Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Wordful Wednesday-Favorite Vacation Destination

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button (below and on the left) or simply hyperlink to my site, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!

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I love to travel.  If I could travel abroad with my children, or without them without feeling guilty, I would.  To be honest though, trying to plan trips with a large family is difficult logistically and financially, which is why going to Utah is one of my favorite vacation destinations.

I don't know that it would be a favorite destination if I didn't have tons of family there, and a feeling that my "heritage" is there as well.

My ancestors were pioneers and helped settle the areas they lived in.  I feel pride in that accomplishment and love to hear the stories of their tremendous feats of strength and faith.  In a weird way, when I visit I feel like I'm a part of the heritage of the state, even though I haven't lived there in many years, and certainly never did anything to "leave a mark".

Perhaps part of the pull for me to Utah is my mom.  She lived and died there, and did leave a mark.  My mom is buried in a beautiful cemetery set below on of my favorite religious edifies.  I want to be buried there too.  When I visit the Manti temple I see real artifacts that someone I'm related to lovingly created.  Even though Sanpete County hasn't ever really been my home, I feel like coming home when I visit.

Salt Lake City is also a favorite of mine.  There are so many interesting houses and buildings to be toured.  Beautiful, clean streets with old houses with character and streets set in a perfect grid.  One of my all time favorite museums is the Pioneer Museum right by the capitol.  Housed in the museum are oodles of pioneer implements and handcrafts and they sell the best honey taffy there I've ever had.

And when I say best honey taffy, I mean the best honey taffy.

What is your favorite vacation desination?


Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous photos. Thank you for sharing the story behind them with us - I can certainly see why that kind of family history would make Utah one of your favorite vacation destinations.

I'm torn between two favorites...the mountains of Colorado and the Cape Fear Coast.

Melissa said...

Well I think my favourite would be NZ and Utah, now I'm not in it, as well.
Great pictures.
It'd be great to hear more about those pioneers who traveled and helped out with the valley.

Muthering Heights said...

I've never been there, but it looks like a lovely place!!

Kristina P. said...

I love New York City.

Buckeroomama said...

Lovely photos. :)

Funny how your 'theme' today is vacation... My pics today is about the mini-vacation (okay, only an overnight trip!) we had over the weekend to Zhongshan, China. :)

Favorite place to go for a vacation? Bali. We absolutely love the place and the people. That said, we've never been there with the kids, though.

Momisodes said...

I have heard wonderful things about Utah. I can certainly see why you love it there.

Kelli @ writing the waves said...

Beautiful pictures. In all the times I have been to SLC, I've never had the honey taffy. I'm making a mental note of that if we are ever out that way again.

My sister and her husband were married in the Manti temple and My husband and I were married in St. George so UT holds a special place in our hearts too. :)

scrappysue said...

new york!!! hong kong!!! italy was pretty cool, london too! ...but very much looking forward to camping too!

salt lake is amazing to fly into - one minute you're over the mountains and all of a sudden there it is in the valley - amazing. great post angie

Jen said...

Man, I would so love to travel more. Traveling is something I never did before I had kids. Maybe they are grown?

Kiki said...

amazing post. beautiful pictures. i would love to see Utah. it is one of the many places on my list to visit in the US. i would also like to see Montana and Oregon. my favorite place would be Sweden. i have lots of family over there. happy WW and take care.

sheila said...

In 20 yrs we've only taken two big trips. Once in July 01 to Disney. And our 'Wallyworld Vacation' (lol) which was a road trip in 06. Best trip ever. And worst in parts, ha ha ha. Three teens in a car for 2 weeks? Dumb.

We SHOULD have stopped at St. Lake City. But didn't. Now that I see your pics I wish I would have. Stunning city!

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

Oh seeing those pictures makes me want to visit Utah for sure! What a beautiful place.

Lund7 said...

Great pictures of a beautiful city! I was only there once in December and it was so impressive with all the Christmas lights and decorations and the mountains...

We have traveled all over the world and my favorite place was Athens, Greece. It was a beautiful city, rich in history and very romantic...that was one trip we didn't take our kids on!!

Kacey said...

This post makes me want to go to Utah! My fave destination? Anywhere in Europe although I haven't been since I was a kid, although I will take my family one day. Until then, I'll settle on Destin, FL. Beautiful white sandy beaches and because we go with my In-Laws - free babysitting! THAT is priceless! LOL

T Rex Mom said...

