Thursday, March 27, 2008

Blog My Blog I

I'm unrepentantly ripping this idea off from Kailani at An Island Life. I just think the idea is genius and can't wait for you participate.

Here's how it works. I'll start off with a question or phrase. The first person to comment answers that question or finishes the phrase and then poses their own question or phrase. Then, the next commenter answers that question or phrase and then leaves one of their own. And it progresses from there.

I know this will be tons of fun, so jump on the blog wagon and blog my blog!

The first question is: If your ten year wedding anniversary were coming up, where would you go to get away?


Shannon said...

This question is for me! I want to be on the beach in my bare feet in a sundress with a flower wreath on my head reading my renewed vows to my beautiful husband. This was the wedding I really wanted so at 10 years, I will fulfill that dream.

What has been the most unexpected surprise in your life?

Karen said...

This is probably obvious for the momo mom's out there.....#1 for me was getting pregnant at all and #2 was getting pregnant with one of the most rarest types of twins out there, momo boys!!!
Having twins is one of the most unexpected and thrilling experiences of my life. I could never have imagined my life being so wonderful!

This is fun!

What is your most embarassing moment?

AutoSysGene said...

Hmm, it's got to be pavement can read about it on my blog..

If you were an animal which would you be?

Angie, you've got bling...

Cecily R said...

For our tenth we went to (are you ready for this?) King Kong. Yep. We are the DEFINITION of romantic.

If money were no object and we were about to celebrate it (again), honestly, it wouldn't matter to me. Just a trip would be nice. Seriously. We almost never go out and haven't been on a vacation alone since Isaac was born. Ugh. That's just pathetic.

Brooke said...

If I were an animal I think I would be a dog. My dog has the best life. He sleeps most of the day. Occasionally gets up to go for a fun, walk or the the puppy park. He gets fed whenever he wants, treats too, and he has more toys than my baby. I think that sounds like a great life!

What was your favorite trip?

Laurie said...

My favorite trip has got to be taking our kids to Storyland last year. I feel like I should be saying something without the kids but I am all about them and the memories created are priceless.

If you could be on a reality show which one would it be?

Colleen said...

I love watching Survivor, but I hate seafood so I would starve. My next show I would be on is the Biggest Loser. Not so much to lose weight, but just learn some new workouts. Mine are getting boring.

What is your favorite holiday and why?

Plus 3 said...

What a fun game!

My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving for 2 reasons...I LOVE all the YUMMY food, and my birthday falls right around Thanksgiving. Sometimes it's even ON Thanksgiving!

What accomplishment are you MOST proud of?

The Pruetz Family said...

Great idea! I love this! Can we play once a week?

Wow -- is having three kids an accomplishment? It wasn't really up to me, rather it was up to the big guy upstairs. But having Mo/Mo twins is by far my most proud accomplishment. Despite three months of combined hospitalization, I managed to bring two precious lives into this world, despite great odds. I am also proud of having my son, who was thankfully a normal and uneventful pregnancy.

What is the one thing that you are doing now that, as a teenager, you swore you would never do when you became an adult?

Lottie_Ellie said...

Referring to myself as Mama. When I was a teenager I was going to be one of those hip moms whose kids called her by her first name and who knew all the coolest music, but in point of fact I still listen to the music I listened to in high school for the most part and I want my kids to call me Mama. So much for being cool.

What have you always secretly wished you could do for a living?

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

This is not a good question for me..... I really always wanted to be a meteorologist. I think weather is very interesting, but you had to do WAY too much math for my poor little non-math brain!
IF you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?

Casey's trio said...

I am not a world traveler by any means, but I would love to live in a beach town (think San Diego, Hawaii). My perfect afternoon would be the beach and a good book and now that I have kids, I think it would be so awesome to be able to hang out near the ocean at the drop of a hat!

What was your first car and what song reminds you of driving in it?

I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

My first car was a Renault LeCar and I always listened to Depeche Mode in it!!

If you could learn any language in the world, what language would you learn?

