*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button (below and on the left) or simply hyperlink to my site, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!
Grab My Button 
My kids *HEART* "tennising".
Just in case you are wondering, that's a real word. Tennising.
At least in my household.
I've got some amazing ball chasers.
That I do.
Come out, come out, where ever you are.....
Yes, I am talking to you, Mr. Linky.
(I'm doing my best to find out why Mr. Linky is being shy.....when I figure it out, I'll be sure to tell him he MUST make an appearance. Thanks for your patience, and your willingness to come back by to link up!)
UPDATE: Mr. Linky was still being shy so I dumped him for MckLinky. I'm pretty sure he was jealous because he finally showed up. Now the choice is yours. :)
I love seeing those big rackets in their little hands. So cute. :)
Awesome pictures. Lil' D started tennis this summer. He loves it, and his Spongebob racket. I have been playing since I was a kid. I look forward to the future when we can play each other. Have a wonderful day and take care. I will be returning for Mr. Linky.
Ooh! I'm a tennis player and it just warms my heart to see little ones playing! Great pics!
cute pictures of the kids!
Great pictures as always! I'll be back to link up. Mr. Linky WHERE ARE YOU? ;D
I am impressed. Everything I know about tennis I learned from wii. And what I know isn't that impressive. They look adorable!
I'll keep checking back for mr linky to make his appearance!
I'll comment now, and then come back and link up later, OK? Uncle Lynn and two of our boys are all awesome tennis players. Shark Boy even played all 4 years on the high school tennis team. We're trying to encourage Soccer Boy to take up the sport, but he's more interested in, well, you know...soccer!
adorable pics! they look like they had a blast playing tennis :O) i will be back for the linky!!! enjoy the rest of your week
Wow! They look wonderful. Looks like a ton of fun, especially for summer.
I hope Mr. Linky becomes more cooperative soon :)
How fun!! I loved "tennising" when I was a kid. Not that I knew anything about what I was doing :) I'll check back for the link!!
Your kids do love tennising! Great photos.
Wordful Wednesday up at T Rex Mom and Dad Tales.
Have you considered MckLinky? It might be worth a try if Mr Linky is giving you troubles.
As far as your kids are concerned, I see future tennis stars. :)
Such fun! I always wanted to play tennis and wanted my kids to also. Alas we will live through your kids!
They look like they're all in their element!
They certainly look the part and looks like they had tons of fun too!
That mean ole Mr. Linky...
Great photos! I wish I were a better tennis player :D
Too cute! They look like they are having a BLAST!
What cuties!!! And so great that they all are so athletic!
Happy WW!
ps Do you think maybe part of the linky code isn't in the post? I know I have accidentally deleted a portion of the code before and it didn't show up...
Adorable photos I love tennis!
that first photo is just wonderful!
i would be a complete mess on a tennis court! lol
this looks like a great way for them to burn off some energy!!
Wow! Great shots...tennis is a tough sport...and your kids seem to love it - that's awesome! I'm tired just watching them swing away... :)
My WW:
I too was going to suggest McKLinky...
What a great activity for them!!
here is my link:
I had no idea that tennising was a word!
how adorable!
how adorable!
Those are such great pictures!
We have tennis courts around the corner from our house and your pictures made me want to load the kids up and take them out there! (I guess I'll have to wait until after my knee brace is off...lol)
Fun shots. That is so neat that they play tennis at such a young age.
Love the matching rackets and outfits!
Hey, I totally get "tennising". I just set my alarm for VERY early in the AM to go captain my ladies tennis team. My husband is a tennis coach and my daughter's first toy was a tennis ball and she's only 1 and has her own racket. We are a "tennising" family.
Nice to meet a another!
And Misterlinky was shy for me too. Something's up.
Very cute pictures. I played tennis in college...Jr. college, but still college none the less. Thanks for stopping by and reading my TT to my poor 'burb. In all seriousness, I am so grateful for all the little miracles that kept me safe that day. Take care.
Every time I see this game or just photos, it reminds me how much I'd love to play!
Love the photos of the little ones with their rackets!
