People always ask me how we tell the twins apart. The only sure physical difference is that their callicks swirl in different directions. Jacob's goes right, John's left. Everyone wants to know how I tell them apart though aside from the callicks (which I've never used as a guide, by the way). That's easy. They have totally different facial expressions. Can you guess who is who?

"show me your eyes"

"give me a smile"

"where is your nose?"

"what are you doing?"
Do you think you can guess? Answers in the comments section!
Jacob, John, John, Jacob
Ok, that is so awesome. After I read who was who I kind of got it. But I still don't think I'll be all that great at telling them apart. I really, really want to be better! But there is a part of me that is jealous at the magic of motherhood that you don't really need any physical markers to identify them. That completely mystifies me.
What melonfarmers
I see it now... but I had to read your answers first!
i have to say that before i looked at your answers, i knew the top and the bottom were the same kid and the middle two were the same kid, i just didn't know which kids it you are right, they have different facial expressions. the same is true with my girls. kelsey has the mischeivious smile (like she is always plotting), and kaylee has the big genuine smile! anyway, i enjoyed the post!
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