Up for grabs is this Lia Sofia necklace (retails for $130) that is Oh-So-Gorgeous-On and I almost kept for myself. Almost.

To enter, all you have to do is tell me what the best place is that you've ever lived, and then write an essay expounding on the statement. I want to make this as easy on you as possible. :)
Alright, no essays. But, I do want to know your favorite abode.
Want a second entry? Or third, fourth or fifth? Tell me that you can't get through the day without stopping in to see me. Even if it's not true. Or, any old compliment will do. Again, seperate comment(s) please.
I will ship internationally, BUT, this giveaway is only open to MY readers and their friends. It's my way of thanking those that have been there for me through thick and thin......or more appropriately, rain and shine.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 254 Newer› Newest»so happy you are posting. i know it hasn't been forever but it seems like it has.
i love a little town in Northern CA called Morgan Hill it is just 11 miles from the town i grew up in and it has all the charm of a small down with a quiant downtown area but is is close enough to the San Francisco if you want the big city experience and close enough to Monterey Bay if you want to see the coast. love it!
oh i was the first comment.
did i tell you how much i missed you yet?
i can't wait to see pics of the new place.
are you settling in nicely?
any cool neigbors bring by dinner or cookies to welcome you to the hood?
i love that necklace...i really want it!!
btw. can you send me your address as soon as you are ready to receive your Mammarazzi Box of Goodness??
it's ready to go i just need the word from you!
ok one more comment...just for good luck.
My favorite place to live, a place I would love to raise my family, is the farm I grew up on. I loved the room to roam and adventure, the laid-back way of living, even the howl of the timberwolves you could hear from time to time in the back woods!
Oh, and I love that you're back to blogland...I love reading your posts! It's one of my favorite places to visit! :)
It's gorgeous! Best place I've ever lived? That's tough. For now, I'm gonna say it's right here, in Mozambique. Though our home on the North Umpqua River in Oregon is pretty sweet, too. And I could write an essay on this, but I'll spare you since you are going to get a ton of comments.
I've been missing you! Hope you get settled in and back to blogging routines quickly!
I have lived in various cities/towns/villages in Northeast Ohio. Not too impressive, eh? In the end though, I enjoy our spring, summer and fall after 8 months of winter :)
Living in the beautiful Rogue Valley in southern Oregon with the Rogue River running right through the town, definitely takes the cake for me! It's paradise. (And I think all the tourists would agree!)
By the way, it was so fun to meet the "beloved Angie" at Kirsty's house last week! You are such an awesome friend and absolute doll. How on earth do you stay in such great shape? You're amazing!
My favorite place to live would be the place where I grew up, DeRidder, LA. My parents still live there. It's pretty small and hasn't changed a whole lot, but it's still "home."
One last thing, I'm kind of new to the blogosphere. You are obviously a pro. I need help! I'm just starting to want to get "in" to it. Check out my blog on Kirsten list of links and give me some tips. Thanks! Heidi
Hello! Happy Monday to you! (is there such a thing?)
The first place that comes to mind as my "favorite" place is where I lived my senior year in college. I felt the most comfortable in the town than I ever had (great little town, by the way in Northern Texas) and I as living in a rental house with 2 of my good friends.
It was humble but we had A LOT of great times in that house, cooking for each other, just talking, having people over. It was good times... Part of it too was we were just on the edge of true adulthood about to dive in!
Essay enough for you? HA!
Now Can I stay around an "bug" you like mamarazzi did? ; )
I can?! Great, 'cause that's a really cute necklace!
Have I told you how cute your blog is lately? If not, I'm sorry...
"Hey Angie, Your Blog Is So CUTE!" : )
I will be in Northern Cali next week, some girls and I are heading up to Napa for a girls weekend. Wanna join us? Too Busy? Oh I understand...
Ok, off to leave you a lone. Have fun with all your comments today! : )
What a beautiful necklace. I would love to tell you how you are the most wonderfulest, awesomest, coolest bloggers in all bloggy land but thre just are not enough words in the dictionary to do so. I would end up sitting here for hours and hours and still not be done. You are AWESOME, I stop by your blog daily because like you it ROCKS and I am one of your many stalkers I mean followers...lol!
Did I tell you I think you are one of the most AWESOMEST, WONDERFULEST, COOLEST bloggers in all bloggy land. I just wanted to make sure you knew.
I was totally floored that four hours into your post you already had 22, now 23, comments! But then I see all the crazies who commented multiple times in hopes that you'll notice them.
Little do they know that I am the only other blogger in your heart.
Those poor, poor desperate people.
On with the assignment ....
First off, you totally already know that I adore you and your blog. That's no big surprise, really, but you wanted me to just confirm that. You're awesome!
Second, I have never been blessed to live in sunny California, but I did have a beautiful acreage once. It was just outside a small town about 25 minutes out of the city. It was perfect and we all loved it. I didn't realize how much, though, until we moved. Sigh. House prices went up four hundred thousand about six months after we moved, so now we can't afford to get back out there.
