Hot Tip #1:
If you don't feel like feeding your kids dinner, tell them to sit down at the counter and wait while you make it. See what happens. You might not have to make dinner after all.

Feeling like your clean clothes need a change? More color? Fragrance? Absentmindedly pick up roaming toddler who you haven't noticed isn't wearing a diaper after taking care of business and just see if you don't have an addition to your clothes.
Now those tips ARE great, especially that last one!! LOL
I am trying tip #1 tonight for sure. That is the best thing I've ever seen!
awesome tips, i think i might give #1 a try a few times myself! not to keen on the second one though. lol
LOL-can't stop laughing about tip #2, however I think we are going to be up to our elbows in the poop department in a few months. I plan to give the 1st poop to Bjorn, you know the really yucky black tar poop...he needs to feel like he contributed to this little project I've been working on for the last three years!
oh poop schmoop, I can't even remember the last time I wore something that by the end of the day didn't have some kind of kid bodily fluid all over it. I've given up hope on being 'stylie', I just stick to the uniform. Jeans and a tee.
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