Melissa in New Zealand asked, "So I need to know what's happening to your house. What's going on? Details please. Plus what is your husband doing?" Brooke asked this question too.
Oh Melissa and Brooke. You have eagle eyes. In the picture you are referencing, Jeff is jokingly flipping me the bird. It's endearing, isn't? We are finishing up the major renovations on our home to get it just how we want it.
YOu know, so that we can turn around and sell it. We have this large arched window overlooking our backyard that is a focal point in the house. We wanted to really make it pop so Jeff designed the carpentry work around the window (he's not done yet) using the same crown that is on all of our doorways and windows. The kitchen remains a work in progress as does the front yard in which we are replacing planters and retaining walls with rock.
Debra and
Jenny asked me about vinyl. I purchased the vinyl pieces I used, but then had to buy the wood, cut it to size, paint it and then put the vinyl lettering on. Applying the lettering is really easy, but does take some patience if you want it all there and even. There are tons of companies out there that sale vinyl images.
Robin asked, "Best vacation you ever took? Worst vacation you ever took? What accomplishment (other than your family) are you proudest of?" Some of my best vacations were at Lake Powell during the summer as a child. I really love all of my family vacations now, but it's not quite the same paying for them and making sure that everyone else stays safe and happy. We had the opportunity to go to St. Maartin a few years ago, and that would have been a wonderful, wonderful vacation, except I was pregnant with the twins and the sun made me so sick that I couldn't enjoy the time away like I'd anticipated. My family is definitely my greatest accomplishment, and besides that I'm at a loss. I have many little things that I'm proud of that included persistence, a little intelligence and dependability, but I won't bore you with them as they are hardly noteworthy.
Arizona said, "
Hmmm.....if you were a car, what car would you be???"
A BMW. Can't tell you why exactly.
Jeremiah asked, "What color is licorice?" Coming from him, I have to think this is a trick question. However, my answer is: the only licorice worth eating is red. Or brown. Not black.
Melissa wanted to know: "If you were a dog would you be a big one or a small one? Would you rather be a cat or a dog? If you could change one thing about your life what would it be? What makes you happy?"
I'd definitely be a dog, and a small one at that. If I could change one thing about my life, they would be character flaws in myself. I'd be more patient, more understanding, a better wife and mother. Many things make me happy. A content husband. Laughing children. Having my temporal and spiritual
needs met. A good book. A yummy dinner. Visiting good blogs. Wasting time in ways that I like. Oh, and a clean house.
Jocasta asked, "if you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?" Jeff and I really want to go back to Europe when the
kidlets are old enough to leave for an extended period, but I'd also really love to go someplace without strong European influences. For a more feasible vacation, anywhere warm that's all inclusive. Without kids for once.
Debra asked, "what was your goal?" Well, I was going to keep this one a secret, but then, I decided. Who cares really, so the answer is: "I finally lost all of the baby weight I've been lugging around for 2 years".
Andrea J,
Julie, and
Kristin asked what the deal is with a kitchen with no doors or drawers. The answer is,
getting new ones. Pictures to come shortly.
Rebecca and
Jojo asked how I get so many comments. Compared to some, I get very few, but the real answer is that I comment on other peoples blogs and they reciprocate. Plus, I have some family
bloggers that I can depend on for comments and lots of moms of multiples that always comment.