Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button on the left to link back to me, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!**
Please bear with me if I don't get around to see all of you......I'm in the middle of a move and my time is really limited. Thank you all so much for being such wonderful and willing participants!
Some kids cut their own hair.
Sometimes, it's rather funny.
When my daughter cut her hair, it wasn't funny.
When John cut his hair, and his twins and then asked my opinion, I thought it was beyond funny.
I mean, I didn't like the job he did on his hair. at all. BUT.
What I did like was his exuberance.
He was SO proud of himself.
And, hair grows back.
You can see here where he barbered his hair in front. We "touched up" his job by cutting it all off.

We tried to give them different hair cuts, but that didn't last. Jacob wanted his head completely shaved. Just like his brother.

At least they are now all set for summer.

Wordful Wednesday-hair cuts. Plural.
LOL,you're right...at least they will be cool, and you can explain the haircuts away! :)
cool! I can see the "chopped crop" ha ha And I love Jacobs mow hawk. I was about to shear off the Senators locks tonight but I ran out of time.
cool! I can see the "chopped crop" ha ha And I love Jacobs mow hawk. I was about to shear off the Senators locks tonight but I ran out of time.
whoops. it posted twice
P.S. Congrats on the Speaking Gig!
Cute pictures! My son will still be all shaggy this summer because i won't cut his hair yet!
My son just cut his hair last week! It kinda cracked me up, but if my daughter would have I would have FREAKED!!! I love the mohawk!
I think it is funnier when a boy does it because you can buzz them. A girl is just a mess. I REALLY hope my daughter doesn't cut her hair.
The perfect summer cut!! I am glad we have yet to deal with them doing their own (or each others) hair...but I am sure our day will come too!!
MY biggest nightmare. My niece is a fan of giving herself haircuts. i worry he'll show my daughter. once I found a lone blond curl on my carpet.... but nothing since.
I love the mowhawk!
Ha ha. I've so done the mohawk to my son before too!
Oh my goodness! I remember trying to cut my own hair when I was a kid - it was not pretty. We recently tried to buzz cut little T Rex's hair and it turned out pretty short. At least it does grow back!
I would KILL Big A if he cut Moose's hair. :S I'd be so so sad to lose those baby curls. But when he gets older, Big A could do it. Until then, I wield the bang-cutting scissors.
Every kid does that don't they? We've been through it with 2 so far. Love the mowhawk. My son is dying for one.
Happy WW :D
They are adorable! I love that they try to cut their own hair.
lucky 13! well, you certainly have the right attitude angie! it's just hair and it DOES grow - unlike pretty dresses which rarely recover fromg being cut (while worn!!!)
LOL Oh I'm just glad she's not old enough to cut her hair yet {not that she'd have much to cut}
too funny - my son would LOVE it if we let him have a mohawk. My son cut my daughter's hair when she was three - I was SOOOO angry b/c her hair has just started to grow )she was quite literally bald until she was three) and he cut the biggest chunk out!
Oh my...I'm not sure I would be so calm, but I admire you for it! They will certainly be cooler for summer now! The mohawk look is priceless!
I've joined Wordful Wednesday for the first time...thanks for such a fun carnival!
The Mohawk is stupendous!
And I must say...great minds. I thought I would for the first time participate with you this week. I have always done the "wordless Wednesday" but it's been the oxymoron because I can't leave the words out!
Anyway...I was going to post all kinds of pictures of my husband and his hair after his brain surgery. From the shaving to the growing back in. I'll get there eventually. I have almost 24 hours to procrastinate!
Oh yikes. i hope my kids never cut their hair...but I'm mentally prepared for it to happen! :-)
Love the mowhawk!! So much easier to fix when boys cut their hair:)
Oh my gosh! They are so cute : ). Even with their mistaken haircuts : ). You just gotta love that enthusiasm!
LOL! I see you have the same haircuts in your house! (I have 2 with mohawks. LOL)
Great summer dos :)
haha! thats awesome! I've yet to cut my lil guys hair. I'm such a sap :)
Hey, look at it this way, it saved you some money at the barber shop, right? Love their new 'do's! : )
My girls want to give my youngest son a mohawk SO bad. They talk about it everytime I give him a hair cut. And it's particularly long right now....
You have a great attitude.
Yet another crappy double standard for girls to have to live with! lol
I LOVE the mohawk!!! I can't believe he didn't want to keep it!
cool mohawk! and great call about the potential mullet hair for your first little guy!
I am diggin' that hawk! Wicked cool.
I am diggin' that hawk! Wicked cool.
My oldest son is due for a haircut and his father has promised a mohawk for one day only.
You're right. It's not funny when your daughter gives herself a haircut.
haha the mohawk is awesome
love the mohawk!
i have given myself a few ill fated haircuts in the past... it will perfect...short for the hot summer with enough time to grow it back before school.
I just gave my son and my daughter at trim, too. My son kept fidgeting; as a result, I buzzed off a bit more than I should on one side! But I'm not fussed, or not as fussed as I would be if that had happened to my daughter, heh! Good thing she sits still and lets me finish quickly. :)
I love it when my boys get haircuts (Daddy does it for them, of course)... Except that it makes them look so much older!