It had city water, and paved roads and a park and tennis courts, and beautiful trails. We had a trampoline, accidentally raised bunnies, and made trips to the hospital twice for stitches. It was my dog's last home. And the view was spectacular!
'Nuff said.
Who me? No, not me this is my first visit for the day. There is just no way I would be stalking your blog out in the open like this.
But I would keep a close eye on Mamarazzi, Darla, Jarvis Journal and Elaine A. if I were you. I think they are up to something, way too much bloggy love this morning...lmbo!
I refuse to pimp myself out like these other ladies.
Oh, who am I kidding?
No, I'll play by the rules.
My favorite place I've ever lived...is where I'm sitting now. We built this house 3 1/2 years ago, before Caroline was even born. This is where my guy and I are raising our girls and growing together as a family. Corny, I know, but we are happy...blessed...and I love it.
I love Angie. She is beautiful and talented and most likely stressed out by this move. So go take a nap.
Oh...and wouldn't it be fun to have a bloggy Twilight party, Angie? The movie comes out one month from tomorrow.
What an ORIGINAL idea I have here, huh? (Totally kidding.)
Phew, I almost went into a panic when I thought I was going to have to write an essay! Count me in on this giveaway. BEAUTIFUL necklace. And I have only lived in 3 cities in my life...all in the same 50-75 mile neck of the woods. And I guess I like it here! And thanks for being my loyal bloggy friend who I can always count on for a comment:)
My favorite place to live was a town called El dorado hills in Northern ca. I loved it.
Pick me pick me
I forgot to tell you my favorite place to live, well not really I jsut wanted a good excuse to come back...lol!
My favorite place would be at my current location. I live in Texas not too far from a few big cities... I'll give you a hint... I have Fiesta Texas, Sea World, Natural Bridge Caverns, The Alamo, The River Walk and UT all within driving distance of me to take a day trip.
See I am so NOT stalking you this time...lol!
That necklace is SCREAMING! Can you hear it? Oh my gosh it's hurting my ears! It keeps shouting "I wanna live around Sassy's neck!", "Pa-leeeaze send me to live with Sassy!". Poor little thing. Let's make it happy, shall we?
I am getting really used to my new place. I miss my old house and hood, my friends, but I love the clear skies of the KUNTRY.
I have only ever lived in one place so I guess this is my favorite place.
Yeah, I really do like it here.
And gurl, I MUST stop by your place regularly. I have to get a glimpse of the sassy red head cuties!
I am a huge fan. I am so glad that you and Casey did the guest blogger thing so that I could meet you. You are just so awesome!
Hey! I've missed you too! I don't comment much, but I do usually check your blog every day. It's a sort of self-indulgent gift to myself, as each visit usually gives me at least a smile for the day, if not a laugh. :)
Since that's one compliment, I'll leave my answer on a second comment. :D
I have missed following you blog and all that you post... But I am excited for your move and i hope you post pics. Ok, moving forward...
The favorite place i have ever lived is "my home!" The one that my hubbie and I own together. It is such a great retreat and I love walking through the doors to see my sweet little family, the love of my life, my dog Gabby and all of my stuff. Not that I did not like living on my own or living with my parents, but I just love where I live now, because I built it {with my hubbie & mason} but you know what I mean... It is ours, our future and our present along with some lovely pictures and memories from the past...
I hope you like my entry.. I would love to win that necklace.
I've lived in so many places that I have 4 different answers, depending on the exact definition of "best place".
Best City I've lived in is probably Tallahassee, FL. Big enough to have most of the stores I wanted, without an hour drive to a bigger city. Big enough to have really good schools. Good weather most of the year (I won't think about the hurricanes...).
Best House is probably where I live now. Lots of room, my own office, a floorplan where my bedroom is on the main floor (no stairs is a big thing for me!), and very comfy.
Best Yard would be our house in Cumming, GA. The house wouldn't be big enough for us now, but was perfect at the time (pre-Morgan), and had a 2 acre lot FULL of trees. In the country, but not *too* far out. Soooo peaceful. I miss that part of it.
Best All Around HOME would probably be Morgantown, WV. That's where I was when I met my closest friend. For the year and a half that we overlapped in Morgantown, I felt more "at home" there than I ever have anywhere else. Nice city (even though a little on the small side, and I had to drive to PA for a lot of things). The schools weren't the best on the testing scales (and couldn't hold a candle to the test scores from Tallahassee), but I loved the people who worked in the school we were in. The weather was nice for about 3 months of the year (but the rest of the time it stunk!). Very nice house (even though not as nice as the one we have now). Good yard (not as big as the one from Cumming, but still with a very peaceful ambience.) But what cinches it is that I felt connected to the community more there than anywhere else I've lived. My best friend was nearby, and I saw her usually twice a week. I had several other people I could call "friend" too (not just an acquaintance). Great (but tiny) church. Neat neighbors. Just a neat place all around.
It's just too darn far from our families, and DH's job there was a nightmare. (And most of the people I was close to have moved away now, anyway.) So it wouldn't be the best place if we were to move back. But it was the Best All Around Place while we lived there.
