There is only one place that I can stand clutter. It's my nightstand, and it can only be books. Stacks and stacks of books. The library is one of my very favorite places to go. I take my kids at least once a week, and I hope it instills a love of reading in them. If not, I hope it teaches them to take advantage of the incredible FREE resource that it is. Books, movies, music, cultural passes, information, activities. All free, and just waiting to be taken advantage of. I could write a book on all the resources available at the library and still not tap into everything that it has to offer. I particularly love my cities library. I can go online and reserve any book I want. Then, once it has been pulled from the shelf or sent in from elsewhere, they send me an email notice that my book is ready to be picked up. Then, a few days before my articles are due I get an email notice that they are due. I really couldn't ask for more than that. I've said this before, but I LOVE books. I love that there is a book for every season, mood, whim. Right now I'm on a murder mystery kick. Love Mary Higgins Clark because her books have great plots, are easy to read but are as clean as a murder mystery can possibly be. Some weeks I can't stand "easy" reads and only want the classics or non fiction. Take Henry James for example. Most days I don't have the patience or serenity to read something like Portrait of a Lady. Or Fyodor Dostoevsky. I love a murder mystery, but it almost killed me to get through Crime and Punishment. I really like Leo Tolstoy though.....Or the Transendentalist writers. Like Emily Dickinson, can tolerate Thoreau but really don't have the energy for Emerson. Isn't it great though that there is something out there for everyone? If I had all the time in the world, I'd spend a lot more of it at the library, and next time I have "alone" time and all my errands are run, you can bet I'll be at the library.
If there's clutter.....