Lovin' the 'hawk!
My daughter cut her hair once and we were able to tidy it up where it didn't look really bad.
That mohawk is RAD.
I wish Isaac would try to cut his hair...he needs a haircut BADLY. Right now its so long it's covering his ears...and he LOVES it. Whatever.
So no mohawk?! Ah well, and yes it will all grow back! Short boy cuts...now it's really summer!
LOL! What could be better than a buzz for summer?? Not like you had a choice. Glad you could smile cuz if my girls did that I would still be crying. It's already been established though that little girls and the self inflicted hair cut, bad bad bad.
Oh my. well at least they're set for summertime..
That mohawk if fabulous! I wish I cold have seen it in person.
Definitely less traumatic for boys than girls. I would die if the girls chopped their hair.
Oh, I actually LOVE their do's!! :) I. am. so. thankful. mine haven't discovered this. Yet.
*knocks on wood*
*hides every pair of scissors in the house*
Wait. Scratch that, my 8 year old did cut her hair, once.
*ensures they're all hidden ... again*
We've had oodles of hair cutting adventures here! Um, those boys? Are freaking grown up.
I love little boys with buzz cuts and mohawks...so stinkin' cute!
Seriously.. so adorable!! I think it is wonderful!!
Wow, boys cutting hair is okay huh? The poor girls get a bad rap on that one... None of mine have ever done it??? knock on wood... :)
Ohhh I am loving their hair! Hmmm who knows ... he has some skills there! LOL
Happy WW!
♥ Emma and Eliza have both cut their hair before and I was not thrilled either... Of course the one and only one that I wouldn't care at all about, hasn't even tried it... :)
Love the Mohawk! That rocks! Happy WW!
What I always wanted...a red-head with a mohawk! Must be a challenge-and and a joy-on haircut day!
Thankfully my boys are well past the self-hair-cutting stage. On the other hand, how they have their hair cut is now pretty much up to them. So far I've always liked what they've had done, but there's always a first time...! I love the idea of a mohawk for one day!
Love the mohawk. And the top smile is so sweet!!
My Wordful is a bronze sculpture downtown. Unique.
I remember when my brother cut my hair the day of kindergarten pictures!!! he whacked my bangs right off. dang 80's bangs!!! LOL!!
my ww's:
Angie, that is just hysterical! Great post.
I'm glad you have such a great attitude to their haircuts. I think I would have freaked out.
Your kids would all look gorgeous bald!! But, yes, boys getting a hold of scissors is a lot better than girls- I remember that post of yours well. :)
Too cute! I really like the mohawk. Boys will be boys.
The mohawk is so freaking cute!!!
I am LOVING the mohawk! CUTE!
Those are some serious haircuts. Too cute!
He did a really thorough job, didn't he! Love the buzz cut for summer days!
Every now and then I catch my 3 year old attemping to cut his hair---with his plastic scissors. I better keep an eye on that boy!
Awesome haircut BTW! He is soooo RAD!
LOL!!! That is too funny!
I remember when I was a kid & my neighborhood friend cut her hair. She wanted it to grow back before her dad got home because she was afraid he'd be mad!
Happy WW!
TOO CUTE! After so many of my kids cutting their hair, I am able to laugh it off thankfully. Of course it is just my girls that do it, but still. It grows back.
My son never did that....I have a feeling my daughter will. =P
Love the mo-hawk!!! Boys hair is so easy, buzz it all off and your done! That's great that you let him try and cut his own hair. My older sister gave me a hair cut once, I ended up with a bald spot in the back of my head...
Awww-that is TOO cute!!
Love the mohawk too!
i love the mohawk...and having 4 girls i don't think i'll ever have one with one, at least i hope! oh well, he looks precious with or without hair! so far, i haven't had too many of mine cute their hair, but we'll see!
how cool, the mohawk looks fun!
So cute! A magical WW to you!
OMG - too cute! Though I know what you mean about it "not being funny!" I do love the mohawk - augh, reminds me of the 80's! Happy WW!
That mohawk looks awesome!
Princess Nagger cut her hair not long after she turned 4...she ended up eliminating the remainder of her beautiful baby curls...*sniff!* But when I freaked out, she's the one who told me "Don't worry Mama, it will grow back!" :)
thanks so much for coming by, Angie. I think the bowl may make Moose look smaller than he was - he was a whopping 9lb 8oz so was probably real close to 10 pounds in this picture.
But I was putting out his old clothes in the baby room...I don't know how he ever fit in those tiny little onesies. And I don't know if I'm ready for a baby that small again!
I am so glad your kids haven't gone through this. It's tough, but we're going to try to put him back in his old crib converted to a toddler bed (instead of a different bed altogether) and see how nap time goes. :)
I am totally lovin' that mohawk!
He rocks the hawk! Kick arse!
Whew...made it in the top 80 comments...barely. "Hair always grows back"...unless you're Ron Howard that is.