Sorry... you got an essay anyway! It's just funny you asked now, as I've been thinking about this whole concept a lot lately, so you got an earful, whether you wanted it or not!
Hope you're settling into your new home and that it becomes your newest "Best Place". :)
I hope everything is going nicely in your new house in SoCo... I am still coming to visit! Ha!
I had a great weekend, how about you?
I lived in London briefly for a study abroad program in college.
I loved that everything was so OLD (We blow things up here in Vegas after 20 years).
I loved how it was such a pedestrian city (everyone drives EVERYWHERE in Vegas--even around the block. Pathetic)
I loved using the TUBE (we've got scary, skanky busses)
I loved all the CULTURE (Um...cirqu du soliel ((sp??)) is the best we got *sigh*)
I could go on and on.
I heart London.
Oh, and I heart Angie too =)
Your blog is one of the first I check for new posts.
Hope you are surviving among the boxes! =)
My favorite place I've lived (so far) is the current apartment. I know I dog on the neighbors' noisiness BUT this is the place where we brought Moose home. This is where we've lived our lives together the most.
AND you know that I LOVE your comments bc you're one of the nicest comment-ees AND I think you are gorgeous...plain as that!
PS What a great giveaway...you're a sweetie pie and a half.
I love the necklace!!! I really hope I win, so I will follow your rules.
I really do love living here in Phoenix (except for July-Sept). I love the winters here. I love spending time hiking and biking and all the other outdoor things we get to do. I also love that I can hop in my car, drive a couple hours north and be in the snow. It is truly bliss!!!
I was a Navy brat so I really have lived all over. I loved the Seattle, Washington area. It is the only place I don't have allergies.
I also stop in to see you at LEAST once a day...
Oops - separate comment - I have to stop in AT LEAST once a day to catch up w/you and your circus. :o)
I am currently thrilled with my small state (RI). We have amazing seasons -the fall is currently gorgeous, I have friends and family very close by - no matter where they live in the state. There is easy access to several large cities, but still can live in a rural-esque area. And the state has amazing temporary disability benefits that I am currently very grateful for!!
I am currently thrilled with my small state (RI). We have amazing seasons -the fall is currently gorgeous, I have friends and family very close by - no matter where they live in the state. There is easy access to several large cities, but still can live in a rural-esque area. And the state has amazing temporary disability benefits that I am currently very grateful for!!
I am currently thrilled with my small state (RI). We have amazing seasons -the fall is currently gorgeous, I have friends and family very close by - no matter where they live in the state. There is easy access to several large cities, but still can live in a rural-esque area. And the state has amazing temporary disability benefits that I am currently very grateful for!!
I am currently thrilled with my small state (RI). We have amazing seasons -the fall is currently gorgeous, I have friends and family very close by - no matter where they live in the state. There is easy access to several large cities, but still can live in a rural-esque area. And the state has amazing temporary disability benefits that I am currently very grateful for!!
hahaha I love all these comments that everyone is leaving! They are soo funny!!
I grew up in Crewe, VA and I loved every minute of it. It was a small quaint southern town of 2000 and everyone knew everyone else's business. Therefore, I was in trouble a lot. Especially in high school. Oops. BUT, I really loved growing up there and when I go back to see my best friends from high school and we go to visit their parents, we sit around bored thinking, what did we ever do here??
The best place I have ever lived is where I am now. I bought a house in the town I grew up in (900 people) and it is truly the greatest house. Perfect for me and Brody. and I am just a happy person in general after moving here. I'm sure someday I'll move on but right now it fits.
Gorgeous necklace. You obviously have exquisite taste in both friends and jewelry ;-).
AND I really DO stop by everyday to check out your blog! Your blog is one of the first ones I found and have been reading religiously ever since!!
...AND... that is a beautiful necklace.
As for my favorite place to live? I'd have to go with where I am now. It's not the prettiest or the most sought-after, but it's where my loved ones are and it's home.
But if I could pick anywhere? It might very well be my parents' new town in New England - IF and only IF I could do something about those ridiculous wet summers and neverending winters. Give it a hot southern climate and I'm there.
Oh, this is going to be easy for me. I have lived in Southern California my entire life. I currently live a mile from where I grew up. We live in a cul-de-sac and on a canyon. I love the open feeling living on the edge of a canyon brings. We often have red tail hawks floating on the breeze outside my window. It's really very peaceful.
I sometimes feel funny having never moved to another state, but considering how many people want to move here I guess I shouldn't feel that bad. :)
You went into my Favorites list the minute I found your blog and I have the Tip Junkie button on my side bar. Need to say more?
Ok, I will.......I love your blog(s) and I love that you are another freckled tall girl! :)
I have only lived in two different states! Arizona and Colorado. I will take the blizzards over my makeup melting from my face anyday!!! I love the house we live in right now. It's just cozy and perfect.
Hope your doing o.k. I want to know why you moved!!! I can't keep up my blog anymore to busy with the kids( overwhelmed), but I'll read yours, cause I love it!!!!!!!!
hope you're settling in nicely! we've been in our house six years now, and i STILL have unpacked boxes (i did finally move them to my attic).
best place i've lived? right here is suburban fairfax county. i have lived all over the world--holland, singapore, kuwait, but my humble little house in the woods with my husband and two boys is the first place i have finally felt "at home".
