks with Shel Silverstein!
I have a 4th grader. I spend a lot of time in the 4th grade helping teachers. Trust me when I say I think your poems are about right on. :) Hey, at least you understood basic rhyming and rhythm!
:D that is pretty good! Fun, thanks for sharing!
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