Monday, February 02, 2009

Twisted Silver Romance Bracelet Winner & More

Congratulations, Shel! You won the Twisted Silver Romance bracelet, just in time for Valentine's Day. Lucky you!

Also, Mamarazzi's is having another fun swap. Come join the fun. To participate, you need to RSVP, ASAP.



Jennifer said...

Congratulations Shel! Enjoy!!

Doublebanker said...

Arrgh...foiled again! :)

My wife will now not get anything for Vday, at least anything I won! :(

Cats walk on water?

Tracy said...

don't you ever want to keep this stuff for yourself? lol

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

Congrats lucky lucky Shel!

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

It is so pretty! Maybe next time. ;)

Tim said...

Congrats Shel!! That was an awesome giveaway to win!

Anonymous said...

that was a great giveaway! i'm gonna win one of these times!!! :)

Danyele Easterhaus said...

what a great win!!!! yeah!

Sarah said...

Congratulations Shel!!!!!!!!

imbeingheldhostage said...

That's a beautiful prize! Congrats to Shel.

Lula! said...

Congrats to Shel...and I still want that bracelet for my own.

Jennifer P. said...

That is such a gorgeous bracelet! If Shel doesn't want to wear it on Valentines Day, I bet there'd be a few of us willing to take it off her hands (wrist!) for a few hours :)!

Speaking of Valentines Day, I do believe I'll be making a run for the sun Feb.13-16.....yup :).

Anonymous said...

Wow Shel is lucky! Love the twisted silver romance bracelet.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the lucky winner!

Jenners said...

Congrats to the winner! I'm sure she is thrilled! : )

Kacey said...

oooh! The swap will be so much fun!