Jaime said...

Chinese. My husband speaks it and it would be awesome to be able to have secret conversations!

Name a single item you absolutely could not live without.

raising4boys said...

My eyes (contacts or glasses)! I am so blind. One of these days...I want to have lasik surgery.

How long was your longest labor and if you haven't had the pleasure of having kids {yet} how many do you want to have in the future?

Claremont First Ward said...

My longest labor was 12 hours. I didn't "labor" with my last pregnancy as it was a planned C-Section. I am DONE having children. My hands and heart at pretty full already.

What was your most embarrasing moment?

Crazymamaof6 said...

my most embarrassing moment was being on all 4s bearing it all in labor last time because the babies heart rate dropped. talk about em-bare-assed. no fun. my hubby swears it was only for 10 seconds before th covered me up but it felt like an eternity.

what is your favorite article of clothing and why?

Are You Serious! said...

♥ Can I count jewelry as clothing cause really I never go anywhere without it! And my favorite would be my earings and then bracelets!

If money wasn't a concern and you wouldn't go completely crazy... How many children would you have?

Are You Serious! said...

oh yeah and you figure wouldn't suffer... :)

latree said...


can you fold your tongue?

Claremont First Ward said...

No. But I can curl it.

Do you have an weird genetic adnormalities (like being double joined or being a CFR carrier like me)?

Rebecca said...

I have an extra vertebrate. I always win the limbo contest.

What's the best gift you've ever received that was under $200?

P.S. Good idea, Angie :)

girlytwins said...

The best gift I ever received was a necklace that contained the diamond from my mom's wedding ring when she married my dad. They divorced when I was 3 and on my 21st birthday my mom had it made into a solitaire setting on a simple white gold chain. It is by far the best gift ever. Specially after my dad passed away last year.

What if anything are you afraid of?

(This is SOO cool)

Kristin said...

Running out of antidepressants over a 3 day pharmacy closed weekend...
Just kidding, I can't think of anything I'm afraid of. I had a baby at home---nothing phases me now.

What would you do if you accidentally melted a bunch of crayons in the bottom of your oven?
(seriously, this just happened, I need help!)

Laura said...

What would you do if you accidentally melted crayons in your oven?

Ummm cry? Just kidding. Warm them up a little and wipe them out. A little so it did not burn you?

What is your favorite way to spend your free (kid free) time?

Laura said...

Okay no one is playing. I would spend kid free time shopping or reading!

This one is for Angie. What is the most unexpected thing that happened this year for you?

girlytwins said...

Laura...I'll answer your first question. I read it a while back but I didn't wanna seem like a blog hog :)
I love spending my free time dilly dallying with my DH on our free days. We had one yesterday where we went to the movies, shopped, ate yummy sushi. It was wonderful.

Or pedicures :)

I will leave your question for Angie to keep the game going...

My name is Tammie said...

Ohh Laura can I answer that question? I would sleep in, eat in peace, call friends uninterrupted, and take a shower without anyone walking in complaining or flushing the toilet just because its fun. Ohhh a girl can dream.

Is your life how you expected it to be?

Angie this is so fun!!!

Claremont First Ward said...

So great! I get to answer both Laura's and Tammie's questions. The most unexpected thing to happen to me this year is FINALLY meeting/exceeding my weight loss goal. I really never thought I'd be able to lose the last baby weight because it held on SO long.

Is my life how I expected it to be? NO! It's better. I thought I'd feel older, act older, be pretty boring at 33. Having a large family has refined me in ways I would have never dreamed of.

Now, finish this phrase.......
If I could take back one lousy comment that I said to someone, it would be....

Debra said...

Oh man this is cool... And eerie... because I just told Michael that I'd rather buy a triple stroller then go away for our 10th anniversary which is in 2 months. Hmmm.. maybe I should re-think that!

Take back one thing? Asking dh for a divorce several years ago. I do not want one now (most days at least! LOL) but it is always in the back of his head.

