*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button (below and on the left) or simply hyperlink to my site, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!
Grab My Button 
I drive into Los Angeles at least twice a month. Sometimes more. I always take my twins, and sometimes Garrett as well. Sometimes I go to really nice areas in Beverly Hills or Los Angeles. Sometimes to so-so neighborhoods in Santa Monica or LA.
Every trip is great for people watching, and for counting my blessings. I always come home feeling so lucky to live in a suburb.....to be out of the conjestion. To have more space and safety. To have a roof over my head and never have to worry about sleeping on the street.
I hope my boys see the difference and one day recognize their blessings too.
What an important reminder!
Such a valuable lesson!
Adorable little faces!!!
A blessing indeed. What sweet pics. I love the faces in the last one :D
great reminder... I think of it often when I drive into Baltimore. Great post. Thanks!
Our visitor from Germany was shocked by the difference between LA and San Diego. I dread having to go to LA.
Awesome WW Angie!
I'm sure it is indeed an eye opening experience for them.
They are adorable!
there are so many people out there that are less fortunate. great reminder. super cute pictures!!! happy ww :O)
Super cute!
Joining in for my first Wordful Wednesday. :)
Wow - I can't believe they have to have a sign on the sidewalk like that. We are so blessed!!
AWESOME pics! What a great life lesson.... Happy WW!
It is always nice to remind ourselves of how lucky and blessed we are. I believe your boys will too know. They may be too little now to really understand, but in retrospect they will think back on the things they saw and how they lived, and see how blessed they were/are.
Your little guys are just too cute!!
Thanks for hosting WW, I'd be lost without it!!
Great photos. I'm sure, with your help, your kids will realize their blessings. Sometimes it takes seeing the way others live to really appreciate it.
Nice to see life lessons being taught, and how great full we all should be.
Your kids are adorable! I haven't been to LA in years, but I grew up in Riverside.
SO so cute :) I'm sure your boys will appreciate the difference and definitely recognize they are blessed.
What a great reminder. Your babies are so cute. : ) Oh my goodness. ADORABLE to the max!
Great photos Angie! I don't like congestion either but I sometimes miss the hustle and bustle of living in the city.
Dude your twins look NOTHING like the the older boy? (Garrett?)
I agree, when living in NYC it was so strange to step over homeless ppl, and then it was EVEN stranger when it wasn't strange anymore to step over homeless ppl...
Did I ever tell you my story about a family on the train one time.. remind me some day..
and that list for you is started, it got kinda long and I keep finding more to add to it!
What a wonderful lesson to teach them!! And of course, and as always, cute pics!!
Great outing with a great lesson attached? You sound like an awesome mom! :-) I'm sure they are learning that already!
An important lesson for all children to learn. We remind lil' D how blessed we are almost everyday. Beautiful photos of your boys. We visited LA back in 04 and I still have flashbacks of walking through the local parks and having to walk around displaced people. It was eye opening. Have a wonderful day and take care.
What a great lesson to teach... to get them to be thankful for the gifts God gave them.
Happy WW!
These lessons are so important!
Oh, yes. City living. About a month ago I was backing into our garage in the alley and I noticed a man was passed out behind our garbage cans. Literally passed out. I knew because I went to see if he was dead (so I could call for the police to take him away before he started to smell. I'm bad, I know!) and he reeked of alcohol. Maybe I should hang a sign on our garage that says, "No Sleeping".
I love their smiles, and the reminder to be grateful for blessings. I'm joining Wordful Wednesday for the first time today. Now off to visit participants' entries. Thanks!
You certainly have lots of terrain to explore out in the L.A. area. Glad you guys get to come back and appreciate the comforts of your home!
Great shots. Happy WW :)
Ok, somehow this comment got posted on your remodeling post. Woops! Sorry...
Seriously. Could your kids BE any cuter? I remember thinking some of those same thoughts the first time I visited Hollywood. I thought it would be all glitz and glamor, but I'll never forget some of the things I saw. It's quite an eye opener, and it sounds like you are teaching your kids some really important lessons early on.
It's so important for them to see more than their backyard. Good for you!
What a wonderful lesson to teach them. Love those uber cute faces.
I agree that lessons like this are important, and I'm sure it does sink in at whatever level they're ready for. In fact, in the last pic, it looks like your little one on the left has already started to identify the need for action against injustice! Lovely photos!
Great lesson!!
Such cuties!! =)
really!? There is a sign like that on the side walk? crazy.
Something we should all be reminded of every once in awhile. Thanks for the reminder. Love the pics of your boys!
Happy WW!
Cute pics of your boys. :)
Wow, they actually have a sign that says "No sleeping."
Wow. So true.
And such great pix! What sweet faces! :)
It's always nice to put our own lives in perspective. Good job, Mom!
I would say those are all blessings worth counting.
I don't think I could ever live in a city either. I'm quite happy in a 'rural' area
It is amazing how a small change in venue can make us more aware of the blessings in our lives. Your boys are just precious!
I know it's sad, but seeing that no sleeping sign makes me miss LA so much. Not because I'm dying to live in a place that requires no sleeping on the sidewalk signs, just because. Ahhhh, to life in Maryland:)
Great lesson! They really have signs like that on the pavements? Sorry, I come from another spot in the world altogether.