This is not Marla.
This is her computer and keyboard. Yes we have a mind of our own and just love visiting your blog.
Please don't tell her we were here.
Thanks for popping in...I love living in the Northeast!! Every season there is something to do outside (berries, apples, christmas trees). I've tried living other places - considered it - but I can't really imagine living anywhere but here!!
oh...and I am so not doing this post in response, but also as another entry.... ;)
Best place I lived was 25 Dalrymple Street in the south part of Invercargill.
My parents brought this house and it HONESTLY looked like the Munsters house from the programme. We couldn't afford to do it up so it was just 'as is' and we had the best time in that place. I've got so many stories. Maybe that can be a memory I blog about.
It was MASSIVE and had 4 HUGE fields for us to play cricket at and get into mischeif. We had 3 skin head and one bikie gang who lived around us. I could tell you a few stories about that.
It had a scary shed in the back that we found tons of goodies in. It had it's own little phone room so you could close the door and share all your secrets with your mates there.
It had MASSIVE bedrooms and all 5 of my brothers slept in one room. Each room had a fireplace in it. We never lit it.
It had a balcony at the top that we weren't allowed on cause if we walked on it we'd probably go straight through and fall to our deaths.............we still hung out on it.
We had so many memories created their Angie. It was the best place I've lived as a child with my siblings.
My favorite place to live is where we are. Not necessarily our current house (which is great, don't get me wrong), but where we are. Because we're together. As a family.
Woah. That's just dripping with cheese. But. It IS the truth.
Glad to know you're doing well. I'm looking forward to pics of the new place!
The house I grew up in was gorgeous, a 14 room colonial with a wrap around porch and a widow's walk that overlooked the ocean.
Then I moved to Nova Scotia for college... the prettiest countryside ever, mountains and cliffs and more ocean.
But my favorite place was our little farmhouse in Vermont. Our ten acres with the river running through it. The huge dairy barn that we wanted to paint red.... fill the chicken coop with chickens...and get some goats...
It broke our hearts to have to leave that place...
The best sob story wins right??
I can't wait to wear my new necklace...
Speaking of sobbing... have you read my 200th post yet??
Grab a hankie....
I have lived many many places. When I think back, I LOVED living in Denver. It will forever hold a special place in hy heart. It is where I was born and rased. It is the last place I was ever free and without worry. It is where I was molded into who I am.
That being said, I LOVE LOVE where I am now. While geographically it is colder than I prefer (after living in south for nearly 10 years) Washington (specifically Sumner) is where my family is. It is where my kids were made and are growing up. The scnery is beautiful and the air is crisp. I love the trees and greenery. I love that the ocean is close, but so is the mountains and the warmer deserty parts of the state.
I am sad to see you leave the pacific northwest, but I am happy you had a successful move. I hope it is a good move and not a bad move.
I love readng your blog. While you may have 5 children, you do not preach like you know it all. You admit your faults and that your kids have faults. You do not try and convince us readers your life is all roses and puppydogs. You let it be known that you are blessed to have a big family, but that it is hard work. (and well well worth it)
I love that about your blog.
I've only ever lived in 2 places: my hometown and college, so the best place I ever lived was college. I got to spread my wings and have independence.
I have always lived in a suburb outside of New Orleans(besides when I moved an hour away for college for a few years). I can't really imagine living anywhere else, honestly. While there is sure to be many more entertaining places to live- my family is here. I don't think any of us will ever go anywhere, unless the whole bunch went too! I'm writing this as my two month old niece lays in bed next to me rubbing my arm while she feels asleep. How could I leave that?! :)
My favorite place I have ever lived is right where I am now. In general the house is nice...nothing special as far as houses go but it is where I brought my girls home to. I can look all around my house and remember where my girls took there first steps, where they took their first big tumble, big girls baths in mommy's tub. We have all our firsts with our girls in this house. I can still walk down the hallway and feel a glimpse of sadness as I look down towards my girls bedroom like I did the first night I came home from the hospital leaving them in the NICU. I know I will always have these memories but being in this house is a constant reminder that I just love!
I can honestly say that I check your blog first every time I log on to my blog :)
Just waiting for our lunch date :)
And for when I can get my hands on my future son in laws :)
i have always lived in illinois, but my favorite place is where we are now. it's home :)
i missed you while you were moving :(
and checked your blog even though google reader showed no updates
does that make me a crazy blog stalker?
that clearly adores you :)
I didn't even think that my hair DOES look like yours! Well...really that was my plan all along. Next I'm going to move too...well, I was kidding but then I realized we might. Ha!
thanks for stopping by today. You're so busy lately I really appreciate that.
ok angie...lovely, darling, nice blogger friend! ha!
seriously, i love where i am at now...but honestly, i've only lived within 100 miles of here my whole life. maybe i'm sheltered...but i love love love to travel (well and ur blog of course) and my fav place is at a warm and sunny beach...u just can't go wrong with that!
oh, you moved? congratulations! i can't wait to see pictures of your new home.
