The sun was shining and it was incredible outside. That alone should have made me euphoric since I had only been outside for a total of 5 minutes in 2 1/2 months, yet I was still sad. The world seemed incredibly large after spending so much time in an 12X20 room. As we "jolted" along in the car my insides physically felt like they were being pulled out. After all that I had been through to get my babies, it didn't seem right that I had just left them.
When we passed the downtown village and I heard Christmas music playing I started to cry. The music reminded me that I had spent a whole season in the hospital. I had been gone from my children and husband for 10 weeks, and as the long awaited reunion neared, I was coming home hunched over, split open and with empty arms. I had nothing to offer. I couldn't lift my children, my physical interaction with them had to limited, I was in pain, and I wasn't bringing their brothers home with me.
But that isn't entirely true. I actually had a lot of offer. I had open arms and a heart full of love. And I had stories of the babies in the neonatal intensive care unit. I felt gratitude when I saw my healthy children playing and I walked in the house and saw it full of people and flowers to welcome me. I felt incredibly blessed to have my husband help me over the threshold and know that through it all, he was my rock, that I had come home.

That would have been incredibly difficult. You are a strong woman.
This is a great entry. Such real emotions I can feel them.
I remember the day I left my girls in the hospital too and it still hurts to think about. We are just not built to do that!
Beautiful post Angie! I tried to imagine how excited your older 3 kids must have been to see you when you came home. Your open arms, kisses and hugs must have meant the world to them.
You wrenched on my heart with this post! I can't imagine how that must have been.
♥ I can only imagine how difficult that would be. Going through all the pain of having you children and yet not being able to bring them home with you right off! I'm so happy for you that they are healthy and strong now!!!
Oh Angie, Having to leave my boys in the NICU was THE hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Leaving the hospital with empty arms when there should be 2 babies in one should have to do that. I DID appreciate the rest and recovery I was able to get for 9 days to heal from the C/S though!
Oh Angie, Having to leave my boys in the NICU was THE hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Leaving the hospital with empty arms when there should be 2 babies in one should have to do that. I DID appreciate the rest and recovery I was able to get for 9 days to heal from the C/S though!
Oh Angie, Having to leave my boys in the NICU was THE hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Leaving the hospital with empty arms when there should be 2 babies in one should have to do that. I DID appreciate the rest and recovery I was able to get for 9 days to heal from the C/S though!
Oh Angie, Having to leave my boys in the NICU was THE hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Leaving the hospital with empty arms when there should be 2 babies in one should have to do that. I DID appreciate the rest and recovery I was able to get for 9 days to heal from the C/S though!
I've wondered about how hard that would be to have a child in the NICU and have to divide your time between seeing them there and taking care of your other children at home. How hard!
I can definitely relate. Although, I'll never be able to put my thoughts down on paper as beautifully and expressively as you have done here. Good job!
Oh Angie...That was amazing. I still feel that bittersweet feeling I felt on that ride home from the hospital when reading was the best and worst 10minutes of my life. I just wept the whole way. You have written about it so beautifully.
What a gift you have with the written word. You have such a way of describing events, etc. that I feel like I am there. Thanks again for sharing your gift and yourself.
Beautiful and so familiar!
I can't imagine how hard that must have been. I had a little one in the transitional room for just 36 hours and I felt ripped in two trying to be the mother I needed to be to both of my children.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Boy Angie...I can't even imagine what that must have been like for you! You are sooo strong! I am so glad to see those happy and healthy little boys now! What a blessing!
Your words took me right back to that moment in time for me too. I get sick to my stomach just thinking of it. It was very emotional to me and still is. Well written.
I'm glad that Are You Serious's comment let us know that there was a happy ending. You captured what every mother would feel in that situation perfectly.
That would be such an emotionally complex situation. I'm happy for you that all of you were finally able to get home.
God bless you. I can't imagine going through what you did.
I am so sorry you had to do that. I had a 28 weeker and had to leave her in the NICU for 6 weeks. I know how very difficult it is. And the difficulty is increased when you have children at home too, because you are being pulled in 2 directions at a time when you just want to hold your babies!
Beautiful post. I can relate. My son spent his first 8 weeks in the ICU...our homecoming was also bittersweet...
I am so SO sorry. We had to leave our baby at the hospital too. I remember feeling so torn between my child at home and my child at the hospital. There is no winning. How are your boys now? I hope they are healthy. I'm adding your button. You are my new hero.
To too know this feel. With my triplets, I was hospitalized for 5 weeks before they were born. I always felt like to had to choose between my children. I have a young 2 year old left at home but I had to so what was best for the unborn babies I carried. It just ripped my heat apart.
And then to come home, but leave my babies in the hospital...I have never felt so incomplete. Thankful our time a part was not so long, I can't imagine how people do it for triplet digit days.
Having to leave my first born in the hospital with Jaundice was gut wrenching...I so completely understand how you must have felt...thank you for sharing...
I only have 2 words - Amazingly strong.
I can't imagine what it is like to leave the hospital without your babies. Thank you for sharing this with us.
wow. you described that so eloquently. you're wonderful!
