Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wordful Wednesday

To enter my necklace giveaway, click here.

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it. If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button on the left to link back to me, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!

I know that many of you were expecting a picture of my new home, but I couldn't pass this one up.

We had a big family wedding this weekend. Someone, who shall remain nameless, tied the knot and we couldn't be happier.

I only have one beef about the whole evening. How in the world did MY eight year old catch the bouquet? I mean, how'd she even get out there in the first place? One moment life is moving along like normal and the next moment I've been derailed, seeing her life flash before my eyes. I mean, I thought there was like a minimum age requirement for even being eligible?

We came home with a pretty snazzy flower arrangement, a very happy camper and a mom who is realizing her baby isn't so little anymore.

I guess she has that eye/hand coordination thing down. What's next, multiplication and cursive? :)



Anonymous said...

Oh my, that would freak me out! But she is gorgeous! Happy WW!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Oh Angie, she is beautiful!!! Don't worry, I was her age when I started doing that whole catching the bouquets myself. It was a curse for a while actually. But I still was able to hold out until I was 32 to get married so don't worry!!!!!!

tiarastantrums said...

Children have the finesse and savvy to challenge the status quo! And I don't mean pink tantrums! Cute - she looks beautiful!

Bree said...

She's so beautiful!

And just think of it this way, you could always dry them and then decorate her room around those colors. :}

Jen said...

lets just hope that is whats next and not boy, boys, boys.

JESSICA said...

But she looks so pretty holding it!

Kacey said...

Aaaah! She is gorgeous! Take a breath, I'm sure you still have some time. Ha! Ha! Although she does look pretty pleased with herself. Ha! Ha!

Rachel Berry said...

Ahh she's so darn cute!! Love her dress. I'm sure she'll wait a while before getting hitched. :)

Nicole said...

Oh i bet she was just a glowin huh?! How fun for her. She looks beautiful and I'm sure she will always remember it.

Melissa said...

Great pic.

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

What a gorgeous picture!

sassy stephanie said...

Ahh, who cares..she looks totally smitten by it! Just tell her "the rules". Cash in on the catch in a minimum of 20 years!

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

She is too cute!! I love her dress and HER bouquet!!

Carrie and Jim said...

She looks so pretty. Nice flowers too! They grow up fast which means we are also aging. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

That is one gorgeous girl! I bet she was soo excited! The flowers are pretty too!

Kathleen W. said...

Those flowers really accent your daughter's prettiness. I love her dress! And just look at that smile...so proud of catching that.

Leslee P said...

Before you know it she will be the bride.... Adorable!

Mandy said...

My 20-something year old new sister-in-law caught the bouquet and my husband's 10 year old cousin caught the garter. In a Deliverance style back woods southern twist, the 10 year old was also related to my SIL. Drama.

I did it!! I participated! FINALLY. :)

Lacey in the Sky said...

She. Is. GORGEOUS. Aghhh, watch out Angie! You're going to need a HUGE bat to keep boys away in a few years!

Leslee P said...

ps- i think she looks just like you!

Caitlin said...

What a beautiful little girl you have! I am sure that she was over the moon at catching the flowers- hopefully she didn't get the evil eye from all of the SLIGHTLY OLDER single gals there! :)

Danyele Easterhaus said...

ok...we need age limits on these things!! she is so darling though!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

she looks beautiful! lydia caught the bouquet (well, part of it, it was individual roses) at the wedding john and i met at and we ended up getting married 2 years later. maybe a renewal of vows perhaps?

Rhonda said...

She. Is. Stunning.

Uh oh.


Jessica said...

She looks so pretty!

rk said...

Oh my goodness she is so cute. Cute and athletic! How fun!


Kelsey said...

That is too funny!
How cute is that, that out of all the ladies there she caught the bouquet!?

Cecily R said...

She IS a beauty. Does your husband already threaten to lock her up til she's 30?

I caught the bouquet once before I should have been allowed...and I was THRILLED. I had romantic ideas for weeks after that.

Krazy Armstrong K's! said...

awww shes so darn cute!

Straight to Your Hart said...

Oh..that would scare me...she is a cutie..!!

Rachel said...

My post this week is about my baby not being so little any more either. Where does the time go?

Laura said...

I love it!! We are so very impressed. Do you think she might just be a little competative????

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

Adorable little one.....


Unknown said...

I love the photo. She is adorable. I can't believe she caught it!

Susan said...

She is so cute and that bouquet is gorgeous!
I can't even begin to imagine my baby being old enough to attempt to catch a bouquet at a wedding. Can't we manage to stop time somehow?

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Crap. First one is WRONG! It's late and I'm tired and it's only 9PM?? Sheesh, GNO was awesome tonight. Off to tweet you out!

Crazymamaof6 said...

fabulous arrangement.
those glimpses into the future are horrifying for me too!
my 6 year old came home with a bouquet!