My favorite place, by far, is the home I live in now. it is the town that I grew up in, and I love it. we will be here forever, i think.
Congrats on your successful move. I know that moving can be stressful times, but it can also be a great way to "start fresh" and "new". Enjoy the "newness" of your new home and the redecorating, re-establishing process. :)
I honestly am most happy where I am living now. I am originally from ND and moved to Oregon about 8years ago. It was the hardest transition in my entire life as I just up and moved, but to be honest, it has been the BEST journey I've ever been on, and I've learned so much about myself and the world.
:) Many blessings to you, your family and your new home.
p.s. that necklace is so lovely!
Oh! And I've added you to my giveaways on my blog! :)
I haven't been following you for too long, I just discovered you thanks to Carissa at Good and Crazy People. But I do love your blog. You have such a way with words. I would have to say one of my favorite places I lived was upstate NY. I love the Hudson Valley, especially in the fall. We were close to Vermont and MA and NYC. We would often travel north to Lake Placid and Montreal. It was a great place to live. Except for those darn winters!! :) Glad to see you back.
I have only lived in three states so that doesn't sound interetsing. So I will post where I wish I could live, San Diego, Ca. I vacationed there and loved it! I just can't afford it so I will be content to live in the midwest for a while.
I love the necklace, if you want to know where I live let me win!!!! I love Lia Sophia..
Your SO nice for not keeping it for yourself, ahh the willpower! lol
I LOVE that your in SoCal now and someday after your settled I hope we can meet up!
I havent lived in many places, all in Socal. But my favorite was in Orange, CA Right next door to an outdoor mall, just blocks away from Disneyland, blocks away from Angel stadium, and lots of other socal goodness!
I have loved all the spots I have lived, but I think my current home is a big favorite, because my kids finally have their own rooms and we finally had enough room to get a dog (Annie!).
Although, our ranch house growing up will always have a VERY special place in my heart.
That necklace is BEAUTIFUL! And so are you. :o)
As I grew up in England and then traveled all over America, visiting over 35 states before settling down in redneck Nevada, I have to tell you that America is my favorite place and the fact that I live so close to Lake Tahoe and not too far away from Yosemite, this has to be the best time of my life. And the reason that I should win this beautiful necklace is because I adore you, I adore your blog and I adore reading about your life! Enough compliments?!
Send it my way sister!
Angie, give away pot holders or something- I really think you should keep the necklace, it has all the shades that go perfectly with your beautiful hair! Seriously- I mean it!
ooooo! too gorgeous for words!!!
i was glad to hear that your move went smoothly :)
the best place i've ever lived is where i live currently - don't get me wrong, my family had some pretty nice digs growing up, but i now reside with the love of my life in the home we re-designed and re-built together, so everything is where we want it to be, and all the colors are exactly what he let me pick out, and it's wonderful :) of course, a studio apartment with him would be wonderful, but . . . .
oh, and i think you're beautiful and inspiring :) seriously, not just for the extra entries, i mean, i'd appreciate some extra entries, but i really do think that, too :)
Since I still haven't grown roots here I can't say this is my favorite place yet. My favorite place is back home in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Most would ask Tulsa? My answer is a resounding "YES!" I love and miss the unpredictable weather, knowing where things are, the first house we purchased, and all of my friends and family. I even miss hearing words like -ya'll- and -doncha -the latter used to drive me insane.
Love the necklace. Here's hoping you get settled in and grow roots where you have landed soon.
Comment Compliment: You are fabulous! I love hearing about what is going on with the Circus! Glad you are back. I missed you while you were away!
I'm a midwest girl, born and raised. Haven't ventured too far, so apparently I like it..
I was "blog stalking" and happened across your blog site. Enjoyed reading.
Congratulations on your move! I'd love to have some sunshine right now.
Ummmmm....I've only lived in Chicago and Miami (only for a few months, though) so I can't say I have a favorite place. Illinois is ok, but it can be boring and it isn't a very pretty place. Mostly there's corn and soybean fields...southern Illinois is pretty in places and so is northwestern Illinois by the Mississippi River. I really want to vacation in Portland and had hoped to meet you in person when we go. Now I'll have to tag along with my dad on one of his many trips to La Jolla... are you near there? :)
Angie, the best place I ever lived was in the present moment.
Cheesy? Yes. True? Yes.
I read your blog because you challenge me to think. Because you ask for dialog, and you actually do dialog. Because when I was new to blogging I commented shyly and you welcomed me as an old friend. Because you aren't afraid to be real. Because I'm better for having met you.
I didn't get the separate comments thingy. I stink at reading instructions. Oh well!
I have something for you on my blog!
The necklace is almost as gorgeous as you. ALMOST. Because you are absolutely stunning. And your writing?! Amazing. Thoughtful. Inspiring and more!
My fave place...here, where I am now. My hubby and I rented for years and years. We moved around about 14 times in 14 years of marriage. Yes...YUCK! Then, we saw the home we are in now be built from the ground up. Nothing was more amazing to us. It was a blessing.
