I'm lucky enough to be able to collobrate with a few (Better in Bulk a.k.a Life Is Sweet, Mama’s Losin’ It, and Three Bay B Chicks {Francesca is the mastermind behind the project}) of my favorite bloggers on a new networking project.
Combine this with SITScation and I'm in blog heaven.
you've got it goin' on, girl! i am sure whatever the three of you put your efforts into will be fab.
now let me go investigate.
So excited to hear about new ventures involving awesome people that I shamelessly stalk on the Internet. I know, I should be embarrassed, but I'm not:)
Isn't it so exciting? I love being able to work with you!! Come October when we meet, everything will be perfect. :)
Cool - I'm excited to hear more about this. SAHMs always need more networking!
I am going to have to check this out. Have a great weekend.
wow, sounds like a fun ad-venture for you ladies.
Should I just cut and copy this onto my page!?! :) Fun times ahead.
Ooh my interest is peaked. I am off to check it out. I don't know how you gals do it? you all rock!
i can't wait! you rock!!!
How fun!!! I need to check it out. :)
Cannot wait to see what else you come up with. Kudos to you.
As I read through your comments this morning, I have to admit that the note from ParentingBYDummies made me laugh out loud. You've got good people here, Angie.
Glad to call myself one of your peeps too. :)
Look at you, you blogapreneurs!
hmm....I wander what all the hoop-la is about. guess i'll have to wait and see what's going on.
Now, I am just playing catch up due to all of our Summer fun, and the outdoors. LOVE the bus boy post, and I have to admit, I have felt pretty guilty leaving restraunts after my children have been there. (even without the vomit my kids can leave a pretty decent mess) The haircuts look great...perfect for summer. Good luck with the move!!
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