I want to play!!!!!!!
ohhhh - tennis is the best!!! Isn't it too HOT there though?? :-)
So cute! I loved tennis lessons during the summer time.
mr klinky is more high maintenance, but that ain't always a bad thing! tennis says summer. coming home from work in the dark - that yells winter, but i'm totally loving your tennising shots
I see future tennis stars! And with the first photo I get more meaning with the phrase "pretty in pink" Happy Wednesday!
your daughter looks pretty in pink. love her matching racket
What a great way to keep your kids active and entertained. I love the pink outfit in the first picture. I didn't think red hair and pink went together but she can pull it off
what a great and fun activity for them.
Happy WW
Lots of luv,
Cute pictures. Oh how I miss playing tennis games. ;-)
Tennis is such a great sport! They look super cute out there.
What great shots!! I can't wait to get my little ones out on the court one day.. I haven't played in years but it is so much fun!
The photos are great! Look at your kids go. They look like they can teach me a thing or two about tennis - not too difficult since I don't know how to play!
Great Pictures! They look like professionals out there!
That looks like great fun:-)
LOL, i have a pair of ball chasers too. =D
Love the tennis shots! I'm hoping to get my girls playing soon! Happy WW!
My girls love tennis too! Great pics! Happy WW!
Lovely photos, Angie, and happy memories for the future.
Love seeing those future Andy Roddick's running around! I particularly love the shot of your oldest--she's so beautiful and getting so grown up!
Okay, wait...I don't think that's your oldest--I think that's #2--that red hair--just adorable (like her mama)!
too cute...I bet they play better than I do. LOL
They look so cute with their rackets. :)
Sorry for the long link up - I forgot to delete info for my giveaway link that I did yesterday!
Oh, how cute!
Oh, that is my husband's dream, to have our son play tennis with him (or at least be a ball chaser). As usual, your tykes are so adorable.
I never got the hang of tennis - no ball sense here. Wonder if the kids will?
Sorry, I thought I commented earlier, but my computer was having probs and it didn't work.
Also, sorry I seem to have accidentally linked up on both lists here...oops...
now for my comment... love those tennis pics!! they look adorable. and i am so impressed that they are playing so young!
Those are the cutest ball catchers I have seen...
Yay for tennis! Especially if there are willing siblings to play with!
"Tennising" - I love it!! They look like naturals! :)
Happy WW! :)
Great pictures! My little monsters will start tennising next week. I'm so excited!
What fun! Thanks for hosting!
Tennis is one of the sports I could just never get into. Maybe because running back and forth and sweating are involved. Oh wait, that'd be just about all sports.
Justine :o )
We LOVE to play at tennis. Play AT it is about as good as it gets, though!
So fun! I wish there were more summer sports in our little town for the kids to get into!!
my son just told me the other day that he wanted to play tennis?? I was surprised - I thought he was my baseball prince!
Great shots! Tennis is fun.
Oh, to have that childhood energy and those carefree days!!!
My WW is rather embarrassing today. It reflects on my ineptitude in motherhood and domesticity.
So cute!!
And what a great sport for a workout, gosh we used to be so sore after playing when the kids were younger. Have to do that again!
Mine beg us to go play tennis! I didn't even think to take a camera!! I'm sooo copying!
Sent you an email :)
how sweet! i loved playing tennis as a kid... wish i never gave it up :-/
I was never any good a tennis. Not many courts around here to practice.
love the tennis shots...i want my kiddos to play soooo bad!
They are so cute tennising :)
They can come chase my tennis balls. That's my least favorite part, especially since I don't wear the balls in my shorts like lotsa people do.
Tennis! Awesome sport! My WW today is about baseball, again! :)
How cute are they? Adorable! =)
Looks like so much fun. :)
Your kids are adorable! Happy WW! :)
What great exercise! We'd have to follow that up with a run through the sprinklers:)
Great pictures, happy WW!
Emma's pink outfit is seriously sooo darling. I always wanted to play tennis, just for the clothes. I'm coming next week for Brooke's baby blessing. Hope to have time to come see your new pad.
What an awesome sport for kids! My husband played as a kid and was very very good.
Luke loves to play tennis too! Such a great sport for little ones. Talk about eye hand coordination!
So cute. I bet you have such a great time just watching them hit and chase balls :)
That first picture takes the cake. Such a little darling prep.
Your pictures are beautiful! My boys and I absolutely love the beach too. We live in the Northeast, so the ocean tends to be a bit cold, but I still love it there!
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