My most favorite abode was in Mass. I lived in the old Italian section of town call the "North End". It was in the heart of Boston and LOVED every min. of it. The old men who owned the buildings would watch out for us Flight Attendants and they would make sure that we were safe coming and going at all hours of the day and night. It's odd, but comforting, to know that the old guy in the window upstairs is going to get make sure you get into your cab at 4AM.
I'm soooo happy be living in sunny FL finally. From my first visit as a child I knew I was meant to be down here. I asked my Mom why she picked MA when she moved to the US, and she said she went where she had family. As soon as I had the opportunity I headed for my spot in the sunshine :). I think your blog is FABULOUS!!! (And is a uber fun way to avoid housework, ha!)
I have to check this blog daily to keep up with the fast pace family you have. I love knowing the in's-n-out's of your life. We hope to see you more now that you are back in So. Cal.
What a beautiful necklace!! :) You are too sweet to have a giveaway while you are trying to get settled!
Congrats on the move!!
My fav place to live has to be NE Georgia...right at the base of the mountains...4 REAL seasons! GORGEOUS! But I have to admit that I did enjoy the weather in New Orleans & here, in Ocala,FL...but not as much as Georgia!!! :)
You are such a sweet spirited lady!! If I were in your shoes, I would be keeping that necklace b/c it would go so well with my red hair!!! :) Ok...so I'm not as selfless as you are!
what can I say? welp-you are one of the coolest bloggers I know! enjoy your give-away! I hope you have loads and loads of entries!
I truly mean loads...
and loads!
I think where I'm living now is the best place ... wouldn't you agree seeing as you're living back here now???????????
Is it not enough that I give you my undivided ... okay that's a lie ... but attention all the same and I stalk you endlessly about wanting to meet you now you are down my way. Now if I win, you could deliver the prize personally :)
I have pretty much always lived in the same city except when I went away to college.
But I do love my house. :-D
Wow! I'm 124 and I saw many names more than twice. Saw that you commented at my place and want to say welcome back. Moving is like the third stressful transition after death of a family member and divorce. We have moved many times and it always takes me about a year to really acclimate to a new community. I don't mean just feel comfortable, I mean feel in the groove of the life there. That means friends, church, kids friends, neighbors. Alot of energy. My favorite move was a small town that we pastored that had alot of couples our age with children the same age. We had many holiday parties and dances. We got to play and that was fun. Most people don't want to "play" with their pastor but these people did and we are still friends to this day 20 years later! I wish you the best in your new home and hope your children acclimate very quickly. Look forward to Wordful Wednesday this week to see what you have up your sleeve!
My favorite place to live was Stuttgart, Germany. We were there for four years, pre-kids, traveling most weekends...I call it our four-year honeymoon! We were in a small apartment but we didn't have many possession, so it was perfect.
I just moved this summer...we should commiserate.
The necklace is absolutely beautiful, as is your blog. Breathtaking really ;)
So that's a pretty necklace
But not as pretty as you...
And everytime you visit my little space on the web I smile.
(is it obvious I would love to win the necklace)
Dang 130 I mean 131 comments from today alone. That's a lot of bloggy love.
I think you are the QUEEN of Bloggy Land today!
Umm since you now have a crown because I made you the Queen of Bloggy Land. I think you need to at least let me waer the oh so beautiful Lia Sofie necklace. Besides it just wont go with your crown.
Hey, remember me? Miss you guys already. A ton! Missed seeing all your kidlets at the primary pumpkin patch today. It was pouring rain. You would have loved it!
I for one am thrilled that you are now a SO CAL girl!
You are so gorgeous, talented and funny.
I won your last jewelry contest, so I will bow out of this one.
I have lived in 5 states and have enjoyed several of them for different reasons. I loved West Virginia for all the beauty it offered when doing a myriad of outdoor activities.
I liked living in Florida for the easy access to the beach, the moderate winter weather and being close to family.
I love where I currently live because there is a so much to do, it is beautiful, it is close to many major cities where we can get away to do more fun things and the seasons are wonderful.
You are in my reader and I love catching up with you each day. I don't always comment because I have two little vying for my attention, but be certain that I read everything you post.
The necklace is beautiful! I can't wait to win it!
Thanks for doing such a fantastic giveaway and giving us endless chances to win.
Wow, you know that I love to visit your blog. You crack me up and I love keeping up with my family!!!
Wow, you know that I love to visit your blog. You crack me up and I love keeping up with my family!!!
How the heck are you going to know?
If I'm a reader? Or a friend of a friend who reads? Or just a random dropper by-er?
And $130? What??? Who is Lia Sofia btw? No link to follow and stuff to browse to 'qualify'?
I love the necklace of course...
Okay. I loved HERE of course! But Brooklyn is a close second. We would soooo retire to the 'city', and live half the year there and half the year in the mountains of Southern Idaho where I grew up....Napoleon Dynamite or not.
The best place I have lived... hmmm. I have to say, at this point, I'm torn. Location would have to be growing up in South Dakota. The wide open spaces... However I have some amazing memories living now in MN. My husband proposed here, we went to college here, my first job, we are buying our first house...
