My dad is the ultimate prankster. Growing up, I was on the look out for jokes and scenarios (like the "real" mongoose) that just didn't seem right. If my dad was home I constantly looked around corners in our house before blindly walking along because one of his favorite things to do was pop out and scare me. Boo!
By the time I became a teenager he was no longer in a league of his own, for I had perfected some great pranks too. This Father's Day, I'd like to share what I consider my dads greatest prank, and then mine, and you can decide.
My dad's greatest prank was carried out on my 17th Birthday. There's not a delicate way to say this so I'll just spit it out. We had rats. Not the pet kind. The kind that live in your garage and work their way into your house and terrorize your children. My plans for the day were a surprise. Unknown to me, Jeff had planned to take me to Disneyland (yep, we started dating in high school) and not to be outdone, my dad planned a grand farewell. For when I opened the front door to leave, there were 17 dead rats (well, maybe not 17) staring me in the face eye through the screen door. Oh yes, he didn't just string them up haphazardly by their tails, he strung them so I couldn't miss them. I peed my pants. Almost. And then I started thinking, and I came up with a prank of my own.
The execution was simple. I just crossed the street and had my neighbor call my dad and tell him she was a school counselor and a concocted story. Linda told my dad that she was calling because I hadn't gone to school in two months and I was failing all of my subjects (pretty shocking considering I was a good student). The hard part was listening in on the line, trying not to laugh, and counting the seconds as the silence dragged on. And it did. He was speechless. And not in a good way. I could almost see the steam coming out of his ears through the line. I got a little scared. He was not the type to freak out, but I really didn't know what he'd do when he saw me. He assured the school counselor that he'd "take care of it", I waited a few minutes and then walked home. He was waiting in the front yard for me, and he was so angry his face looked mottled. I did some fast talking, and the rest is history.
He got me back by having a stroke on my 30th birthday. I'm still thinking of a good retaliation.
Happy Father's Day, dad. I love you.
Wow...I think it's a toss up! Happy Father's Day to your dad and to Jeff.
Oh my heck, all those pranks might have giving him a heart attack and MUCH earlier!
I think your prank was rough. You might have been hurt before all that fast talkin.
But the dead rats...ew? Not cool.
I vote for HIS prank, gross but not causing a heart attack.
My did didn't prank. He did bad puns, which was MUCH worse.
Oh, I bet you guys have some wonderful memories. I'd hate to hear if you teamed up to prank others! Fun memories!:)
Uncle 'Snotty's' pranks were always expected, almost as much as Grandpa's. He learned from the best. Happy Father's Day Scott.
I guess he's been trying to get you back for showing up on the side of the road in a snow storm. I guess he has had the last laugh! Happy Father's day Uncle Scott!
I know I would have fainted if I saw one rat, let alone 17! I am terrified of rodents of any kind. Just the thought has me upset. So that beats all.
I love your prank too. I bet you were confessing as fast as you could too.
Wow, I don't come from a family of practical jokers. I can't imagine doing that stuff with my dad.
Toss up who wins. I hate to hear what is to come!!
Yours was better by far. I think having a stroke to finally get even was a bit over the top. I think your dad and I must be related. I've scarred the willies out of my girls sometimes.
Just passing through - have a great day.
Great post :)
Both are so good.
My dad used to jump out of the bushes at us as well and make it weird noise only dad could make.
Great post.
Sorry, but the dead rats???? That was pretty good. Yours was ballsy, but as far as scaring the crap out of someone...I have to give the point to Dad.
ps How is Dad now after the stroke??
Hi Angie, those dead rats are scary! Hahaha! Your dad's so cool, I don't know how I can handle if I have a prankster dad. :D Your prank would really make any parent's blood boil LOL. It's also perfect candidate for MTV's boiling point.
I would have to say, brilliant post. It made me think of making a post-Happy Daddy's day entry. :)
I think you both win. My worst nightmares were evoked in each prank. Way to go! Hope your family enjoyed Father's Day.
Happy Father's Day Uncle Snotty! I always have great memories of the family getting together for the Christmas holidays. Both prankster's are good...it's a toss up for sure!
I think yours wins. I would've screamed and been totally grossed out by your dads prank (that would've been a great one though for halloween when all the kids come around trick or treating) but yours was a true prank in every sense of the word, complete with getting others involved in it.
It is hard to decide!!! Both of those are pretty bad!!! Happy Fathers day to both of your Dad and hubby.
I always loved my Uncle Scott for his fabulous humor!! Happy Father's Day Scott. I still like when he showed up at Grandma's 75th birthday as a bum. Oh, the look on her face!!
You two are so funny! The rats would have done me in though. He could of at least used squirrels they are just rat's with cuter outfits! Good luck goming up with your newest prank.
Ps. Thanks for the thank you gift in the mail!
♡ I would have died with the rats!!! My dad would have killed me about the skipping even as a joke! :) My dad was always a joker too... We never know what he'll come up with! :)
i bet life was never dull with your dad around fun post!
Sounds like life around your house was a laugh a minute! Way to get him back. Happy Father's Day Angie's Dad!
Your dad really is a cool guy! He has always been so much fun to be around!
Rats in the face would have been horrible! The school counselor trick was pretty good too..... undecided here.
Do you still have nightmares about the rats? YUCK!
I don't know how you contained your laughter while on the phone with your prank. I'm the worst. When I think something is funny, I can't not laugh. I would never be good on SNL.
wow. those are both good. yours was kinda mean, though. but his stroke was way meaner than your little prank. and a little extreme. he IS the master pranker.
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