Friday, July 11, 2008

Photo Story Friday-Grace

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

I remember having my first ultrasound ever and finding out that we were having a girl. The technician couldn't believe how active she was...I could. She was always moving. Grace was named almost from the hour we knew her gender.

I had such a typical pregnancy and was blissfully happy gaining about a zillion pounds. Even my delivery was easy. After she was born I wondered what all the fuss was about. Boy was I naive.

Grace came out right on time, was strong and healthy and the light of our lives. From the beginning she was sweet and happy and active and liked to be the boss. Nothing much has changed. She's such a good girl and I love that I never have to worry about her misbehaving when she is not at home. She is a pleaser, is really into fashion, excels in school and isn't afraid to try new things. At 8 she also thinks she's a teen. She and I often butt heads, yet I couldn't love her more.



Susie said...

I love the name Grace and I love that everything you wrote about her is graceful.
A very sweet tribute to a beautiful little girl.

Elizabeth said...

I love the Photo Story Friday tributes to your kids. I also love the name Grace.

Robin said...

Such a sweet post about your beautiful Grace. I love the way your doing these for each of your kids.

Melissa said...

I agree, I think this is a great idea and it's really fun for me to get to know you're children.
I love the name Grace and I think she's just beautiful.

Tiffany said...

She is such a great kid, and so respectful. I love hearin about your family

Robyn said...

You have a beautiful girl! I had a pretty easy pregnancy too which almost makes me scared what my second one would be like.

United Studies said... cute! Oh, and my daughter is 4 going on 14....sigh.

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful! And I love the name Grace. :-)

Anonymous said...

I found you through photostory friday. I am so glad I did!!! I hav been reading all your older posts. Your kids are fantstic!! i will be back to read more about your family!!

Casey's trio said...

Yep, Grace is one of my favorite names too! She is a beautiful girl with lots of admirable qualities:)

Brooke said...

What a beautiful girl Grace is! Love the story.

Jaime said...

She sounds like a sweetheart!:)

jenni anne said...

it's been fun getting to know all your kids! grace was a top name for us, and is still on the table if we ever have another.

Upward Falling Autumn said...

She's gorgeous! I have an 8 year old too (and I have to remind him of that regularly!)!

Sarah Brooks said...

Wow! You forgot to mention beautiful! Girls are so precious, aren't they?

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

She is adorable, I can just sense all that potential radiating from that picture.

Rhea said...

What a sweet post about Grace! She's so pretty! I love her hair.

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Still can't believe your oldest is only 8! That's my middle kid's age!

I love her hair!

Anonymous said...

Your Grace sounds like a sweetheart! My H Man is just like that... but only 2. He such a good helper, so very kind and sweet.

I'm so not ready for him to grow up!

Kristin said...

Interesting that you had such a good delivery. My first was *one* of the worst. She is a beauty. I feel sorry for you when the boys come knocking!

Crazymamaof6 said...

she is beautiful! sounds like the perfect pregnancy, and typical oldest daughter!

Laurie said...

She is a beautiful little girl. Gabby's middle name is Grace. I LOVE the name.

Are You Serious! said...

♡ I love that post! She's so sweet!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

I love how you've highlighted each of your kids and how we've gotten to know them a little bit more each week.

Supercool Hotmama said...

She sounds like my lovely 10 year old DD! So deligtful to have a good helper and peacemaker at home.

Doug & Stacy Fournier said...

this is my theory, you always get the easy going child first, so you keep having kids! it worked that way for me :) anyway, she is beautiful and looks like such a sweet young lady!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she behaves so well for you. I hope my kids end up being like that.

Jamie said...

What a sweet post and an adorable girl!

Connie said...

You've done a wonderful job on your tributes to your kids....she is lovely.

raising4boys said...

I've enjoyed getting to know your kids through PSF. You are so lucky to have such a wonderful daughter and hopefully she has set a good example to the others as the oldest. She sounds great!

Cecily R said...

She is BEAUTIFUL. I just love that you are PSFing about all your kids!!!!

I hated being pregnant, but I was the same way about delivery with Isaac. It was a piece of cake for me. I wish deliveries like that on all my friends. The rest of motherhood is sweet as cake, but not so easy.

(Holy CRUMBS that was cheesy!)

Mozi Esme said...

I love getting to know your kids this way! Grace is beautiful!

Mark and Kiss said...

Grace is a sweetheart! I love that girl!

Jessica said...

She is beautiful. That is a very sweet tribute. She sounds like an amazing girl:).

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

She is a beauiful girl Angie. I love the gaining zillions of pounds, but I hate trying to get them off again. You have a wonderful little family and I love hearing about them.

Tonya Staab said...

She's absolutely gorgeous. Such a sweet girl.

Tonya Staab said...

She's absolutely gorgeous. Such a sweet girl.

latree said...

she's so sweet...

Laura said...

Grace is totally is as beautiful as she is sweet!

Anonymous said...

Lucky Grace, Lucky Mom.

Heather said...

Your Grace sounds a lot like my Isabel...aren't we blessed to have such wonderful daughters?