Wendy said...

She does look like a happy girl. Was this her first wedding experience? She did know what to do! Smart girl..bet there were much older girls green with envy!

Weeksie50 said...

She is adorable..
I have caught them 3 times..
and I have yet to marry..lol.

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

She is beautiful :) Soo sweet!

jori-o said...

They grow up toooooo fast. At least for now, she's happier she got the pretty flowers than hoping it means her Prince Cherming is moments away!

She look beauty-ful, by the way. What a sweet girl!

Julie@My5monkeys said...

wow she's beautiful and love the dress. :)

Jennifer P. said...

such a lovely girl (and lovely flowers too ;) !)

Mrs Anne said...

She is so lovely!

Love her little floral arrangement! Gorgeous flowers!

Mamarazzi said...

she is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!

Casey's trio said...

Grace looks so proud of herself! And she is a beauty!

Threeundertwo said...

What a sweet picture! I hope the wedding was wonderful!

Robin said...

She looks absolutely beautiful, and so very pleased with herself.

A 14-year-old caught the bouquet at my wedding. 17 years later she's married and has a baby, so I guess it worked ;-). You'd better keep a close eye on Grace.

Munchkins and Music said...

She looks adorable! I like the sash. Those sashes are in right now, everyone is using them. I would have used them if they were in when I got married. :)

Scary Mommy said...

She is GORGEOUS!! So cute that she caught it-- you better watch out :)

Anonymous said...

What a beauty! I was NOT a cute kid! She is lucky! ;)

Tara @ Feels Like Home said...

She is just beautiful with her flowers. I was hoping to read and find out that she was a slightly older than the norm flower girl, but eek! the bouquet? I wouldn't have been ready for that, either. eek.

Ash said...

Wow! That's so great for her - I so feel for you.

I hope your hubby has a shotgun and good aim.

Bar the door!!


Kally said...

She looks so pretty and proud of those flowers. I get you though. It is crazy scary how fast they seem to grow right before out our eyes.

Heather said...

She looks so pretty! Can't believe she caught it! They grow up way too fast!

Shannon said...

She is absolutely gorgeous and I have just the bachelor in mind:) Maybe in a few (15+) years.

Deb said...

yes! and enjoy every last minute of it. pretty soon you'll be trying to sell her (or give her away, as i attempted to do yesterday). she's gorgeous. the good news is i do detect a bit of a "what in the world am i doing holding THIS??" look in her eyes. clearly, she's not ready to be 35 YET.

Jennie said...

beautiful girl... they grow up WAY too fast... I just had my 3rd baby, but can remember all the things from when my 7 and 9 year olds were babies, and look at them now!!!

Mom said...

She is adorable and I love the dress.

Anonymous said...

She certainly looks pleased with her booty bouquet!
Indeed, she is a beautiful little girl.

Lisa said...

She's beautiful! that's why I didn't have girls LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh, she's gorgeous! You'll have the beat the boys off of her. Get ready mom!

Natalie said...

that is too cute. my 8 year old cousin caught my bouquet at my wedding! she was so excited but my other cousin and one of my bridesmaids that were in their late 20s were both a little bitter!!! I think my husband would have intercepted the thing before letting our daughter catch it! I am laughing picturing the scene. How do they grow up so fast???

hippos toes said...

She is so sweet, and looks so happy. I can't imagine...they do grow up so fast. My son is only 20 mos, but I say "girls bad, except for mommy, aunties and g'mas" :) Gotta love every second of them :)

S Club Mama said...

Well, you know, Moose asked me to type that up for him. He has his own thoughts, he told me. :)

S Club Mama said...

PS love the new slide show (that's new right?). Your kids have SUCH pretty red hair. I always wanted to be a redhead.

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous little girl. So poised!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

she is looking very pretty and grown up in this shot! A few yrs back my oldest daughter caught the bouquet and my oldest son caught the garter! No age limit!

jenn said...

Aww! What a beautiful girl. Great picture.

Angie said...

All I have to say is...
Don't blink!

Sam_I_am said...

at least she is holding the bouquet and smiling. That's a dangerous place to be. You can lose an eye or a limb out there with all those single women after those flowers.

debi9kids said...

What a beautiful girl! Wow! All those poor single ladies who now need to wait for your daughter to marry. LOL

Munchkins and Music said...

Hey Angie, thanks for the question!
A fortepiano is an early version of the piano. A fortepiano is larger and lighter than a modern piano because it doesn't have a metal frame. The fortepiano was actually invented by a harpischord maker in the 18th century. You can go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMUb9nqnk8o
to hear an example of a fortepiano.

Solei said...

Sorry momma, but now you have to start planning her wedding. after all, it is tradition!!!

Philigry said...

so cute~! I can't believe she caught it! it would have freaked me out too, but she looks really happy!