Laura said...

Debra where is your ?

I think if I could take back one things I said I would want to take back a thousand. Words are seriously very hard to forget and even harder they cannot really be taken back.

What skill would you like to learn? I want to answer that one.

Laura said...

Oh Jenny blog hog (yeah right). The more people post the more fun it is :)

I love your answers Angie. I think you are full of style and grace at 33. So I am glad you feel comfortable in your own skin.

Tammie/Jenny I think I should have written shower and pedicure for sure too. I do get to go to dinner and movies on my girls nights. It's wonderful.

Laura said...

I think its great you and your hubby get that day time alone. I cannot remember the last time I had that with my dh. It really is needed. Well I do remember it was when we went on our weekend away.

Now who's being a blog hog... hanging head in shame :)

Melissa said...

Either a cruise...nice and relaxing, cheaper cause everything is included, plus ends up being a ncie tropical get away always nice.


London! I love much to do. Shows, castles, shopping, places clsoe by like scotland, paris. Turly the best place I have been is London. trip of a life time!

Melissa said...

okay didnt do it right...but if I could learn anyting like laura or a language!

If you could be friends with anyone famous who would it be!?

Laura said...

Hmm Oprah because she gives stuff away! LOL

Truthfully I have no idea who I would like to be friends with. I often find the "famous" to be less of the people I wish them to be.

I love England too! Love the history etc.

I would love to learn more about photography and photo editing. I am trying.

What did you want to be when you grew up (as a child)?

AutoSysGene said...

A teacher and I'm so glad I'm not. I just don't have the patience for it.

What makes you happy?

Colleen said...

When my kids laugh! How can you not join in and smile!! I also get very happy when my husband cleans the toilets. :)

For all of you mother's of twins out there, Did you prefer to have single births or twin births and has it been easier to raise one kid at a time or two kids together (minus the first year)? Hopefully this question makes sense.

girlytwins said...

Well I only have twins, so I can't really answer this question completely but I love having my twins. I think that having two at a time is easier for a lot of reasons. My girls entertain each other so much better than friends I know with singletons their age. They are going thru all the different stages for the most part at the same time. I know my sister in law says how hard it is to schedule around kids that take naps at totally separate times.

How long did you date your husband before you got married?

My name is Tammie said...

We dated in High School after we met at our first jobs. After I turned 18 and he 19 he went off to join the Air Force. When he got back we got back together. So dating, on and off a few years, not dating too many years, years known = 13. :D

Are you the mom you want to be? If you are not a mom do you have rigid ideas of how you want to parent?

latree said...

Honestly I never know what kinda mother I wanted to be. I'm trying to be a cool mom, but I guess still I'm not a mom of dream. I don't cook a lot, I often skip reading story before bed,and have my children do things themselves (I see mothers who still prepare anything for their 2nd grades kids, or dress up their 5yrs old).

what was your wildest dream?

Stephanie said...

I had a recurring dream that my best friend from college and beyond, whom I had lost touch with, was pregnant. I knew she had a few miscarriages and was trying to have a successful pregnancy. I kept dreaming she was pregnant with a boy, so I looked up her name on Babies R Us...her name was there, same city, with a boy registry. I emailed her, she WAS pregnant with a boy, BUT the registry was not hers, as they hadn't registered yet. Crazy dream that got us back in touch with each other after years of lost contact, and she became the mommy she dreamed of being!

Complete these by filling in the blanks: I am ( ), ( ), and ( ). I am NOT ( ), ( ), or ( ).

Claremont First Ward said...

I am (dependable), (a bit controlling), and (roll with the punches). I am not (sensitive), (a good communicator emotionally) or (flighty).

I love this question so much I was to ask it again!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

This was so much fun reading all the answers to all the questions. I want to answer the tins vs singletons question. Each child and situation was unique and special in it's own right, but I truly have enjoyed the whole twin thing. It's such a ride, I'd do it again if my husband wasn't dead set against ANY more!