What a beautiful post!!! This posted caused a great stir of emotions in me. I felt similar feelings the first day that my husband forced me to leave the hospital when my daughter was in the NICU.
You made me cry so early in the day! Wonderful post.
This post is so poignant. I too had to go home from the hospital empty handed, leaving my baby in the NICU. Because I couldn't hold her very much while I was in the hospital nor rest with her upon my chest like I did with my son after he was born, I took to holding a stuffed pink bear. Crazy, I know but it gave me something to 'hold'.
After I left the hospital, I remember life as a blur of activity. Loving and caring for my son every spare moment I had, pumping breast milk, running back and forth to the hospital. I was exhausted but eventually my little girl came home and has thrived ever since.
Thank you for helping me remember my resiliency. :-)
I cannot even imagine how heart wrenching that must have been for you! You older 3 must have been SO excited to see you! Great post, great blog! I just came here via SITS. So glad I found this blog. I thought I was one of the only crazies with 5 kids!
Now I have to go back and read from the beginning.
Love your blog!
I had to leave my last in the NICU as well. It's a whole different experience leaving the hospital with empty arms. Very well said.
What a beautiful way to remember a somewhat painful event. You write very well.
Thank you for sharing this beautifully written post my SITS sister.
SO hard, but I am so glaad they are all with you know... Good job MOM!
You sound like an amazing woman! I can't even begin to imagine how hard that would be. Your blog is beautiful!
Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing this bittersweet moment.
Beautiful and heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing your story. It must have been an emotional situtation! Funny what our mind makes us feel until we see what is true through our eyes!
That's so healthy that you are still able to see the good things, the blessings in life despite all the hardship.
Beautifully written. Looks like it made us all a little more grateful today. Even for the little things.
That is very sweet.
I can't imagine how hard that would have been. I was telling my mom just today how sometimes I feel like such a jerk when I complain about how much my kids are driving me crazy. They are home and safe and yes, a little out of control, but some people don't have that luxury.
You blessed me with this post.
This made me cry. It was beautifully written. Today I sit hear waiting while my baby sister sits in a hospital waiting to see if she will be put on bed rest until closer to her due date in Oct.
That must've been a very hard time for you. It is amazing what we go through. I'm happy for you that you have a good family!
Thanks for sharing this beautifully written account of what I'm sure was a difficult time.
How heartbreaking and bittersweet.
I'm glad the boys are home now and in good health.
Kids have the ability to steal our hearts so quickly and totally take us over. It's both good and bad!
This was well written. Thank you for sharing!!
what a sad but sweet story...
Wow, such an emotional entry. Your words are beautiful
I had to leave my youngest at the hospital too. Thankfully it was only for 3 days. But I was such a mess! And then all those feelings came back when my daughter had to leave her first born at the hospital too.
rejoicing in the little things - literally. thanks for the cry - i needed it.
I love this post - it spoke volumes in such a short space.
Wow...this makes me think how we often take for granted just leaving the hospital with our baby.
Heartbreaking...thanks for sharing...
I love the way you write. this is a lovely story.
It must have been beyond difficult. Life as a mother seems so filled with such bittersweet moments.
Wow, thanks for sharing this.
Wow, raw yet real emotions. Those are just as important to remember as the good ones.
Thanks for sharing with us.
I admire your strength. I really do.
((BIG HUGS)) that must've been hard.
So much emotion packed into such a short post. Very touching.
I share in your joy/heartache. I had a very similar experience. Love this post. You're not alone!
Very emotional, very heart warming. You painted a picture in our hearts. Blessings, marlene
Wow. I can't even imagine this. How cruel to have to go home without the babies. I've often thought about this and how mothers handle it. What a raw look into the answer.
I spent 6 weeks in the hospital and 10 weeks on home health care.. 30 weeks miserable. Everytime Spring rolls around I remember the Spring I missed.
This is such a beautiful and poignant post. Sigh. I just heart your blog.
A beautiful and poignant post.
My twins were born 5 weeks early and spent two weeks in the hospital. I was lucky, in that it was in New Zealand and mothers were then entitled to at least a two week stay afer having their baby/babies.
I got to stay with them for those two weeks. I can't imagine how I would have felt if I'd had to go home and leave them behind..
Wow. Bittersweet is an understatement.
Your post is so heartfelt, and the bittersweetness comes right though the screen to touch me and leave me feeling just an iota of the pain and joy you describe.
I haven't found your blog when you wrote this. this is so touching...
**sigh** YOU are simply amazing. The best mom ever!
That was such a beautiful post. I can only imagine how hard it must have been to leave your babies at the hospital. That is thankfully one experience I've never had to go through.
I just can't even the angst of your entire situation. I had never heard of Monoamniotic twins so I visited your other website; what an ordeal, but seeing those 2 red headed adorable boys brought such a smile to my face.
Bittersweet indeed. What a hard thing that must have been for you. Lovely post.
Found you on SITS! I can relate I had 27 weekers. Twin boys. Coming home with empty arms was THE hardest part, I think. I am happy to have found your blog and plan to follow :)
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