At this point we have not left a 100 mile radius of where we live in well over a year. That's what happens when raising small children. I'd settle for anywhere outside that radius as a vacation!

But they're only tiny once so we're enjoying our time at home and someday we're taking lots of vacations. On the top of the list: Pearl Harbor and Normandy.

More Than Words said...

We drove through Utah in 1987 on our way to Virginia. I wish I had taken pictures back then!!

My favorite vacation spot...Hawaii! Since my sister lives there, we always have a place to stay.

Kristin said...

can you believe I've never had the honey taffy? Manti temple is one of my favorites. It's so beautiful.

Serendipity is Sweet said...

It looks amazing. It is definitely a place I'd love to visit some day. There are so many places out west that I have yet to see. As an East Coast girl, I have a long list!

Danielle said...

We took our family to Temple Square to see all the Christmas lights last night! It was beautiful! We live in Springville which is on the way to Manti!

Honey Mommy said...

Next time you are hanging out in SLC, send me an email. I live just south in Utah County and I love it here!

Ms. Latina said...

You make me want to go just for that honey taffy! Beautiful pics!

Happy WW

Jennifer said...

Beautiful photographs!

Michelle said...

It was nice to read about some of your history. I am always impressed by they splendor of LDS temples.

Anonymous said...

I went to Salt Lake with a friend, its a beautiful city! Right now I live in a Vacation spot (HI), we will be here for 3 years, plenty of time to do all the touristy stuff!! Its beautiful here, and so warm this time of year, which is kinda weird!!

jenn said...

Gorgeous photos. I would love to visit there.

Unknown said...

We honeymooned in Deer Valley and spent some time in Salt Lake while there. It is a beautiful city!

tiarastantrums said...

never been to Utah - but thanks for that information, I can hear the fondness in your words. My favorite vacation to date has been t spots - Phuket , Thailand and Lucca, Italy!! Both delicious spots!

Angela said...

Cool photos! I love vacations in places I've gone every year like the Berkshires, but I also like to visit new places and hope to take my kids abroad at some point.

Pamela M. Kramer - A Renaissance Woman said...

Out of the country I would say Aruba. In the country I would say Napa Valley. :)

Christine said...

We love to travel as a family, too. Our all-time favorite place is San Diego... We try to drive down every year. :)

XmasDolly said...

I've never been there, but you sure have an eye for a good pic. It looks great.

Robin said...

Thailand. Hands down. I'd move there tomorrow if I could finance a life of escapism ;).

I've never tasted honey taffy but it sounds like something my kids would LOVE - taffy's big here in Israel, and they both love honey too.

Around the Island Photography giveaway on As Good As Cake. Enter today!

Colette S said...

Sounds beautiful. I'd love to visit and stay awhile.

My favorite vacation destination so far has been Hawaii because we got to see and so so much things there than any other place we've been too and the beauty! Oh my the beauty. You just want to bottle it up and take it home!

debi9kids said...

Great to hear some of your history with Utah. It also happens to be one of my favorite vacation places as well since my brother and my best friend live there :)
It is a simply GORGEOUS place to visit (and live) and our family is actually making the trek via motorhome in the spring :)

Happy WW!

Megan said...

I've only been to Utah 2 times in my life and they were very quick trips where we were just passing through. And one of those trips doesn't count cuz I was 2. LOL It looks like a gorgeous place to visit, with more time, though!

I'm posting about one of my favorite vacation spots today, too. =) Whistler, B.C.

Amy said...

Wow it is 3:13 a.m. and there are a ton of people already. We had a huge snow storm last night. I woke up and wanted to link really quick. I will be by later to check everything out. I want to go back to sleep.

Amy said...

Great photos and I know when your children get a little bit older you guys can travel every place you want.

Sara Elizabeth said...

What beautiful photos. We haven't been on any major trips or vacations. We like to take small weekend trips, though.

Liz Mays said...

It's beautiful there! I think I may have been as a child, but I don't remember any of it.

~ Noelle said...

Love Salt Lake!

Marie said...

Beautiful pictures. I've never been. You make the place sound great. Through your writing I can feel your connection.

If I Could Escape . . . said...

We had a stop over at teh airport in Utah once and I remember thinking it looked beautiful flying in to SLC.

I have to say that I truly love visiting all new places, but a few of my favourite destinations have been Seattle, Charleston, Austria and of course, sconnie Botland!!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Sounds like an amazing place. I have never been that far west. I love any place we go on vacation, including our own back yard. It's fun to find new places where you live. I absolutely LOVED going to Florida.