Cristin said...

I'd be freaked out by her catching the bouquet... She looks so cute in her dress!!

I finally posted!!

Stu Pidasso said...

wow. what a following!! You and Mama Kat are cornering the market on commentors. Quality rules I guess! Cute picture too! GB!

Debra said...

She is growing up SO fast!! Love the dress... makes her look grown up.

I'd freak too. Seriously. I mean in 8 yrs they will be driving. That is WAY TOO CLOSE! But a wedding? Shudder!

♥ Becky ♥ said...

I love this picture and yea I think I would freak out a little too.

My post is so wordy but I did say something. :-)

MommaSuds said...

She is so cute.

I bet what happened was all the single women didn't want to catch it.So they all stepped back when it came towards them.Leaving your insuspecting daughter to catch the beautiful bouqette.

Carrie said...

My first time to participate!

Michelle said...

Whoa, this is a crazy time for me, but I managed to whip up a wordful wednesday post. can't wait to see what everyone else has up their sleeve.

Angie....I can see why you couldn't resist. CUTIE!

Kelly said...

Wow. It does make me re-think EVER taking my kids to a wedding. If they don't catch the bouquet they cannot get married, right?!?! ;o)

Susie said...

Wow how beautiful is she? Yeah, I would have freaked out too!

K said...

Oh I have a daughter or two that would L-O-V-E to catch a wedding bouquet!
And wear a pretty shiny dress with a bow!
Aren't weddings fun!?

Aubrey said...

Multiplication & cursive...that was funny!

Great picture! Beautiful girl!!

Clark Captions said...

She looks so beautiful! I know what you mean about your little girlie growing up too fast.....Aspen will be twelve next month, and it seems like we just brought her home from the hospital! The time goes by so fast, you have to truly enjoy every minute!

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

I'm all linked up! :)

Anonymous said...

I'll definitely be back next Wednesday!

Jenni said...

She's a beautiful girl! I happen to have an 8 year old son if you are interested in arranging a marriage!

Just email me and let me know what her dowry would be like...maybe we can negotiate something? :-D

stefanie said...

Great photo, great memory! Yes, time does fly too quickly.

Anna Lefler said...

Omigosh, that photo is priceless! My daughter is about to turn 10 and I know exactly how you feel...it's so magical and bittersweet - at the same time...

* sigh *

Thanks for stopping by and see you soon... Congrats on the new pad!



Genny said...

"A mom who is realizing her baby isn't so little anymore"...I'm with you! With my daughter nine years old now, I'm seeing that more every day.

Such a cute photo!

Cheryl Lage said...

What a little stunner---could she be anymore radiant? Better get ready to chase all the would-be suitors...she should wait 'til at least nine to make good on that bouquet! ;)

She is a doll...so are you for popping by my blog as you do! ;)

Kristin said...

she's so pretty. Who got married?

Stephanie said...

She is simply stunning. Love your profile change....sunshine hoarder!

Anonymous said...

She is gorgeous and definitely looks older than eight! Wowie, mama, you better lock that pretty girl up before she hits puberty! LOL

Heather said...

She is adorable!

WheresMyAngels said...

Wow, that is wild. I bet their were some tears from some single women!

Julie H said...

My SIL caught mine and never got married so I don't think you have to worry about it too much :O) She's adorable!

bichonpawz said...

Hi there! Ran across your blog....your daughter looks so pretty...love the dress!! But yeah...I think there really should be an age limit!

Natalie said...

Your daughter is beautiful. Enjoy each moment because before you know it, she'll be the one tossing the bouquet.

Anonymous said...

Your daughter is beautiful.

KatieZ said...

I am so bugged! I have been so busy lately that I have not had much time to blog! I missed yesterday, but am going to spend part of today reading the blogs that linked here. Also congrats on the number of links. Did you make it to 100 last week? Happy blogging to you!

latree said...

is she getting married soon?

Lottie_Ellie said...

She looks absolutely beautiful. Hopefully the bouquet will wait 20 years before it puts its powers to use.

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

I'm impressed she caught the bouquet. Way to go Grace! Angie, you have your hands full. She is only eight and already this beautiful. Wow, good luck!

carrhop said...

She is so darling and is obviously so proud of herself! Great dress!

I'm such a dork--I posted on Wednesday--and totally forgot to come put my link in--the Octamom house does not run real efficiently when Octamom is tweaked out on cold meds!


carrhop said...

Okay, now I'm a super dork because you went on and put me on the list---and then I did it--and I can't even blame the NyQuil for this one....

Hugs and blessings (and I'll try not to cough on you...)

Anonymous said...

LOL! Did your heart about stop? My niece recently got married and my 9year old caught the bouquet. My heart almost stopped, but then I chalked it up to those lightening quick reflexes from playing soccer goalie!