We've got a swimmer, folks.
And now every. single. day. he asks to go swimming.
There's nothing sweeter than the thrill of success.

Which reminds me. You can go
here to make a Storybook about your children's successes. Additionally, if you submit your storybook, you will be eligible for a $10,000 scholarship for your child. It's totally free and lots of fun!

Now that is cute!
That is a great shot! And it looks so refreshing right about now...since it was 90 degrees today :)
no swimming here yet!
So adorable. I wish my girls liked the water more :)
So cute. Great photo.
Awesome photo, great swimmer!
Um, am I missing Mr. Linky?
Oh how cute!!!!
That's my kids all summer along!
Mr Linky is missing... I think because you used it on Tuesday (I think you have to upgrade to do more than one day a week...)
I am playing along!
Looks like fun!! I love swimming. We need to teach Big Brother to swim this summer. Any tips on how to do it?
That's so cute!
How fun! And he must sleep SO good everynight from all that exercise:) Do you guys have a pool?
He looks and sounds like a natural. Wish I could swim every day. Ah, the life of a kid! ; )
I'm so jealous! I WISH we had that kind of weather. I cant bring myslef to do the indoor pools more than once a month! Eeeeewwww.
Does he do leasons? I am never going to get my son to swim. LOL...
The next Phelps in training. My kids too love the water like little fish.
makes me want to swim!
Great shot -- can't wait till I can get some pool shots. TFS
Very cool pic! I wish we had a pool for my boys...what great summer fun!
great pic angie! it's way too cold to swim here now, but there's nothing that says summer more than a child swimming!
Wow, look at him go! Miss that cute little man.
I was the same way as a kid, such a water baby. Those were the days! Cute picture!
Congrats to your little swimmer!!!
Wow! Look at him go!
I wish we were able to work on our swimming here.
I'm so happy that swim season is finally here! I get to start teaching my baby how to swim. Fortunately I used to help teach kids to swim years ago so hopefully it won't be too hard to teach my own.
Good times!!!!
Happy WW!
My kids love to go swimming too!!!
that is so nice. love to go swimming only when its warmer though :0
hope hes having lots of fun!
that's so cute!
Learning to swim is a huge step...looks like your son is taking off! How great!
Thats so awesome. We are teaching my son to swimm as well.
I got a swimmer too or at least I did last summer. We will see if he still likes it this summer when its warm enough to swim.
That looks like the way a couple of mine swim!
Sucha great picture, its awesome when they learn how to swim!
My kids come from a long line of swimmers. Good for you for getting yours in the H20 early!
Love that moment! They are so thrilled :) Waiting for my son to get there...may happen this year!
Kids are awesome like that . . . congrats!
That is wonderful, Angie!
And I want to go swimming, too!
More power to him!!! That's wonderful. I so fear water...he has done a world of accomplishment there.
My W.W. is A Desert Landscape ---desert spring flowers in bloom.
That's Wonderful!
That's great! I have a toddler and he LOVES the pool and wants to go in it every day-BUT he cant swim yet and it scares me to death!
Good for him! I was a fish when I was a kid! You couldn't get me out of the water! I still love to be in it, which is funny because I married a man who isn't all that fond of it!
I love that picture!
We start our refresher courses in about a month! It is a great and secure feeling to have a swimmer!
Very cool...and our pool opens Saturday!
Happy WW to you!!
Such a great shot! Princess Nagger loves the water but doesn't know how to swim yet...she's getting lessons this summer and she couldn't be more excited! :)
Looks like hes a GREAT swimmer! Also thanks for the scholarship info!
Ms. Latina
I can't wait until is warms up here so the Grandparent's open up the pool.
It's so great when they can swim on their own. I wish it was hot enough to open our pool here.
i wanna swim too! good work...
If I didn't have to get into a bathing suit the pool sounds like a great idea to me. Way to go kiddo!
Cute - if the weather were warmer here my oldest would be the SAME way!