Stacy Uncorked said...

Love the pictures and especially the story behind Utah as your favorite place.

My 'dream' vacation would be to tour the wine country in Italy...it's on my 'bucket list'.

My 'favorite' vacation is spending time with friends and family in the Seattle area where I grew up - we don't get out there as often as I would like!

Happy WW! :)

cat said...

Looks amazing! My favorite - anywhere at the seaside!

carrhop said...

Beach and mountains...and a good book!


TheAtticGirl said...

My favorite destination would be Disney. I want to take my son there but it's taking forever to save up to go. I've never been to Utah, but it does look like a fun place to visit.

Elisa said...

Small world. I had no idea you were from Utah. My family is from Ephraim and my mom is from Pangauitch.

Happy WW!!

Unknown said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your Mom. I am glad she is at such a beautiful place. Your pictures are wonderful. Thank you for doing this auction also. Very sweet.

Stacy said...

Those are great pictures!!!

We love to travel! I think my favorite vacation so far has been the road trip we took this past summer. We drove from SC to SD with 3 kids...lol. Yes, that is a 24 hour drive:) But they loved it better than Disney World!

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

Never been there but you have made me want to go!!!

ChefDruck said...

Honey taffy? I used to travel to SLC all the time and I never tried that. Now I'm really bummed.

Great post. Great pics. The temple is so striking.

Susie said...

I love the beach...anywhere with a beach is my dream vacation:-)

Nicole said...

I have been trying for months to figure out how to take my family of 5 on a vacation to a beautiful beach without having to win the lottery!!! Great pictures and happy Wednesday.

MBB Founder and Editor Denene Millner said...

Ah, the seaside and taffy—it can't get any better. Beautiful pictures and a lovely story, for sure!

Stefany said...

This is really pathetic, but I haven't been on vacation since I was 13 or so. I have no favorites. But, I do like to take a weekend and go to my parent's Lake (of the Ozarks) house.

Justine said...

I also love Utah, even though I've only been there twice. My aunt and uncle have lived there since 1990 or so and boy what a beautiful place it is!

Is your family Mormon? My aunt and uncle aren't so obviously they're kind of in the minority! They love it though. I wouldn't mind living there myself truth be known!

Justine :o )

Kara @ His, Hers and Ours said...

What gorgeous pictures, and I love the story that is behind them. How lucky you are to know and see where your ancestors once were.

Maude Lynn said...

Gorgeous pictures! I've never been to Utah, but you've made me want to visit!

Salty Incisor said...

Utah is a great place. All that fun and heritage too. My fave place was always where my grandparents lived in Az but they are gone now its just a trailer park there. But it was in the wilderness when they lived there and I had so many good memories of Vac there. BTW if you ever have time of course you wont but come visit and I will take your pics if you are in this neck o the woods. Hope you are enjoying your nice CA weather!!

Lindsay said...

Very cool. Neat to see a different part of the US that's actually "cool." :-) And perhaps I need to try some honey taffey?!

Twincerely,Olga said...

Very lovely!!Favorite vacation destination has to be anywhere in the Carribean!!I would like to go tomorrow!!!LOL

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Beautiful! I want to vacation somewhere that has blue water and drinks with an umbrella with hot waiters and white sandy beaches. And babysitters. LOL!

AdriansCrazyLife said...

Hi Angie,

How did I never know you had ties to Utah? I've actually been to the Manti Temple, though not in it as we're not LDS. It's beautiful though. We camped at a KOA a block away from there.

Took the grandkids down to see the lights at Temple Square last weekend too. It is gorgeous as usual, but darn chilly, also as usual! Merry SITSmas to you.

I'm also participating in Shop4Anissa if you get a jonesing for some scrapbooking or stamping stuff!

Unknown said...

I love to travel to UT, esp because my mom's there! Growing up, my favorite place was Lake Tahoe, but it's been years since I've been there!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Wow, that temple is incredible!!! I had to google it. It's really nice that you have that type of history and nostalgia when you go back there. What a beautiful place for your Mom to be, Angie!

CC said...

Before kids, it is probably Hawaii (honeymoon!). Now? We just visit family for vacation, so I"m not really sure. I know my kids would shout "grandma's house!" as their favorite. ;)

Laura said...

I like this post :) I am sure it does make you feel connected to your Mom here. I think I need to take my kids right over to the pioneer museum. I loved it as a kid and we have never gone. Great idea.