Love that redhair and love that mohawk :o)
i love it! i don't think any of us girls ever cut our own hair, or each other's, but one time when my mom cut my sister's bangs, she cut them about an inch too short :)
haha!!! i cut my kids hair too... i just did the little one for the first time http://www.aprilslittlefamily.com/2009/05/haircut-heard-round-world.html
Stinkin' Cute, Angie.
Missing you!!
What fun! lol Happy WW!
I can't WAIT to put my little Boston's hair in a mohawk! TOO CUTE!
Awesome!! You have a little punk rocker there! Happy WW!
That last picture reminds me of Farris Bueller's Day off. I used to have a dorm-mate down the hall from me who used to spike his hair like that when taking a shower. I never let my hair grow that long in order to get it to do that (I used to have curly hair, now I don't have enough).
Love the spikes. Way too cute. I had a dream last night I saw you and your family. I know crazy huh? Have a great day.
Ok, the bus boy/ vomit thing. Eeewww. I hope you tipped well. I agree, you're grateful it wasn't your car, and yet horrified at the same time.
Love the mohawk. Luke did the same thing when he was 4. BUT, he looked horrible shaved. He has a bumpy head. Your boys look cute, and it is perfect for the heat. Can't wait to hear more about the new house...
Too funny! But I hope my daughter never decides to cut her hair.
Oh I love it.....
Too bad the mohawk didn't stay. :-)
My daughter once wacked off her bangs just before they were supposed to have their Easter pictures taken. eek!
Have a beautiful day....
Oh they are adorable any. which. way!
Oh, I just LOVE the mohawk... my little Joseph wants that this summer too
So funny! I love that last hairdo though, and can't believe he didn't want to keep it!
You're right, it does grow back. But your boys look so different now.
I love the mohawk! Summer is so fun for great mohawks and buzz cuts!
Looks great.
Masaru is asking for a shaved head as well. You'd think we'd gone short enough compared to his longer hair.
He's got a great shaped head, like his fathers, so he COULD go shaved.
We'll see if he keeps asking.
love the hair cuts! Too cute! Do people alwya talk about their red hair.??? Well, I guess you have several people in your little family with red hair, but people always make comments to me about mason... Drives me nuts... People actually say to me, I wanted a kid with red hair but never got one- you are so lucky!" I cannot believe that and normally thier non-reds are standing right next to them, it must make them feel unspecial... Weird! I do love having a red head though!
Oh I LOVE the haircuts! I've been lucky that in my 13 years as a mom (and foster mom) that I have never had one kiddo try to cut their own hair...knock on wood :-)
Those are great haircut pictures!!
I didn't know that there was a "wordy" alternative to Wordless Wednesdays. :p
Why is it that kids like to cut their hair? My oldest is always giving herself a little trim.
My very first WW is now listed at number 112!
He looks so totally cute!
that mow hawk is awesome!!!!
Kids crack me up! They are not afraid to do anything.
How cute is he!
Unbelievably adorable!!!! :)
How cute is he? ANd such a talented child with scissors. My daughter ALWAYS cut her bangs right up to her forhead!
LOL! I'm sure my son would have a mohawk if I would let him! :D
My brother and I tried to play barbershop when we were little, too. He cut off part of my pigtail. My mom was NOT happy. It grew back.
Love the baby hawk!
Happy WW!
Almost cried when 8 inches were cut off of my daughter earlier this year... :(
Still a cute cut! Love the mohawk, too bad he didnt keep it!
Sportin' the hawk! Nice!
summer haircuts the boys are adorable
aaww how cute...i think all kids cut their own hair at some point, don't they?? mine both did and everyone i know, their kids have too?? i have no idea why, but i'm glad you could fix it!! ;)
OK, I SERIOUSLY want to just scoop them up and give them huge snuggles. And while I LOVE the mohawk, I can see the appeal of the shaved head. PRECIOUS! ;D
i would never get round 146 blogs in a month of sundays, LET alone if i had 5 kids (on summer brea) - LET alone in the middle of a move! can't wait to see the new digs - all the best!
Good gravy, woman. It took me two years just to scroll down through all of these comments. I LOVE the mohawk picture!!!
thank goodness he's a boy! i would just pass out if i found my daughter cut her hair! i'm not sure how i'd react. i'd def have to take a few deep breaths!! lol
you know i love that mohawk!!
You're moving again?? You get around!! :)
I'm praying my kids don't cut their own hair. So far I've been lucky. So far....!
OMG, the mowhawk! It is sooooooooo cute!
Justine :o )
What a good sport you are! I am dying over that mohawk! I wish he had kept it. TOo cute!
Ar and Ir refused to have different hair cut as well.
I thought it was the simplest way to make them look different. but now I depend on shirt WHICH they some times switch, and I'll call the wrong name again :P
Lol!! I remember Grace's hair cut, not a happy day (but you did get her the cutest short hair cut I have ever seen on a little girl)....so nice you can laugh about the boys. It's a lot easier to give them a buzz.
The mohawk is Rad!
Better late than never....I finally posted. Thanks for hosting Angie.
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