A magical WW to you!
I will have to check out the scholarship info!
That's great he can and loves to swim. I have one fish, and one that sinks every time, but with a smile. Silly kid.
He is doing great!!
That SO makes me want to go swimming this morning! Great refreshing shot!
Our pool is being opened tomorrow. It's still too early for us to be swimming, but I will live vicariously through this picture...of your son...looking like a pro.
Love that little Michael Phelps! And thanks for the heads up about the Storybook contest--what a great idea!
Great picture! My little one is BEGGING me for swim lessons this summer...her older sister always refused them.
O gosh, wish I could get mine to swim! At least we did the bicycle thing yesterday!
that reminds me of lydia, she is a fish! the little ones not so much...yet, anyway.
Mine finally auto-posted. :)
Love the swimmer!
How fun! Happy WW!
wow!! five kids, oh that means you have no time!!
I saw you ??? dunno forgot. But I follow you now and I am hosting a giveaway on my new blog, come and follow me too!! :-)
That is too cute!
So cool! We are signing up for lessons this summer!!
Can't think of a better outdoor activity they can be doing - swimming is great exercise!
It's not outdoor swimming weather here yet - not until after Memorial day weekend. But maybe a trip to the Y is in order.
Thanks for sharing.
how fantastic! i can't wait till my kids swim!!!
What an awesome photo. That could be the photo to some sort of summer ad. Seriously great shot.
Happy WW from Sara @ Mostly Wordless Wednesday HQ!
Wonderful! What a great way to pass the time in the nice weather ;)
Congrats on the swimming! That's a huge milestone.
I am finally able to get on your blog again. My computer has issues! I am so glad your son has a hobby! looks so fun.
Congratulations on your little swimmer!
Yay Congratulations! My daughter starts swim lessons Saturday! I'm so excited :)
YAY!!! I can't wait til my kiddos learn to swim!
My kids have asked to swim, but it's still a bit cold here. It's a good skill to have.
That is one reason I miss Southern California. Swimming year round. I am thankful that we have a pool, and even though the pool guy has it looking fabulous, the weather has not cooperated yet, so no swimming yet :( All of the kids can swim, thank goodness. What a cutie :)
Blessings~~ Danielle
Oh, I wish we had a pool nearby!
We had a cabin by a lake so we had our kids in lessons from birth just so I didn't have to worry about them come summertimes.
Life is so much better (in the summer) when they can swim. My kids can both swim well (the twins are not yet old enough) and I am SO glad.
uh oh. now you need a pool.
What a great accomplishment, especially since I don't know how to swim!
Now, I that I know about wordful Wednesday, I'll be using that for next Wednesday!
Way to go, that is the most awesome feeling of success to learn to be a swimmer! Yeah!
♥ My kids were just saying today that they haven't gone swimming in forever... (unless you count that nasty mud water) :)
Congratulations! That is not only a wonderful accomplishments, but it is also peace of mind for you.
Not sure if I told you or not. I will have something on my blog for you in a little while. Stop on by.
oh, i have a soft spot for swimmers. it's the best sport in the world, and being water safe is such a relief for us moms!
isn't it a great day when a kids becomes a swimmer?
like reading.
and riding a bike.
I'm a day late for WW this week. Some Wednesdays are like that, right? :-)
So fun! I was the water baby of my family. I am not sure who its going to be around here yet. We don't have swimming weather yet:)
We hitting the low 80s around here. Now...I totally want to go swimming. Or, actually, floating, with a girlie drink in my hand.
What a great shot that is!!!
We don't have swimming weather here yet and I am secretly VERY grateful for that fact. I need some more time before I have to show my upper arms to the world. :)
Awesome photo! My oldest is starting swimming lessons this summer.I'm so excited for him!
I just love this picture...getting caught up. So cute! and how great are those little milestones! You are so great and i just love you! I must get blogging again. I just am out of the habit and busy now! Thanks for checking in.
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