I am (a tell-it-like-I-see-it), (outspoken) and (easy-going). I am not (quiet), (completely structured) or (very girly).

What is your favorite season and why?

latree said...

(angie, you should put this post on top so any post come after won't bother us playing. seem like we're gonna play this forever)

we have two seasons here and I like them both, but not in their extreme conditions
wet season, rains everyday. plants grow and green everywhere. but it provides flood in some places.
dry season, you don't need to worry of getting wet or have to bring umbrella or cancel a plan because of rain. flowers bloom and fruits are so so various and abundant. bad thing, some people have to experience lack of water.

what you don't like about your spouse (that I believe doesn't change how you love them)?

Karen said...

This is a fun game. I'll answer this one....He is late, always a poke. For all you momo mom's....I blame the late egg-split on him. He always gets the job done but he is a procrastinator. I on the other hand am always punctual!!! I knew this when I married him and it causes some frustration but if that is the worst I can say...not soo bad!

What was your wedding song?

Susie said...

Such a fun game! Ours was Annie's song by John Denver--we thought we would name our first born Annie--
5 years later that changed, but maybe with the next one.............

If you could change ONE thing about the world--what would it be?

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

The people.

What book have you read that you could honestly say changed your life- and how?

Melissa said...

The peacegiver. It made me look at myself in a whole different light. It was amazing.

What is your favourite part of Easter?

Jocasta said...

Spending time with my extended family and with this Easter in particular getting to spend time alone with my hubbie. We haven't been out by ourselves since the twins were born.

What superpower do you want and why?

girlytwins said...

I would love to have super speed like Superman. That way I could do all my chores really fast and have more time to spend with family. And I would super speed to work instead of sitting in traffic :)

What is your guilty pleasure?

Claremont First Ward said...

I love to read smut/celebrity magazines when I'm waiting for appointments. I also cannot resist cinnamon rolls or red licorice.

What's your favorite children's book?

latree said...

Five? In Indonesia it's 'Lima Sekawan'. An adventure series by Enid Blyton. About George, Dick, Julian, Anne and their dog Timmy.
I often picture my self as George...

What are five things in your bag you bring everywhere daily, that makes you feel secure and ready for anything? (I've posted about mine...)

I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

My five things are:
Butt wipes
Burt's Bee's lip balm
My wallet
My phone
and my coupons. Ok, that was 6....

If you were to change your name, what would you change it to? Me? I'd be Janie. Totally normal and no one would ever say, "Your name is what??"

Jocasta said...

I'm so defined by my name I just can't think of being anything else. I have always wondered if I had a normal name would I have a different personality.

Was almost Vanessa - I can see how that was a hard decision - Vanessa, Jocasta, Vanessa, Jocasta, Vanessa, JOCASTA!

What do you wish you were better at? For me it's Singing (I'm terrible)

Heather H said...

I wish I was better at being patient with my 3 year old, I am sure she is just like I was when I was her age, my mom must have cursed me.

What is the one food you would choose if you could only eat that one food for a week?

Susie said...

Oh that's an easy one! Pizza-pizza-pizza!!!!!! It's in a class all on it's own and gets a "night" every Sunday at my house!
Maybe that's why I can't seem to lose more than 2 pounds a month!

If you had to re-live your most embarrassing moment as a kid, how do you wished you had reacted to it?

Mark and Kiss said...

Well, when I was in fouth grade I came out of the bathroom and a couple fifth grade boys walking in the hall behind me started laughing. My skirt was tucked into my underwear. Ha, ha, ha! At the time I was mortified. As a child I wish I could have laughed along with them, like I have as an adult (they happen all too frequently now).

What is one of your favorite "qualities" that you enjoy in your friends?

(my answer is that they make me laugh and I love that I can pick up where we left off even if we have not talked in months, in other words, they don't care that I am bad at communicating and still love me, I have great friends!)

Claremont First Ward said...

Honesty, loyalty, dependability......someone you have fun with and want to be around.

What is the thing you fear most about getting old?