OH and the necklace is amazing! SO pretty! and the colors are perfect!
Did I mention that I love your blog? Well, if not, Hey, I love your blog!!!
Okay. The compliment.....?
This is a hard one..
I mean NO...it's easy!
Hmmmmm the problem is choosing just one thing....
Got it!
I am grateful that in the early days of my blogging world, the GREAT ANGIE of SevenClown fame. Was willing to talk to me. Email me, comment on MY blog and then email me some more. And once. When I had a funny email forward to share that was a bit risque and downright even rude...she still wanted to see it, even laughed at it and I knew right then. It was BFF bloggy style at first type...
(that last part was hokey, but it's true. I bloggy bff you. I just made that up.. pretty good eh?)
See you are awesome...145 comments awesome!!
best place i ever lived...might be in COlumbus Ohio, met hubs there...our phone lines were crossed!
however, we moved to ca with our kiddos 3 years ago...and love it here...so...
I have honestly only lived in Utah and Idaho and since my hubby is always teasing me for being an Idaho girl (plus I've lived in Utah longer and that's where we met) I've have to say here. But I would love to live in CA if it is 70 degree weather all the time!
Love your contest :)
my fave abode would be here...cause that's where my fab small fam is!
by the way...love your blog
...and covet the necklace! LOVE IT!
happy move! hope all went well!
I love reading your blog...honest! I do! :)
As for the best place I ever lived, well, there are a lot of places. I think my favorite would be a tiny island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean called Terceira. It is a part of the Azores Islands and is a territory of Portugal. Go ahead, try to find it on the map...its tough! :) It was paradise though. Mild temperatures, lush green landscape, stone hedges, cows roaming about, an ocean and natural swimming holes, hot pots, hiking, and did I mention gorgeous? I think of those years as some of the best years of my life!
Anyway, I really could write a novel about that place! Glad to hear you are settling back in out in sunny Cali! :)
I love living right here where I'm at. I said when I bought this house: "carry me out feet first when I die, because I'm not leaving any other way!"
I LOVE that necklace! And the one you saw me wearing that you thought might be one was just a cheapy Daisy Fuentes thing from Kohls. So, it's not like I own one already :)
That necklace is beautiful.
My favorite place I've lived would have to be at home with my mom.
Why you ask? Well I do love my mom, but I really loved the no rent/mortgage, no utilities, no direct tv, no cooking your own meals & having to figure out what the heck your going to cook tonight, basically no responsibility besides the ones you want.
OH and have I told you lately how great you are & how much I love reading your blog?
I really do you are a fun & funny woman.
Plus I love hearing about your twin boys they remind me of mine.
With yours I get a glimpse into my future.
Honestly, I have lived in 4 cities, each ranging about 10-20 minutes from each other. Seriously. My. Entire. Life.
I do love Utah. For me, honestly, it would be wherever my family is. I have a close family consisting of 2 bros, 3 sis, and all have spouses and kids. We all live within 20 minutes and do a lot together.
May sound stupid, but it's so true for me.
Compliments, compliments, where to begin...
I kind of knew you before I began blogging--seeing you on the momo boards. Then when I began blogging, you were one of my first bloggy friends. You "taught me the ropes" and I very much appreciate it!
And I love your confidence.
And I think you have such a gorgeous family.
And I LOVE Lia Sophia and would LOVE to see that necklace around MY neck!:)
Gosh I have lived so many places its hard to choose one! I definately LOVED living in Colorado as a kid. I'm a BIG BIG BIG snow lover!
I also loved living in Germany the history there is amazing! I cant wait to get station there again!
Seriously though where ever My Favorite Soldier and my kids are is always my favorite place.
Alright, this 162nd comment thing is really starting to bug me. Don't you think you could narrow down your number of faithful and adoring readers so that I can feel a bit more special than 162??? Seriously.
My favorite place I have lived is probably a toss up between my house now, because this is where my babies were born and our family is growing together, and our last apartment in the city. The apartment was vintage with all hardwoods and built in's. It was warm and cozy yet very Chicago. Loved it!
Wow, some of these people really want that necklace don't they, lol. The best place I have ever lived is right here in N.C. Okay, okay, I have only ever lived here but I absolutely love it. Although, I would move to the coast in a heartbeat if the hubs got the notion!
BTW, I love reading about your adventures, family, and twin boys!
The most gorgeous place that I have ever lived is South Africa. The beautiful beaches are so inviting there - I lived in landlocked Johannesburg but am counting the places I visited while living there.
You have been missed Angie! I am so glad that you are settled in and have internet access again.
I'm not a usual commenter, but that necklace is gor-geous! I could be happy anywhere that is close to family, a Costco, Super Target and a drive-thru with good diet coke.
(psssst - give away info added ;-) )
Hooray Angie!
My favorite abode is where I live now... in my own home! We have lived here for three years now, and it's not perfect but it's OURS!
Plus we live in a gorgeous part of Utah. What could be better?
By the way, I've always thought that your blog was adorable!