Can't believe they have to paint it on the sidewalk! Your son looks a little worried there...
A great lesson! A magical WW to you!
No Sleeping, the kids must have asked a lot of questions with that one! My brother's name is Garrett too- its not a common one.
Wow! I had no idea they had signs like that in LA!? I'm sure my kids would have had a lot of questions, what a great lessen for yours!
Very important to remember.
Such cute kids!!
Very nice reminder. Cute smiles!
I've got unusual cows this week!!
Sherry at EX Marks the Spot
Such cute pics of your boys! Thanks for hosting!
Your boys are so handsome. No sleeping. What??????
It is nice to see a glimpse of other people's lives and see what is great about ours!
I love to go to see Miami...it is about as different as my life as can be!
The sad thing is that someone had to have slept there for them to post the sign...LOL Happy WW
the no sleeping sign makes me sad...we do a homeless ministry and well, it just makes me sad. indiana is really starting to address the issue. sad. good work, tho, momma! way
Very well said! We all need to remember such lessons! Btw, your boys are adorable! Happy WW!
i love the pics of your boys. they are so handsome, especially your eldest
Great post. That's sad they need a sign like that. Your kids are adorable.
They are such little dolls faces!
I am sure the kiddos will be able to count thier blessings just like you, because you will be able to show them the way. Grattitude is such a wonderful trait.
On a lighter note...I'm thinking my kids spray painted that "No Sleeping" sign somewhere in my house and I just haven't found it yet.
i've never been there :-) how great to expose your boys to different things!
What a great reminder. Thanks!
Great photos! I love the No Sleeping sign.
that's so true--it's good to count your blessings!
What a great reminder - and your kids are absolutely adorable, of course! ;)
WW: Ribbit, Ribbit!
My kiddos saw a homeless person for the first time during our stay-cation last week when we visited a larger city nearby. It turned into a great conversation about how good our life is and to be thankful for what we have!
Yeah, I have seen signs around all over the country, on benches in parks, etc that say, "No sleeping." One in Orlando even said "no laying horizontal!" LOL
It is so sad that there's actually a sign painted on the sidewalk not to sleep there :o (
Your boys are beautiful!
Justine :o )
I think that sometimes, since I live in the country, away from the hustle and bustle of a city, it is very EASY to forget those less fortunate of you, when you don't see it on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis.
Thank you for the gentle reminder to thankful for what I have. Even the little things in life. =)
Oh - and it looks like you are going to have some heart breakers on your hands in a few years!
What a wonderful lesson to teach your children. You have beautiful children!
Cute boys! I have a good friend who lives in L.A. and she loves it! That said...it was a great place to visit, but I LOVE my little, friendly, southern town!!
Imagine, my daughter lives in LA! She attends USC, and I tell her all the time, "don't leave the campus!" LOL! And I kid you not, EVERY time I drive in LA, I get lost. Every. Single. Time.
Cute kids! Have a wonderful Wednesday!
This country girl could never live in a big city like that.
theres something u don't see every day
YOur children are beautiful very handsome
What an important experience for them!
Wow, I didn't know they posted those on the sidewalks. I am so thankful that I have a roof over my head too!
Your boys are cuties!
Such cute boys! And I think I forgot to tell you last week how awesome your remodel is!!
Great post.... eye-opening!! Oh and GREAT pics.... oh and BTW- love, love, love your remodeling.... I think I might come visit... hee-hee :)
I'm such a small town girl - I probably could not even drive into LA without crashing into something. I will just have to live vicariously through you!
I like this idea. Very valuable lessons and it's an adventure wrapped up in one.
I would love to go shopping in LA sometime like the districts where you can get good fabric or cool stuff. The textile capitol of the world!
that they have to even have that on the footpath - ugh!!!
Adorable and blessed children. How lucky they are to have you! I heard a song once that said "a cardboard box, somebody lives there . . ." It's hard for most of us to envision not having a home.
Prayers to those who are less fortunate.
Happy Twirls
What a great reminder!!!! Cute kiddos!
Angie! It has been forever since I have read any blogs! It is fun to see your new page. It looks great!
HI!!! Guess what? I downloaded Firefox last night, and now I can visit you again! Woo hoo!!
And I LOVE those faces. :)
I hear you! I definitely prefer the suburbs to live in, once you have a family! So Manolo Blahnik and all the snobs can say "suburban" as an insult as many times as they like, I still consider myself really blessed to be able to decide when I'm in the mood for the hustle and bustle of the city and when I want to chill ;-)
You have such beautiful children :)
And I know I shouldn't make light of this... but I'm considering having that "No sleeping" bit stenciled on my bed. Waaay too much traffic goes through there in the middle of the night for any real sleeping to take place...
Cute pictures... and how weird is that? I have never seen such things painted on the ground!
Many blessings-
That is a good lesson to teach them!
What a great post! I try really hard to remember to count my blessings & teach my kids to do the same.
Living in the burbs of a big city will do that for you! I always feel the same way. I am blessed to have access to one of the greatest cities in the world and even more blessed to live outside of it. Great one!
Adorable little men there!
They're getting so big. I am glad you are enjoying yourself out there and your house looks beautiful. I came by last night and read the posts going back to the last I visited and everything looks gorgeous. LOVE all the browns and the dining room. Ours is like that too, very neutral.
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