Saturday, March 15, 2008

Extreme Makeover Landscape Style

What started out as a good intention to get new sod and spruce up our flower beds turned into Extreme Makeover Landscape Style. I'm not complaining though. The finished product turned out better than I could have ever imagined. This is the culmination of hours and hours of backbreaking labor, diligence and an eye for design. I am amazed at the work the landscaper produced. He (and his crew) dug and built the retaining walls, levelled the grass area, selected and planted all new plants, fixed our irrigation and installed the sod. Now I have four of my favorite trees: a lovely Japanese Laceleaf Maple, a regular Japanese maple, a sugar maple, and a weeping something or another. Oh, and a front yard that I absolutely adore.
I'll get some better pictures next time I don't wake up before the birds *just* because I was excited to get some pictures of my yard......
It's hard to see in the first picture, but the retaining wall in front curves around...

The tree you see in front is a laceleaf maple. The leaves are reddish most of the year, and have this amazing shape (like lace) but in the fall, the leaves turn this amazing deep red. The taller tree behind that is a Japanese maple whose leaves turn an amazing shade of red as well. Next to that is the weeping tree. BEFORE


I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

That's absolutely beautiful! What a difference it makes for your home. Its a shame that big tree in the before pic had to go, but its absence makes such a huge difference in the aesthetics of your property.

Laura said...

WOW! The results are really amazing! The big tree really HAD to go. I love how you can see the house. Everything they did is truly wonderful! It has such great curb appeal!

Crazymamaof6 said...

GORGEOUS! seriously should be in a magazine or on a show, it's so fabulous! congrats on that!

AutoSysGene said...

It looks great now! Your landscaper really did a great job! I can't wait to see those trees bloom and change colors...of course you'll have to take pictures for me ;)

Are You Serious! said...

♥ It looks GREAT! and looks much better w/out the tree! :)

latree said...

how beautiful!!

latree said...

hello. I'm on my #100 post in it's about 'batik giveaway'. I wonder if you are interested to participate.
and I hope you don't mind telling your friends about this.
thanks before.
I'm waiting for you in my blog.

Melissa said...

It looks so much better. I think your house is so beautiful that the old way was blocking how great it looks.
I love it!
And we have one of those little japanese maple trees too in our front yard. It's our favourite.

Casey's trio said...

It looks so nice Angie! What a difference with the huge tree gone from the front. I love Japanese maples too!

Kellan said...

I just love a beautiful yard and gardens - it looks fabulous!!!

Hope you had a good weekend - see you soon. Kellan

Nancy said...

The new yard ROCKS! I also have a Japanese Laceleaf Maple and I love it.

From the Board said...

It looks great now with that tree gone. Too bad you have to move now!!!

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Looks amazing!

Jocasta said...

Angie - looks wonderful!

Don Mills Diva said...

Your house is just beautiful. We have a Japanese maple in front of our house too - I love it!

Stephanie said...

WOW! Love it :) I'm so glad there are people who have "the eye" for design, b/c I certainly don't! They did a beautiful job.

girlytwins said...

OMGoodness...It looks so good! I love it. I would buy your house in a heart beat if I was moving to Oregon.

Cecily R said...

Holy crap the transformation is amazing! Beautiful!

Clark Captions said...

Wow Angie! You guys are really going to town! Everything looks so beautiful! You guys are expert interior decorators and landscapers! So much talent! Wayt really does look so nice.

Kristin said...

Looks great, and the best thing is, you had someone else do it!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Awesome! Your yard is beautiful!

jenni anne said...

wow. what a difference!!! your house is so beautiful! and i love the rock retaining wall, it really adds so much! i was just looking at the pictures of the inside too, and it's crazy how much of a diference crown molding makes! you make me want to get working on my house now!!