And you introduced me to SITS... and I'm Saucy this week! Hooray!
I LOVE that necklace! And I come check your hilarious blog nearly daily.
I can't live without you Angie!
Oh! And Wordful Wednesday is awesome! You increased my readership tons!
Just another reason I love you to pieces.
Did I mention that I think you're pretty?!
Ok... I could do this all day, but I really should go get these boys some breakfast!
Okay, so my other favorite city to live in is Chicago. That would be from May to September. You can't beat Chicago in the summer. The lake, the festivals, the SHOPPING!!! I love it!
And I love that necklace!! And I love you, Angie!!
My favorite place to live was my home in Spokane Washington. Maybe it was because I lived there my whole life until we moved to Memphis. I grew up in the same neighborhood across from my elementary school for 12 years. I still have dreams about it.
I really like that necklace. I really dont have any jewerly like that but I would always love some.
I do read your blog but i dont comment as much as I should. Sorry! I know you hate that. But I have a limited time on the computer.
oh well a compliment... the first time I saw your blog I added it to my blogroll! Love it!! I have been hit and miss lately though.
I've really only lived in Pittsburgh and Northern VA. I loved Northern Va because there is so much to do. Washington DC., Baltimore, parks, walking trails, shopping, restaurants. ONly bad thing is the traffic!!
I love that I can always count on you to leave a comment on my blog
Oh yeah I noticed Janet G made a comment. I'm going to have to check out her blog. Is she coming back to the momo site ever?
Are you liking your new Home?? Beautiful necklace.
One of my favorite places to live was in Yakima Washington...
My family had NO money and at that time house prices were not through the roof...we lived on 7 acres in a maybe 600 square foot home..with 2 boys and 3 girls!! The memories there are priceless to me for I learned the importance of growing a garden..raising animals (to play with and eat)..have fruit trees..truly being imaginative..and loving all around me. Sounds kinda Laura Ingalls Wilderish..and it was!!
Hope you are filling in the spaces with your move into your new place..and not being too busy..yah right!!
Dear Angie--Well, I have lived in California, Utah, Colorado, Massachusetts and Oregon. I have loved each place because of the people! As far as climate, beauty, lush greenery, and outdoor activities, I would have to choose Southern Oregon. I miss the architecture and history from Mass., but not the weather, I miss the mountains, parks and neighborhood, pools and walking paths from Colorado, but not the dryness, I loved Utah for the social aspect and schooling that I did there, but it was such a desert, and California for the weather, early spring, extended family, but too expensive. So, there you have it, there are pros and cons to every area that I have lived, but have loved each one.
Wohoo! I'm 186th!!!!! My favorite home? The one I just built here in Portland. I'd live somewhere around La Jolla, CA if I were very wealthy. Otherwise I'm happy...
These comments are totally cracking me up!! Glad to you posting again, it does feel like a long time and I just found you recently!!
I love reading your blog, you are super cute, inspiring, and so much fun girl!
Thank you so much for this amazing giveaway! I LOVE it! I NEED it! JK, I'm not kidding, JK, no I really want it! Haha!! Thanks!
Oh. My. Stars. Look at all of these comments!! When I was a kid, my dad worked for Mobile Oil. They transferred us to Indonesia when I was in the second grade. I have really good memories of races through the jungle, adopting a pet monkey, and going to school in a sultan's palace. True story! It was such an adventure!!
Wow! What a lot of comments!
Best place I have ever lived: Now.
Why: Because I get to taste the mystery of the universe and it makes me smile inside out.
Oooohhhh!!! SO PRETTY!
My favorite place I have lived is the house in which we live right now. We have TOTALLY redone the outside of the house. We have often said we were going to have to be rolled out of here! Across the street is a city park. It's not just any park, it's the park where we were engaged. My view every morning is that special spot. :)
Love your blog! Especially Wordful Wednesday, which I just happen to be participating in tomorrow for the FIRST TIME!! :)
Hi there!! My oh my, everyone loves these giveaways I tell ya. Since I am not a huge jewelry person, I don't want to take someone else's spot so right here in this very same comment, I will STILL tell you that I love reading what you have to say each day simply because I adore you & think you're the cats meow!! And my favorite abode is right where I am living. It's our 1st house as a married couple & where we're raising our child and building memories.
Although I have only "known" you for a very short while, I truly LOVE coming to your blog. You are always so thoughtful in your comments too, which is an added bonus.
As for my favorite abode. I will make this one very simple. Although I have lived in a few different homes, my favorite "home" is with my family. It doesn't matter what four walls surround us, as long as the loves of my life are around me, I am content, blessed and always filled with joy.
My favorite place I lived was in California. Northern California. I like the weather. I like beach. There is so much to see an do.
Did I mention that you are Oh-So-Gorgeous yourself?
umm....can we still enter? If so...you rock...if not...well you still rock :)
Holy cow, that's a lot of comments. I think it's sad that I don't have a place where I've lived that I can call a favorite. I guess I'm still looking for that place... I think Heaven is at the top of that list though - *smirk*
Enjoy your new digs! Can't wait to see pictures.
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