Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bloggy Love

How will I ever go back to being "just" a regular old blogger?

This attention is addicting.

This attention is surreal.

The comments are seriously making my day. And I just woke up.

It's 6 am and almost 50 new people have read and commented on my 3 sample posts, and quite a few have even ventured over to other entries.

I'm in bloggy heaven.

I think I might have to start a new blog, make up an alias and see if I can get Heather and Tiffany to feature me again.

SITS, I loved you before you made me famous. Now I love you even more. I just hope the fall (from fame that is) isn't too hard. Sigh.

THANK YOU SITS sisters. You've made my day, and I really hope you return!

To see what is drawing all this attention my way today, go visit The Secret is in the Sauce and check out my feature.



Anonymous said... are a delight to read...!

Crazy Momma said...

Congratulations on your feature! It has been well worth the reading! I look forward to checking in with you more often!

Deanna said...

I can't even enjoy my coffee for giggling at your blog! Hee! Hee!

Heather said...

Congratulations on being the SITSta of the day! I'm really enjoying your blog, and I share your love of SITS, too! I'm off to poke around your archives now - hey, it beats mopping the kitchen floor by a mile! :)


sassy stephanie said...

Looking at the kid pics. I love all of the red heads! I have one of my own that gets down every now and then, thinking her different colored hair is "ugly". I can't wait to show her these pics of these beautiful people!

Threeundertwo said...

Yeah! Well deserved fame! You're always one of my favorite reads. Nice to others discovering you too!

Ashley. Unscripted... said...

Congrats on your feature! Looking forward to reading more of your blog!

Kimberly said...

Congratulations on your SITS day! I just love your blog! And what cute little red-heads you have! :)

Stephanie said...

Bloggy heaven indeed! I reread your features even though I had already seen them :)

Sonya said...

Angie, Congrats...enjoy your "queen for the day" status!!!! I'm off to read other posts...but Love your blog...don't be surprised if you are blogrolled by many!

The Mom Jen said...

I love finding new blogs to Love! Happy SITS day to you!

Elizabeth said...

Yay Angie!

Anonymous said...

Congrats SITSta! Enjoy your fame as I am sure you are lovin' it! Last week, I was on the Saucy Blog list and it was awesome! So I can only imagine what you feel like. Cute background!! (and cute babies)

Tsosie and Peterson Bunch said...

Loved all your samples and even read other entries. I'll be back for sure.

Leslee P said...

Hello SITSa! I love the blog- super cute... LOve the red headed kidlets. I have a red head myself... So fun! Come on over and check out my blog and also check out my blog shop-
ENJOY! I am adding you, you are definately a F-a-V-o-R-i-T-e!

Laurie said...

Congratulations for being featured!!! That is exciting!

leezee52 said...

Congrats on being the SITS girl of the day!

Party of 5 said...

Congrats on your feature! I love reading your blogs. I know what I am doing during naptime. Try to read the rest. LOL

lemonologie said...

Congrats! Enjoy your fame!

Ritch in Love said...

Oh, your blog is just great!!!!! Thanks for the button! I love, LOVE buttons!

Rhea said...

Congrats on your Special SITS day!
I'm so jealous! I can't wait to have my turn.

Ed & Jeanne said...

Sure, trick me into going over to a girls only blog...

KWolfAK said...

Way to go! I'm going to read the recommended posts!

Cecily R said...

WOO HOO! For getting featured!! Happy SITS to you!

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day! I love your blog..I will definitely be back! Jen

Dirty White boy said...

i like your blog, even though its part of the..sighhh....sexiest blog site, SITS.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Angie on being today's featured SITS Sista! I loved reading through your blog and will be back for more!

Anonymous said...

Hi Angie....congratulations on being featured today!!! :)

Angie's Spot said...

This is not my first visit to your adorable site and it won't be my last. From one Angie to another, congrats on your day in the spotlight!

Casey's trio said...

Your blog was loved by many before and I'm sure the extra bloggy attention will bring you new readers. I hope you still love me when you are big and famous:)

Lynda said...

Congrats on being the Saucy SITSa today - excellent choice!

Kristin said...

You are so funny. Congrats. Hey, have you ever been to seriouslysoblessed? It's a spoof on mormon SAHM blogs. Very funny read.

Mozi Esme said...

And some of us can say we knew you when . . . Actually, I thought you were already famous. Congrats on the comments!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations... you're a great read!

KatBouska said...

Too funny...I actually just wrote you a letter on my blog about this exact topic...come check it out!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

I'm cheating and giving you extra hits. Sorry, you'll have to discount 435, 436, and 437. Plus I screwed up once and you'll have to discard number 438 too! All me.

Kathleen said...

Hi! Your blog is a great read..also, one of the coolest designs I've ever seen!

Kaza said...

Glad you're soaking up all of the comment love! Off to check out the featured posts (and more if I have enough time, have to work more tonight, ugh!).

Insane Mama said...

Isn't it fun! I was in shock when I was featured! SITS rocks!

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Congrats to you

AutoSysGene said...

Congratulations! Can I say I knew you when? ;)

Melissa said...

Wow it's like I'm famous just knowing you.

Veronica said...

What a pretty blog...congrats on your feature!

Vie Chaotique said...

Glad I found you. Will visit again.

Jessica said...

I love reading your blog, congrats on your feature. Your awesome! As a new blogger..yes it is addicting, and keeps me up way too late at night:).

Colleen said...

Congratulations! I will definitely be a return reader.

Brittany said...

Don't worry, we'll be back...

Upward Falling Autumn said...

You deserve it! Glad you got the nod :)

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

How fun is that?! Congrats on the recognition, you deserve it.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

oh wow, you rock!

Genny said...

Good for you! I enjoyed checking out SITS when I clicked over. I've been meaning to get over there for a while! Thanks for the reminder, and congrats on being featured.

Jaime said...

Congrats Angie! Comments galore!! Don't forget us smallfolk!:)

girlytwins said...

WTG Angie! You SO deserve this. Bloggy heaven for sure. What a great way to start the weekend. :) Happy SITS day!

My name is Tammie said...

I loved you before you were famous. :D

jenni anne said...

yeah, i remember a time when you DIDN'T HAVE A BLOG. i liked you then, too. congrats on your bloggy fame!

Shannon said...

Yahooooo! Congrats Girlie! I am so proud of you, happy for you, amazed by you...the list goes on. Love you, love your blog!

stefanie said...

Here from SITS, trying to catch up from last week. At this rate, I won't be getting much further...

Beautiful blog! Thanks for sharing your humor and your depth.

Tonya Staab said...

Congrats hon. You've just convinced me to head on over there and get in on the fun.

wendy said...

You certainly deserve the attention! :)