It's true. I promised no more vacation pictures. But I had forgotten these. Conveniently?
This is the "other side" of Cancun. The side that makes me so grateful for all of the things I'm blessed with, and at the same time a little repulsed with myself for shamelessly enjoying them.
While I was enjoying exclusive "haute cuisine" meals, someone somewhere close by had a growling stomach and no dinner.
While I was splish-splashing in the pool (not really) a group of young boys were shoveling wet sand so that the beach below was up to snuff.
While I was revelling in being able to throw my wet towels on the floor and have someone else pick them up and wash them, a family nearby was hand washing their clothes and hanging them up to dry. In their thatched house with no glass in the openings that are their windows.
While I was haggling with a shop keeper for the perfect souvenir for my children, someone somewhere close by had their 4 year old selling their handmade wares.
You get the picture.
This is the "other side" of Cancun. The side that makes me so grateful for all of the things I'm blessed with, and at the same time a little repulsed with myself for shamelessly enjoying them.
While I was enjoying exclusive "haute cuisine" meals, someone somewhere close by had a growling stomach and no dinner.
While I was splish-splashing in the pool (not really) a group of young boys were shoveling wet sand so that the beach below was up to snuff.
While I was revelling in being able to throw my wet towels on the floor and have someone else pick them up and wash them, a family nearby was hand washing their clothes and hanging them up to dry. In their thatched house with no glass in the openings that are their windows.
While I was haggling with a shop keeper for the perfect souvenir for my children, someone somewhere close by had their 4 year old selling their handmade wares.
You get the picture.

I've noticed similar of places we visit in that there seems to be a very clear demarcation line between the haves and the have nots. That and the aspect of which you spoke; behind the scenes. It's like visiting a Hollywood set.
I don't know...maybe I'm just out of touch with reality.
What a wonderful experience. What was the most memorable part? ...for those of us who wish that we could go on trips too, but can't quite find the time or mula… :)
Wow, just when I thought you were going to gloat,,,,,GREAT job remembering why we are so lucky, blessed, and should be grateful.
No more whining about no vacas for me!
Thanks for making me feel lucky today!
What a great post Angie. We have explored some of the "less than savory" areas of Mexico as well. It puts a weird feeling in your tummy. Thanks for taking the time to put that feeling into words.
P.S. How are your eyes?
So true!
Certainly reminds us to be thankful for the things we do have, rather than wish for those we do not. Great photos!
It is always eyeopening to visit a 3rd world country for vacation and see the vast disparity between where you are staying and how the locals live.
I've heard the same stories all over! It's really quite sad. The hotels are so luxurious and then there are people that are hungry all over the place.
Hard to believe somewhere so beautiful can have such a sad "other side"
I remember driving from Mexico back into the USA. I was so greatful for our traffic laws, and our safer drivers.
That is just like MEXICO!! I have pictures that I took that are so similar to your's. Makes you very thankful for everything you have that's for sure.
I've never been out of our country but my parents are in Mexico quite often. She often talks about the kids begging and how she always wants to bring a few of them home with her to give them a better life.
♡ Wow... It's everywhere you go unfortunately! So grateful for all that we have!!!
Makes me glad for the dinner I have to cook, he laundry I need to get done and the rooms with windows I need to finally put together.
Thanks for the reminder Angie. I really REALLY needed it. :)
thanks for the reminder. it makes me enormously grateful for all that i do have and forces me to forget about all of the "needs" that i don't have.
Thanks for showing us the "other side" and reminding us to enjoy the privileges we often take for granted.
We truly are blessed! Great PSF!!
It is great to have these reminders but unfortunate that there are other people living behind them. Have a great weekend!!!
We are truly blessed. I am so grateful for all that we have. Reminders like these help keep it all in perspective.
It is hard to remember that there are many people who don't live like we do, who don't have what we have.
Thank you for showing us the other side.
I remember seeing that when we were there too. It was sad, especially seeing all of the children. Some of them chased after our tour bus. It broke my heart.
It's just sad that all the tourism money isn't helping their economy. Great pictures. I hope you found a great gift!
Yea, You know when we were there in Wilma we found a really nice man who lived in the forest on the side of the beautiful hotel we were staying at. He said that his family were all fine and that they were finding enough food to eat, but he didn't have anything extra for his 6 dogs. We would take our leftover food that the hotel had given us for the last few days of our stay and feed the dogs. It was a really sad picture because we were going home and they were not, they were home, what was left of it!
We truly blessed to live where the poverty isn't as adverse, to have food to eat clothes to wear and many non essentials to play with. It good to have wake up call reminders.
A sad truth.
Okay, two items need discussing.
1. How did your appointment go?
2. Why didn't you respond to my comment about becoming an "Eight Clown Circus"? Was there a reason for that?
Having lived in the Dominican Republic - it is always interesting to hear these experiences. so much more could be said on this, but another time eh?
on another note - I don't understand how if you wrote this story it is hosted by Cecily & MamaGeeK - forgive my stupidity.
oh man, this sort of post really puts life into perspective. Sometimes we American's need to be reminded just how good we have it.
Hawaii was totally like this. All posh and lovely near the fancy beaches. And nearly huts up the North Coast?
Did you throw out change or what?
And here I am trying to make money off my crap? Stupid Americans, is what I say.
I really need to do this Photo Friday, I'd love to get in on that.
And I had to show my husband your lasik post--I'm so sorry! What a freak thing to have happen! He's wanted to get it for years now but his eyes are so bad that he's not a candidate.
Thanks Angie. I needed that reminder. Bali was like that. Dru and I ended up giving all our spare money to the people. We came back off our honeymoon with nothing!
there's some perspective for ya.
We are so very blessed to live where we live, perspective is good!
THOSE are another sight you should ahre about you trip.
believe me, you'll find so many such sights in Indonesia :(
Thanks for sharing this side. So often it is invisible or ignored because it is unpleasant . . .
So true Angie. We all need to be thankful!
Looks like a fabulous vacation!! I love the swimming hole, and I'm very glad you eye appointment went well....
I for one love your vacation pictures. Share all you want. This is a real reality check.
I remember driving through villages like that going to ChichenItza. It certainly is a reminder to us to count our many blessings, and to BE HAPPY with what we have.
I remember seeing some of that there. Isn't it a stark contrast to all the posh resorts? A city divided...if only it was the only one.
Makes you feel guilty to be on vacation doesn't it. I try not to haggle with poor people over their wares, I know you can get them to come down in price, but really, it's so insignificant to us, and so much to them. It's a sad world we live in.
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